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Ophthalmology (Eye Care) Worldwide: Best Hospitals, Doctors, Options, & Cost

Over 2.2 billion people worldwide suffer from eye diseases prone to progression and threatening vision loss. Vision gives a person up to 80% of the information about the outside world. Even minimal visual impairments significantly reduce the quality of life. Therefore, any ophthalmology intervention requires jewelry precision. The slightest mistake can become irreparable.

Many hospitals for eye care have good diagnostic and surgical tools. But they all have different ideas about how to treat various eye diseases. For example, some doctors have done good research on how to treat glaucoma. Other ophthalmologists can fix even the most challenging cases of strabismus and astigmatism. The doctors in the third group are experts in keratoconus and other ophthalmology problems.

Not all clinics can provide a full range of services, from diagnostics to comprehensive eye treatments. It is difficult to say how many opportunities to regain vision were missed for this reason. That is why an ophthalmology clinic should be chosen with all seriousness.

Update: Oct 19, 2024

Best eye clinics

How to select the best eye hospital?

Finding a good eye clinic can be challenging. The quality of care and pricing policies can vary greatly. Check the reputation of eye clinics on the AiroMedical platform by online reviews of previous patients. Ensuring that the best eye specialists at your chosen center are qualified to perform the required procedure is essential. The center should have cataracts, glaucoma, refractive pathology, fundus diseases, and retina treatment specialists.

Knowing what medical services it provides is essential when looking for an ophthalmology clinic. Patients who visit specialized eye centers receive comprehensive modern diagnostics and medical care. These clinics possess unique equipment for proper diagnosis and a full range of treatment options. Turn to clinics that offer clinical trials as part of their service.

AiroMedical helps you choose the most suitable clinic to handle your medical requirements efficiently. It is crucial for complex cases that demand exceptional surgical methods or innovative technologies.

Best eye specialists

University Hospital Rechts der Isar Munich
otolaryngology, head and neck surgery, plastic-reconstructive surgery, oncology and immunology
ATOS Orthopedic Clinic Munich
reconstructive, plastic and aesthetics surgery, hand and burn surgery
Park Clinic Weissensee Berlin
plastic surgery, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery
Park Clinic Weissensee Berlin
otolaryngology, allergology and plastic surgery
Beta Clinic Bonn
plastic, cosmetic and aesthetic surgery
University Hospital Frankfurt am Main
oral and maxillofacial, facial plastic and reconstructive surgery, dentistry

How to choose the highest-rated ophthalmologist?

To effectively treat eye diseases, choosing the right eye specialist is crucial. However, this decision should not be made randomly. The quality of ophthalmology services largely relies on the doctor's experience and tenure. Doctors must continually enhance their skills through training and scientific research, which is reinforced by their medical practice. Location and price factors can be additional criteria for your choice.

The latest technologies allow ophthalmologists to perform highly complex operations on the eye's cornea, retina, and iris. Some eye surgeons specialize in corneal transplantation surgery and retinal implantation, so selecting a physician skilled in the necessary techniques for treating your specific eye condition is recommended.

A good eye doctor should know several treatment methods and communicate clearly with the patient. With AiroMedical, you can find and book appointments and treatment with a renowned ophthalmologist from our list of top eye doctors worldwide.

Up-to-date ophthalmological diagnostics

Cataracts, glaucoma, lens replacement, retinal detachment, astigmatism, corneal transplantation, and vision correction – patients seek eye care abroad with such and many other problems.

Best eye clinics can offer the following diagnostic benefits

The low percentage of medical errors
In countries with more developed medicine, erroneous diagnoses are at most 1-2 %. Doctors in leading ophthalmology clinic often change the diagnosis given to a patient in his native country.
Large ophthalmology hospitals are the base of research centers
Due to the close interaction of scientific and therapeutic departments of university clinics, innovative eye care methods are immediately introduced into daily practice. In addition, many outstanding doctors are engaged in scientific activities and work directly in clinics.
Availability of modern diagnostic equipment
It may not be available in countries with less developed medicine. In countries where the state finances medicine well, there are all conditions for research and innovation. New ways of combating ophthalmology diseases are being tested here, advanced equipment is used, diagnostics here are more accurate, and the choice of eye care methods is wider.

Early diagnosis is critical for effective eye care for many diseases, such as glaucoma, cataracts, and others. Digital images of the fundus, biomicroscopy, ultrasound, corneal topography, electroretinography, etc., allow doctors to determine the exact causes of violations of normal eye functioning.

The latest diagnostic tools

Broad optical coherence tomography
This technique is non-contact and painless, and it enables to capture images of various parts of the eye, including the retina, optic nerve, and anterior segment. It helps identify various eye conditions, such as glaucoma, retinal issues, and optic nerve pathologies.
Visual field testing
The eye exams consist of setting the boundaries of the visual fields for each eye up and down, right and left, and identifying visual defects within these boundaries. This examination helps to analyze changes in the visual field and determine the location of any pathological process.
Electrophysiological examinations
Studies such as electrooculography and electroretinography are used to evaluate the visual abilities of patients. These tests involve stimulating the eyes and observing their response to the stimuli.
Ultrasound of the eye
During the diagnosis, the specialist studies the structural features of the retina, muscles, and lens. With its help, the slightest changes in the eyeball are studied, the structure of muscles is evaluated, and pathological formations are determined.
Fluorescent angiography
A contrast X-ray exam can help detect damage to blood vessels in the eye. A contrast agent is used to highlight these areas. This method helps diagnose retinopathy in children, night blindness, eye tumors, and retinal structural problems in adults.
Corneal topography
This diagnostic tool provides a detailed overview of the corneal surface, indicating healthy and abnormal areas through a color-coded map. The map is unique to each individual and can be used to develop an effective treatment plan tailored to the patient's needs.

Diagnosing in leading countries with developed eye care, like Germany, Israel, Austria, and Italy, can be the first step toward restoring your vision completely.

Advanced treatment solutions in eye care

Modern clinics use state-of-the-art equipment to visualize even the most minor structures of the retina and anterior cameras. These hospitals have advanced technology that can fully analyze potential eye problems and adapt treatment to each patient's needs without overwhelming them.

The most popular methods of eye treatments

Surgery to remove all or part of the vitreous body (a transparent gel filling the eye cavity). The vitreous body is replaced with saline solution, a gas-air mixture, or silicone oil during the procedure. Treating eye injuries, retinal detachment, retinal vascular diseases, and vitreous turbidity with bleeding may be necessary.
Laser technique aimed at treating glaucoma; performed using an Argón laser. It consists in removing the clogged area from the eye fluid outflow system. Instead, additional holes are formed through which the liquid will seep into the capillaries, which normalizes intraocular pressure.
Cataract surgery
The main goal of these procedures is to remove the cloudy lens through a small hole and replace it with an intraocular or trifocal lens. Laser cataract removal takes only 5 minutes and doesn't need stitches or incisions. Vision is typically restored within a few hours after the procedure.
Corneal transplantation
Microsurgery, during which the doctor replaces the damaged corneal tissue with an artificial or donor implant. Top eye surgeons often perform this procedure for severe inflammation, burns, fungal tissue lesions, or post-traumatic scars.

Progressive eye care methods

Non-contact vision correction with a laser beam. The eye is not exposed to any mechanical action, and microsurgical instruments do not come into contact with the eye, so there is no risk of infection. The same day, the patient can already read without discomfort.
Presby Lasik
Laser vision correction for patients with farsightedness. The doctor corrects the cornea, giving it a shape that can be compared with multifocal glasses. As a result, approximately 70% of patients, after eye treatments, have no difficulty viewing near and far objects and can completely abandon lenses or glasses.
Phakic lenses
They are implanted into the eye without removing the lens and become a full-fledged part of the organ of vision. As a result, vision is restored in the first hours after the procedure. Eye treatments are perfect for people with high farsightedness, myopia, or astigmatism.
Lens replacement
Microsurgical treatment of glaucoma and cataracts. After eye treatments, intraocular pressure is normalized. The operation also allows for restoring good vision to patients with a high degree of myopia and farsightedness.

Doctors abroad use innovative eye care methods for the youngest patients, making it possible to eliminate visual defects painlessly and unnoticeably for the child. For example, in the best ophthalmology clinics worldwide, congenital cataracts and glaucoma, keratoconus, nystagmus (involuntary eye movements), strabismus, amblyopia ("lazy" eye), and other diseases are successfully treated.

Unique treatment options

Specialists of foreign ophthalmology clinics are constantly developing and implementing new unique methods of eye care. Among them:

Implanted telescope
A unique pea-sized device improves patients' vision with the last stage of age-related macular degeneration. A miniature telescope is implanted in one eye to expand central vision over the area of the damaged retina. The second eye provides peripheral vision for mobility and orientation.
Nano Retina
Artificial retina to restore vision in people with blindness, including diabetic retinal atrophy. This model functions like a photocell, where a polymer material is used to repair damaged retinal cells. When exposed to light electromagnetic waves, the polymer generates electrical impulses transmitted to the cells below, ultimately restoring vision.
Stem cell therapy
Stem cells derived from the fat restore nerve fibers and contribute to creating a new vascular network. This technology allows you to avoid blindness with optic nerve atrophy, slow the disease's development and improve the patient's quality of life.
Electrical stimulation therapy
Electric current can stimulate partially damaged retinal cells and improve signal conduction to the brain. Treatment increases preserved retinal cells' functionality and optic nerve activity. It has successfully aided patients with vision loss caused by optic nerve atrophy, retinal diseases, stroke, injuries, or brain tumors.
Electronic glasses "Amblysis"
These glasses are made for children between the ages of 3 and 10 with impaired vision in one eye, also known as "lazy eye" or amblyopia. They have special liquid crystal lenses that periodically become less transparent, encouraging the child to use both eyes. This process is painless, does not cause discomfort, and does not affect the child's self-confidence.

Laser vision correction eliminates the problem of myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism under local anesthesia for 20-30 minutes. At the same time, the risk of complications is lowered to zero, and the recovery period is reduced to 1 day.

Cost of ophthalmology treatment

Advantages of medical tourism

At AiroMedical, the patient is guaranteed the highest level of eye care. Professionals will help choose a specific ophthalmology center or doctor and solve all organizational issues of the trip, taking into account the wishes of the patient, the financial component, and other necessary conditions. Specialists from the best eye clinics will help you cure even the most complex and rare diseases.

All the advantages and privileges of eye care abroad that foreign patients will discover can be briefly listed as follows:

Reasons to consider ophthalmology abroad

That is perhaps the main reason and is especially relevant for citizens of developed countries, such as the USA and the UK, with expensive private medicine. The costs of ophthalmology operations are not compensated by insurance in those countries.
The necessary eye treatments may not be available at the patient's residence or do not inspire confidence in him, for example, vision care in developing countries.
Another advantage of medical tourism for ophthalmology is immediate access to medical services with a waiting period close to zero. That is often associated with a long waiting list, especially in the UK or Canadian healthcare system.
Refers to eye care services that may be possible, affordable, and economical but are not acceptable in any country or environment for various religious, political, or other social reasons.
Additional factors
That may be better eye care, technology, and specialists or be caused by exceptional service and more personal attention to the patient abroad than in their own country.

AiroMedical has an extensive database of ophthalmology clinics. We will choose a hospital and a doctor specializing in your disease and prepare an individual offer from several ones ready to receive the patient immediately.

Cooperation with AiroMedical will help you to focus on restoring vision without being distracted by extraneous matters. Entrust your eyes to the best professionals; the world will sparkle with colors for you again!

How AiroMedical can help you

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