Comprehensive Basic Examination + Gastroscopy with sedation | Check-Up Package at Centro Médico Teknon
Barcelona, Spain

Age group
Type of care
About the offer
What’s included
Medical service
- clinical history-taking
- medical records review
- physical examination
- therapist's consultation
- consultation with an otolaryngologist
- consultation with an ophthalmologist
- consultation with an urologist (for males) or gynecologist (for females)
- complete blood count (CBC)
- oncological markers
- proteinogram
- urinalysis
- chest X-ray
- complete heart examination: electrocardiogram, heart ultrasound, stress test, cardio scanning, angiographic computed tomography.
- examination of the vascular system: ultrasound of the arteries and veins of the legs to determine the places of narrowing and possible expansion of the veins
- computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen and pelvis
- gastroscopy with sedation
- ENT examination: audiometry and fibroscopy
- eye examination: autorefractometry and fundus examination
- urological examination (for males): uroflowmetry and ultrasound
- gynecological examination (for females): ultrasound, mammography, cytology
- cost of essential materials
- nursing service
- discharge medical records
- further recommendations
Extra add-ons
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Carrer de Vilana, 12, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, 08022 Barcelona, Spain
What is the cost?
The total price for Comprehensive Basic Examination + Gastroscopy with sedation | Check-Up Package at Centro Médico Teknon is €2,970. However, it can vary from the specifics of each case. Get in touch to get an individual estimate.
What is the rating of the offer?
Comprehensive Basic Examination + Gastroscopy with sedation | Check-Up Package at Centro Médico Teknon is rated as 9.90 by AiroMedical.
Who is offering a deal?
The provider is Teknon Medical Centre Barcelona.
Individual cost estimate. Non-binding 100% free assessment.