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AiroMedical team
The primary goal of AiroMedical is to help our patients and world-leading doctors find each other. Every day we work to deserve your trust.

Management and medical board
The AiroMedical concept puts quality and medical responsibility first. Our advisory board is made up of medical doctors who specialise in different fields. These doctors are responsible for case assessment, treatment evaluation, hospitals & the approval of medical content.
Customer service
Part of our promise to patients is a smooth and well-organised journey to and from the location where they will receive treatment. We believe that real human contact can not be replaced by any support bot. Our experienced managers stay in contact with patients during the entire journey, from the beginning to the end.
Technical support
AiroMedical strives to be a simple and user-friendly medical platform for all potential patients. Our entire team - developers, analysts, marketers, translators and designers - work tirelessly to ensure that the platform runs smoothly 24/7.