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Best hospitals for treatment in Turkey

We found 125 clinics in Turkey. AiroMedical ranks among 541 hospitals based on the annual qualification report, the number of procedures performed and patients treated, success and complication rate, equipment, experience, and awards. Need to talk to a real person? Our medical team is ready to help 24/7.

Today, Turkey attracts tourists from all over the world, not only with its first-class resorts. In recent years, the medical tourism industry has been actively developing here, inviting patients to clinics equipped with state-of-the-art equipment.

According to the Numbeo global study, based on comprehensive surveys of people worldwide, Turkish healthcare is in a leading position ahead of Sweden, the USA, and the UAE. In modern hospitals in Turkey, both private and public, the level of services is comparable to Germany and Israel. At the same time, medical treatment in Turkey is significantly cheaper.

Below, we will talk about the Turkish healthcare system, which makes it possible to gain health and not go broke.

Features of the Turkish medical system

The government of the country is actively engaged in the development of medicine. Serious sums are allocated annually, up to 7% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). New hospitals in Turkey are being built throughout the country. The health insurance system provides medicine availability for citizens and foreigners.

The entire healthcare system and related structures are managed by the Ministry of Health, which is responsible for the availability of medical treatment in Turkey, the construction of new public hospitals, and the control of private ones. In addition, the Ministry regulates the prices of medicines and controls pharmacies, production, and pharmaceutical licensing.

All hospitals in Turkey wishing to participate in medical tourism must have accreditation by the Joint Commission International (JCI). There are 48 JCI-licensed organizations/hospitals in Turkey, and with this indicator, Turkey ranks second in the world. Most of these accredited institutions are located in Istanbul. As a result, Istanbul ranks first in the number of certified hospitals in Turkey and the number of medical tourism services.

In total, more than 1.200 hospitals in Turkey – 55% of them are controlled by the Ministry of Health. The rest belong to universities, private companies, and research centers, which also strictly control the clinics. Most hospitals in Turkey have received local and international JCI, JACHO, and ISO accreditation, and some are branches of Western network healthcare institutions.

In addition to the usual hospitals in Turkey, there are specialized centers where specific ailments are treated. For example, oncological centers, cardiology clinics, reproductive medicine and in vitro fertilization clinics, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, dentistry, and many others.

Best field of medical treatment in Turkey

The main areas of medical tourism are ophthalmology, orthopedics, traumatology, otorhinolaryngology, gynecology, general surgery, skin and venereal diseases (dermatology), and pediatrics. Recently, Turkey has made significant progress in dentistry, plastic medical procedures, and hair transplantation. The variety of medical services attracts tourists to medical treatment in Turkey.

At the highest level are conducted:

  • organ and bone marrow transplantation;
  • joint replacement;
  • coronary artery bypass grafting;
  • deep brain stimulation and tumor removal by neurosurgeons;
  • courses of reproductive medical treatment in Turkey;
  • eye surgery and dental implantation in one day.

Medical tourism to Turkey is in demand to correct the shortcomings of appearance. Plastic surgeons have a lot of experience. Professional care makes rehabilitation easy, fast, and successful. Unique mud and thermal waters effectively treat psoriasis, eczema, acne, and other skin diseases.

Oncology medical treatment in Turkey

Turkish doctors rely on minimally invasive medical treatment. They remove even complex tumors laparoscopically (DaVinci robot surgeon) and apply innovative, gentle methods of radio and chemotherapy, with a high-precision effect on cancer and without harm to healthy tissues.

The ultramodern Cyberknife technique is widely used for cancer medical treatment in Turkey. The computerized system allows surgeons to remove small cancer foci without affecting healthy cells. This technique practically does not cause side effects, making the recovery process after medical treatment in Turkey much shorter. This technique is actively used in Turkey to treat spinal cord and brain diseases. The Cyberknife system allows you to remove even minor neoplasms in remote parts of the patient's body.

Ophthalmological medical treatment in Turkish hospitals

Here, a quick and painless correction of vision is carried out by laser exposure. As a result, lens replacement and other complex surgical interventions are successfully carried out in Turkey. At the same time, the quality of medical tourism services corresponds to the European level, and prices are about two times lower.

Neurosurgery medical tourism in Turkey

Many neuralgic diseases and pathologies are successfully treated in hospitals in Turkey using robotic systems. Patients with Parkinson's disease restore essential brain functions in 3-5 days thanks to deep brain stimulation.

Plastic surgery

A popular branch of medical tourism in Turkey. All types of plastic surgery are done here qualitatively - abdominoplasty, facelift, eyelid lifting options, and liposuction. In addition, women often go to local clinics for breast augmentation and correction, and men — for hair transplantation.

In Vitro Fertilization

Turkish doctors have found the perfect balance between the quality and cost of artificial insemination medical treatment in Turkey. Interestingly, according to the results of IVF, the number of cases ending in pregnancy and successful delivery exceeds the same percentage in popular clinics in Europe. Hospitals in Turkey give women under 35 a 60% guarantee that the embryo will take root and the pregnancy will end with childbirth.

Transplantology in Turkey

More than 3.000 internal organ transplants are performed daily in hospitals in Turkey. The legislation allows foreigners to use distant relatives as donors. Turkey is one of the few countries where liver and kidney transplants are performed for infants weighing up to 10 kg. The liver, bone marrow, and kidneys are most successfully transplanted. Turkish doctors perform bone marrow transplant operations with a high success rate (90-95%).

Orthopedics medical treatment in Turkey

High-tech methods solve orthopedic problems. Their distinctive feature is a short rehabilitation period, successful restoration of functions, and the number of complications reduced to the most minimal indicators. Knee and hip joints are most successfully replaced.

Cardiac medical treatment in Turkey

Doctors in hospitals in Turkey successfully work with coronary artery bypass grafting and perform surgical medical treatment on a working heart.

In addition to these areas of work, there are masses of highly specialized areas and manipulations in hospitals in Turkey, where specialists have achieved unsurpassed success. All of them are popular in medical tourism.

In addition, medical tourism in other areas is in demand here: diagnostics, gynecology, and gastroenterology. Furthermore, many people come to Turkey for rehabilitation after operations in other countries or for regular medical treatment in Turkey of chronic diseases — the climate and the developed service sector contribute to this.

Diagnosis in Turkey

Any high-quality and effective medical treatment in Turkey should begin with a timely and accurate diagnosis.

The most popular examination programs in hospitals in Turkey are check-up complexes that allow you to get detailed information about your health in a short time (from 3-5 hours to 4 days) and take timely measures to eliminate diseases.

General therapeutic diagnostics and medical treatment in Turkey allow you to identify early-stage pathologies, detect risk factors and prevention, and clarify the diagnosis. As a result, the patient receives accurate and comprehensive information about his body and recommendations on medical treatment in Turkey. In leading hospitals in Turkey, you can undergo comprehensive examinations in any direction – from general therapeutic programs to gastroenterological, cardiological, urological, and oncological diagnostics examinations for men or women.

The average cost of medical treatment in Turkey

Although people from abroad come to Turkey for medical treatment mainly because of the high level of medical care, the relatively low cost of services remains no less significant.

According to the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) index of the cost of medical services, Turkey has the lowest indicators and an index of 41 out of 100. In the EU, the average is 91, and the US is among the countries with a high score of 115. On the other hand, Switzerland has the highest value – 115.

With a high level of medical tourism, their cost in Turkey is lower than in the USA and Europe. Depending on the disease and the clinic, you can save up to 40%. Contact us in any way convenient for you, and our consultant will tell you the prices for treatment.

All-inclusive medical tourism in Turkey

The popularity of medical tourism in Turkey is due to essential factors:

  • affordable price;
  • accurate, narrowly focused diagnostics;
  • express programs for a complete examination;
  • high-quality medical treatment in Turkey;
  • the possibility of combining the main course with general wellness and recreation.

The convenient geographical location, unique climate, and extensive experience in medical tourism make your stay in the country comfortable.

Foreigners make the most popular medical tours to Turkey to treat oncological diseases. High-tech qualified services for bone marrow transplantation, organ transplantation, and microsurgery are no less in demand. Aesthetic surgery, especially hair transplantation, has become the hallmark of Turkish medical tourism. Turkey has become the world capital for this service in the last decade.

There are famous resorts with hot springs in Turkey. One of them is Pamukkale, located in the southwest of the country. On its territory, there are 17 natural geothermal springs with a high concentration of calcium oxide and water temperature from +35 to +100 ° C. It treats lumbago, rheumatism, rickets, cardiovascular, nervous, skin, and gastrointestinal diseases, and psoriasis and relieves fatigue and stress.

Tourists coming for medical treatment in Turkey and pensioners wishing to live in the Southern Republic usually opt for Istanbul or Antalya, where the level of medicine is growing every day. Ankara, Izmir, Bursa, Mugla, and Aydin are among the top ten cities that weigh the field of medical tourism in Turkey.


In Istanbul, the metropolis of Turkey, fifty-five public hospitals, five university clinics, and one hundred and six private hospitals and clinics provide medical tourism services, of which twenty-three are accredited. The best-accredited hospitals in Turkey:

In addition, alternative medical tourism is provided at the thermal springs in Tuzla.


Ankara is the capital of the country. Thirty-nine public hospitals in Turkey, ten university clinics, and twenty-nine private hospitals, seven accredited, provide medical tourism services. Accredited hospitals in Turkey:

In addition, there are three hot springs in the region. Furthermore, eight thermal sanatorium resorts have been built to provide people with these healing waters.


Izmir will give you rich wellness medical tourism. Health services are provided by fourteen public hospitals, three university clinics, and eleven private hospitals and clinics.

There are also thermal health springs in the region, one of the natural medical treatment methods. Medical tourism is provided at three hot springs and seven thermal spa resorts.


In Antalya, medical tourism services are provided by thirteen public and fifteen private hospitals, one of which is accredited. Accredited hospitals of Antalya:


In Bursa, medical tourism services are provided in six public and eight private hospitals, three of which are accredited. Accredited medical institutions of Bursa:

Bursa is an affluent area for medical tourism in terms of drinking and thermal springs. There are three drinking and eight hot springs of mineral water. Medicinal waters are used to treat many diseases. Seven high-quality thermal resorts provide people with the opportunity to use therapeutic waters.

Medical treatment in Turkey with AiroMedical: all you need to know

Many patients go for rest and medical treatment in Turkey because of the reasonable prices, which are often lower than in the European Union. In addition, of great importance for patients is the absence of problems with paperwork for entry into Turkey.

Today, the healthcare system can offer guests of the country;

  • More than 1.200 modern hospitals in Turkey;
  • 660 complexes with thermal waters;
  • 270 SPA complexes;
  • The most significant number of clinics with JCI accreditation;
  • Affordable prices for medical tourism – medical treatment in Turkey will be cheaper than in Europe, Spain, or Israel.

Find out more about the cost of medical treatment in Turkey by filling out the contact form on the website of AiroMedical. Our experienced specialists will help you choose the right clinic and make a personalized program of examinations and medical treatment in hospitals in Turkey.

What do I need to be treated in hospitals in Turkey?

To do this, you need to decide on the choice of an institution and a doctor, agree with the institution and go to the country at the appointed time.

Numerous hotels will provide comfortable accommodations during medical treatment in Turkey. You can book a room or rent an apartment. In addition, some hospitals in Turkey have built guest houses for patients on the territory. For fast and comfortable movement, you can use buses, for very long distances - air transport, while the prices are very affordable. But for the safe storage of valuables, it is better to use the security deposit box rental service.

Almost every clinic employs English-speaking doctors and medical staff who have received certificates from the Turkish Medical Association.

To go for medical treatment and rehabilitation in hospitals in Turkey, you need to leave a request on our website or contact us by phone. First, we will discuss your questions and preferences in treating your disease. Then we will negotiate with hospitals in Turkey and offer you several options for medical tourism in Turkey. Afterward, we will prepare all the necessary documents for you. Throughout the medical treatment in Turkey, we will keep in touch with you – it is essential that you feel comfortable and confident and are focused only on recovery!