Size & Capacity
Medium, 191 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
2.9 on Google
The data collected based on 1,822 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
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Büyükşehir, Beylikdüzü Cd. No:3, 34520 Beylikdüzü/İstanbul, Türkiye
Can I have a medical check-up at Medicana International Hospital Istanbul?
Thanks to the high level of knowledge, doctors notice the minor manifestations of the disease, especially cancer, even in the early stages. In addition, multispiral CT, ultrasound, and LINAC, with the possibility of IMRT and PET-CT, allow a more comprehensive understanding of the body's state.
Does the clinic offer CyberKnife in Turkey?
CyberKnife is the method of choice for treating oncological diseases in the hospital, which directs the beams of energy deeply and accurately to the tumor area without damaging excess tissue. In addition, the method does not require incisions and is painless, which is very important.
Is cardiac surgery at a medical center a good choice?
The clinic is one of the best in cardiac care, with MitralClip for Mitral Regurgitation, Mitral Contour System, Mitral Balloon Valvuloplasty, EPS, and TAVI. In addition, doctors go far beyond the scope of the listed services and offer cardiac surgery in Turkey at the international level.

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© Medicana International Hospital Istanbul