Size & Capacity
Medium, 270 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
4.1 on Google
The data collected based on 2,254 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
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Kırcaali, Fevzi Çakmak Cd. No:76, 16220 Osmangazi̇/Bursa, Türkiye
Should I choose VM Medical Park Clinic in Bursa for cardio surgery?
Modern heart catheter laboratories and minimally invasive surgery with minimal incisions, TAVI, and microsurgical operations on vessels make the clinic an excellent place to treat cardiovascular diseases.
Does the clinic treat acute respiratory syndrome?
The hospital has achieved the world's most effective acute respiratory syndrome treatment for children and adults thanks to new ECMO research and technological equipment upgrades. The treatment method helps to avoid artificial lung ventilation, which has infectious complications with long-term use.
Can I treat cancer at the hospital?
Microsurgical techniques, neuronavigation, intraoperative radiation, and access to the latest biological drugs allow the fight against cancer and preserve healthy tissues. An organ-preserving approach with the high experience of doctors avoids long-term rehabilitation and repeated cases in the future.

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© VM Medical Park Hospital Bursa