Find the best robot-assisted surgery doctors in Munich
otolaryngology, head and neck surgery, plastic-reconstructive surgery, oncology and immunology
oral, maxillofacial and reconstructive surgery
general, abdominal, thoracic, oncosurgery, endocrine surgery, and transplantology
urology, uro-onclology, andrology and sexual medicine
general, visceral and transplant surgery, emergency medicine
Questions people ask the most
oral and maxillofacial surgery, head and neck plastic surgery
endocrine surgery, thyroid and adrenal gland surgery
gynecological endocrinology, reproductive medicine, endometriosis and osteoporosis
general, abdominal, endocrine and minimally invasive surgery
esophageal surgery, Barrett esophagus, esophageal cancer, stomach
transplant surgery, kidney transplantation, immunosuppression, transplant failure
general and colorectal surgery, gastrointestinal carcinomas
digitalization in medicine, VR glasses, pancreatic cancer, wound care
colorectal surgery, general, endoscopic and robotic surgery
general surgery, liver and onco-surgery, liver transplant
general and pancreatic surgery, GI tumors, HIPEC
minimally invasive surgery, upper gastrointestinal tract
general surgery, emergency services, chiropractic