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Best hospitals for treatment in Poland

We found 28 clinics in Poland. AiroMedical ranks among 541 hospitals based on the annual qualification report, the number of procedures performed and patients treated, success and complication rate, equipment, experience, and awards. Need to talk to a real person? Our medical team is ready to help 24/7.

Poland is located in Central Europe. This large state borders Germany, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Slovakia, Belarus, and Lithuania and has access to the Baltic Sea. It is a beautiful country with a rich history.

Currently, it is among the popular countries for medical tourism. The country's 1.5 thousand clinics and large hospitals actively accept foreign citizens. Along with the European quality of services, the country is characterized by not too high prices. It is much cheaper to be treated here than in Germany or the USA — prices are 50% lower than in America and 40% lower than in Western Europe.

Below we will tell you about the Polish healthcare system, how a foreigner can come for medical treatment in Poland, and which sanatoriums and hospitals in Poland are considered the best.

Features of the Polish medical system

According to the Polish Constitution, all citizens who have issued an insurance policy have the right to medical treatment in Poland. Furthermore, the state policy applies to all holders of a European passport without exception.

The Polish Ministry of Health manages and regulates medicine and medical tourism in the country. It is supported by the National Health Fund (NHF) regional offices, which guarantee the availability of medical treatment in Poland for residents and foreigners working in the country.

There is a well-connected network of private hospitals in Poland where extra-class specialists work, and the service in such institutions meets the highest standards. But the main burden falls on the public health sector, which is traditionally very developed and well-funded by the state. In Poland, all employed persons and their family members are covered by compulsory health insurance, which the National Health Fund provides.

Among the advantages of medical tourism in Poland:

  • Prices. The cost of diagnosis and treatment in Poland is 30-40% lower than in Western Europe and 50-70% lower than in the USA.
  • Qualified specialists. Doctors in Poland hospitals undergo advanced training in Germany, France, Sweden, Great Britain, USA.
  • Compliance with European standards. Hospitals in Poland are interested in providing the highest quality services to compete with European medical institutions.
  • The ability to combine rest and medical treatment in Poland. There are spas, sea and mountain health resorts, balneological clinics (mineral waters), and salt.

Since 2004, Poland's medical care level has been steadily increasing. The government and other EU countries fund local research in the field of medicine. Doctors practice in advanced European clinics.

Best field of medical treatment in Poland

The quality of medical care in modern Poland will pleasantly surprise any patient. Taking seventh place in the number of SPA and wellness centers, Poland actively promotes a healthy lifestyle, body care, and a constant good mood.

Poland remains one of the leading centers for infertility treatment; a dozen hospitals in Poland using assisted reproductive technologies are located in the country's territory. In addition, there are 160 centers for invasive cardiology. That is the highest rate in Europe. Moreover, the clinical research market in Poland is about 1 billion zlotych. That is 3% of the total clinical research market.

Cancer medical treatment in Poland hospitals

The oncological departments of Polish hospitals use advanced methods for diagnosing the exact stage and type of cancer. They can detect the tumor's location with an accuracy of 2 mm, the presence of metastases up to 1 mm in size, and identify the damage to surrounding tissues.

The latest technologies allow irradiating only malignant formation. That minimizes the impact on healthy organs. Also, unique immunotherapy is used here to fight tumors, activating the human immune system and stopping the pathological cells.

Surgical medical treatment in Polish hospitals

More than 95% of all surgical operations in hospitals in Poland are performed using minimally invasive endoscopic surgery. Interventions are carried out through small incisions and punctures. The doctor gets access to the operated area using thin and flexible endoscopes equipped with a video camera, a light source, and microsurgical instruments for surgical manipulation.

As a result, oncosurgery, plastic surgery, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, and orthopedic surgery are in great demand in Polish medical tourism.

Neurosurgery medical treatment in Poland hospitals

Neurological departments of hospitals in Poland are engaged in treating all nervous system diseases, including such severe ones as Alzheimer's, epilepsy, Parkinson's, and others. Polish neurologists use modern medications and effective non-drug techniques that allow a short time to restore the normal functioning of tissues.

Orthopedics medical treatment in Polish hospitals

Patients from many countries come to Poland to treat various injuries and their consequences. In Polish clinics, fractures and curvature of the spine and inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system are treated, joint replacement operations are performed, intervertebral hernias are removed, and ligaments are restored. After the primary treatment, patients can undergo rehabilitation, allowing them to return to their daily lives faster.

The country also develops other areas – urology, gynecology, pediatrics, gastroenterology, dietetics, etc. As a rule, medical tourism in Poland is words of gratitude from patients for a great job done at an acceptable cost. On our website, you can get acquainted with the reviews of patients treated in hospitals in Poland.

Diagnosis in Poland

As a rule, the diagnosis in Polish clinics lasts 3-4 days, as in most European countries. The first day is a meeting with a doctor. Then, the doctor examines the patient's medical history and directs him to a diagnosis.

The second and third days are various laboratory and instrumental methods, which may include:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • X-ray examinations;
  • CT;
  • specific studies (depending on the disease, for example, myelography, scintigraphy, and so on).

After carrying out all procedures, a team of doctors establishes a diagnosis, based on which they develop an optimal regimen of medical treatment in Poland. This approach allows you to achieve a successful result in the shortest possible time.

The average cost of medical treatment in Poland

First of all, this country attracts prices. The cost of medical treatment in Poland is significantly lower than in Germany and Israel. So, if the standard check-up in Germany costs $4.000, it costs half as much in Poland hospitals. At the same time, healthcare quality in many areas is equal, even to German medicine.

Medical treatment in Poland has a different cost depending on the following factors:

  • varieties of the disease;
  • duration of treatment and stay in the hospitals in Poland;
  • specific diagnostic or therapeutic procedures;
  • the need for rehabilitation, etc.

Most of all, patients are interested in the prices of surgical medical tourism in Poland. It also depends on the complexity of the intervention. So, the simplest operations cost 3-6 thousand euros; complex ones can cost 10 thousand euros or more. For example, cancer therapy in hospitals in Poland (which includes surgery and conservative medical treatment in Poland) costs from 5 to 35 thousand euros, depending on the complexity.

The exact cost of medical treatment in Poland becomes known after all diagnostic procedures.

How about free healthcare?

Medical treatment in Poland can be both paid and free. The policy covers part of the expenses of the state's citizens. In addition, foreigners belonging to one of the following categories are also eligible for free treatment in hospitals in Poland:

  • Officially employed. All employees are insured — the employer pays contributions for them.
  • Family members of the insured. Suppose the father has a policy in the family. In that case, it is automatically issued to the child, spouse, and parents if they live together with him.
  • Children under 18, disabled children, or continuing education under 26.
  • Refugees.
  • Unemployed registered at the Employment Center.
  • School-age children, even if their parents are in Poland illegally.
  • Foreigners are legally residing in Poland.
  • Tourists – have the right to free medical treatment in Poland within the insurance framework.
  • Foreign citizens who are doing business in Poland.
  • Clergypersons. The insurance contribution, in this case, is made by a monastic or diocesan body.
  • People with insurance in other EU countries or the European Free Trade Association.

In addition, Poland provides various privileges, including free medical care, spa treatment, and employment conditions, to people with disabilities. However, the state pays only partially for the technical means of rehabilitation for a disabled person.

Medical tourism in Poland

Over the past years, the Polish government has been providing comprehensive support to the development of medical tourism in its country, creating new institutions and agencies engaged in quality control of services and support for the industry.

The Polish Association of Medical Tourism, for example, is created by the European Union and managed by the Polish Ministry of Economy. The activities of the association cover all issues related to the promotion of Polish medical tourism in the world. Hospitals in Poland, such as the Carolina Medical Center, the American Heart of Poland, the Mavic Medical Center, the University Clinical Center, and the Orchid Clinic, are among the best hospitals in Europe. They offer the most complex procedures.

Today, thanks to the high standards of medicine and developed infrastructure, medical tourism in Poland steadily grows yearly. The most popular medical tourism services and directions are cosmetic surgeries, dental services, eye surgery, joint replacement, cardiac surgery, infertility medical treatment in Poland, hydrotherapy, and physical rehabilitation.

The best hospitals in Poland are the Medicover Hospital, the Indexmedica Hospital, the Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Clinic, the Mavic Medical Center, the American Heart of Poland, the Orchid Clinic, and the Karolina Medical Center Gdansk, which we mentioned earlier.

Among the most popular destination of medical tourism:


It is the capital and largest city in Poland. Warsaw is sometimes called the "Phoenix City." That is because the Polish capital has been reborn again and again from the ashes left behind by the European wars. Medical tourism in Poland here was transformed by radical reforms of the 80s and 90s. Some hospitals in Warsaw, such as the Damian Medical Center, have gained worldwide fame due to their success in plastic and cosmetic surgery.


People come here to treat cardiovascular diseases in hospitals in Poland. The American Heart of Poland Cardiology Center is located right here. It is the leading cardiology center in Poland, which includes 22 clinics. According to the founders, narrow specialization allows one to achieve outstanding results in cardiovascular medical tourism in Poland. The most complex operations are performed here, including replacing heart valves.


Medical tourism in this city is much more cost-effective than in other European cities. And the quality of medical services is equal to the world.

  • University Clinic, named after Yurasha Bydgoszcz (Antoni Jurasz University Hospital No.1), is one of the multidisciplinary state hospitals in Poland. The clinic provides comprehensive services for treating children at the world level. The main directions are oncology, nephrology, ophthalmology, traumatology, urology, and check-up programs.


It is a world-famous city where the first oncosurgical operation was performed using the DaVinci robot in 2010.


Innovative heart surgeries and oncological, cardiological, and neurological medical treatment in Poland are performed here.

  • American Heart of Poland. It was founded in 2000 by experienced cardiologists and cardiac surgeons from Poland and the USA. The main goal of the hospitals in Poland is to create an ultra-modern network of Polish-American Heart Clinics. They have 20 departments in Poland that offer highly specialized services in diagnosing and medical treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Exira Gamma Knife. The clinic performs high-tech operations using the most modern equipment. The main areas of activity are the medical treatment in Poland of oncological and neurological diseases.
  • Gyncentrum clinic. Diagnosis and treatment of infertility.


People come to Lodz for medical tourism in Poland, rehabilitation, and comprehensive diagnostics.

  • Euromed Medical Center. It is one of the specialized hospitals in Poland offering general and vascular surgery, dermatology, and oncology medical treatment.


In this city, children are effectively treated in the following areas: pediatric oncology and hematology.

  • Uniwersytecki szpital dzieciecy w Lublinie. The clinic provides medical treatment in Poland to children that meet the best international standards. In addition, the center is one of the leading in cancer treatment.


Asthmatics and allergy sufferers worldwide come here to treat respiratory systems and skin in hospitals in Poland.

  • KCM Clinic is a leading private hospital founded in 2006 that meets all European standards. The clinic offers a wide range of high-quality medical tourism in Poland. Specializes in dentistry, aesthetic medicine, plastic surgery, and the treatment of obesity.


The famous hospitals in Poland here provide highly qualified medical treatment in all areas. The excellent technical equipment of hospitals enables their specialists to treat and diagnose patients at the highest level.

  • Szpital Unewersytecki w Krakowie is one of the leading multidisciplinary hospitals in Poland.
  • Albusdent – functional and aesthetic correction of teeth in Krakow.

Scanmed St. Raphael Hospital. It provides multidisciplinary, comprehensive medical tourism at the highest European level in the field of surgery, cardiology, neurosurgery, urology, orthopedics, and many others.

Everything you need to know for medical treatment in Polish hospitals

Poland is a member of the EU, part of the Schengen area. There is a visa-free regime for citizens of Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine with EU countries, so residents of these countries need only a biometric passport and a ticket. It is advisable to have an invitation from the hospitals in Poland with you because, at the border, you may be asked about the purpose of the visit.

Traveler's medical insurance, medical history, and examination results are mandatory conditions for those who want medical treatment in Poland. A medical policy will help avoid unnecessary expenses in emergencies if urgent medical care is required. In addition, the results of tests and diagnostic procedures will help doctors in Poland to quickly and correctly prescribe a course of treatment.

Medical treatment in Poland with AiroMedical

Do you have a severe need for therapy, surgery, or rehabilitation abroad? In this case, it is necessary to choose the country and clinic. The success of such a step is not only effective medical treatment in Poland but also in the number of costs suitable for you, the transport accessibility, and a comfortable stay in hospitals in Poland.

Contact us in any convenient way or send us medical reports and check-up results that you have. After studying your findings and listening to you, AiroMedical will offer you the most suitable options for medical tourism in Poland, the city, the clinic, the program, and the doctor. We will plan your actions (request an invitation from the best hospitals in Poland, get a visa, etc.), recommend a convenient air carrier, and find the nearest and most suitable accommodation for your budget. You will be met, conducted, and assigned an initial consultation by agreement with the clinic.

Let's summarize the results

Today Poland is not only a medical tourism destination but also one of those countries where you can get high–quality and free medical treatment at the European level. The main requirement is an insurance policy with the National Health Fund. In addition, it is cheaper to buy medicines here than in other European countries and improve your health and have a good rest in exemplary health resorts.


What diseases can be treated in Poland?

Doctors in Poland get ahead in Meningioma, Spinal tumor, Brain tumour, Sarcoma, Essential tremor.

What procedures are popular among patients in Poland?