Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
3.2 on Google
The data collected based on 680 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
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Departments & Doctors
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Pory 78, 02-757 Warszawa, Poland
What diagnostic imaging techniques does the clinic use?
Carolina Medical Center Warsaw has a diagnostic imaging center equipped with magnetic resonance imaging, CT scans, ultrasound, and X-ray examinations. In addition, the extensive experience of the radiology team increases the chances of a correct diagnosis and, thus, proper treatment.
Is Carolina Medical Centre Warsaw suitable for ankle and foot surgery?
The medical center has a full range of operations on the ankle and foot. The professional team uses minimally invasive ankle arthroscopy, endoprosthesis, alloplasty, etc. Here, surgeons performed total ankle joint replacement (InBone) for the first time in Europe.
Are 3D technologies used in the hospital?
At Carolina Medical Center, surgeons use 3D technology in complex cases during surgical procedures, design surgical instruments, and design orthopedic implants. A 1:1 scale 3D model of the patient's anatomy allows surgeons to practice the procedure and try on devices before performing it.

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