Clinic type
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Age group
Kids, Adults
4.5 on Google
The data collected based on 94 patient reviews on Google
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Senatorska 2, 00-075 Warszawa, Poland
Can I have a checkup to identify the reasons for mental health problems in 4DCenter Warsaw?
The medical center offers a wide range of research for psychological health, which includes not only consultation with a specialist, but also thorough laboratory and diagnostic methods. Problems of the mental spectrum can have various causes, in particular, endocrinological disorders or as a result of vitamin deficiencies.
Is the clinic suitable for a gynecological examination?
4DCenter in Warsaw has the necessary equipment and a gynecologist with many years of experience to assess the state of the female reproductive system. In addition to reproductive function, susceptibility to oncological diseases is also evaluated. After a thorough examination, the doctor will provide the necessary treatment and recommendations.
Will I be given recommendations for prevention or treatment after a preventive examination?
Each doctor involved in the examination will recommend lifestyle changes, nutrition, and further treatment. Issues of vaccination, psychological hygiene, and frequency of re-checks are also included.

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