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Best hospitals for treatment in Germany

We found 286 clinics in Germany. AiroMedical ranks among 541 hospitals based on the annual qualification report, the number of procedures performed and patients treated, success and complication rate, equipment, experience, and awards. Need to talk to a real person? Our medical team is ready to help 24/7.

Every day more than 600 people choose medical care in Germany. What attracts them? According to the International Journal of Medical Tourism — accurate diagnosis, the help of qualified doctors, innovative techniques, and high-quality drugs. Read in our article how to choose the best clinic, easily and quickly organize a trip, prepare documents and pay for medical treatment in Germany.

Features of the German medical system

Germany's healthcare system is rightfully considered one of the best in the world. This European country has one of the highest healthcare spending levels in the world, accounting for about 11% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Modern hospitals in Germany with the latest equipment, highly qualified doctors, and the latest scientific achievements in diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation are the distinctive features of German medicine.

In total, there are more than two thousand medical institutions in Germany. The list of top German hospitals can be divided into three types:

  • state – 54 %;
  • private – 8 %;
  • charitable – 38%.

All hospitals in Germany have state accreditation of a unique Institute that controls healthcare. In addition, each medical institution has a certificate from the Institute of Standardization and accreditation of TEMOS, KTQ-GmbH.

All public and private hospitals in Germany are equipped with the latest technology. Experienced doctors work there, and the staff provides high-quality care to each patient.

Best fields of medical treatment in Germany

Therapy in clinics is characterized by traditional German quality and enjoys high popularity worldwide. Leading medical areas:

Oncology medical treatment in Germany hospitals

In treating oncology, doctors in Germany use new methods and drugs. Targeted and immunotherapy are available here. Such medical treatment in Germany destroys malignant cells and does not harm healthy ones. If the medications are selected correctly, the side effects are minimal.

Surgical medical treatment in Germany involves the removal of tumors through small incisions to maximize the preservation of the organ. After operations, there are almost no traces on the skin, and recovery takes no more than a week.

The names of the biggest private and public hospitals in Germany for cancer treatment are:

Open surgeries are performed only for large tumors and extensive tissue damage.

Cardiology medical treatment in Germany hospitals

Doctors prefer low-traumatic operations through minimal incisions. For example, they replace the heart valves through a thin puncture in the femoral artery (TAVI method) and bypass surgery — through an incision up to 5 cm instead of the standard 20.

Open surgical treatment in Germany is performed on a beating heart. That eliminates the risk of postoperative complications.

Neurology medical treatment in German hospitals

German neurologists and neurosurgeons specialize in treating epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson's disease, removing brain and spinal cord tumors, and correcting congenital nervous system pathologies.

Neurosurgical medical treatment in Germany requires exceptional attention. Computer navigation increases the accuracy of doctors' actions. That reduces the risk of damage to blood vessels or nerve endings and minimizes the risk of complications.

Medical treatment in Germany of orthopedic and gynecological diseases, gastroenterology, treatment of female and male infertility, aesthetic medicine, and dentistry enjoy an excellent reputation.

Urology medical treatment in Germany hospitals

German urology is well known worldwide, and many men and women come to the clinics of this country with the most delicate problems. The basic principle of urology used in Germany is the most gentle technique that allows you to achieve excellent results with minimal impact on the body.

Urology hospitals in Germany successfully cure:

  • chronic prostatitis;
  • prostate adenoma.
  • congenital malformations of the male genital organs.
  • urinary incontinence
  • pathology of the urethra in men and women.
  • urolithiasis.

Orthopedics in German hospitals

German orthopedic clinics specialize in five key areas:

  • spine surgery;
  • arthroscopic operations;
  • joint treatment;
  • treatment of bone cancer;
  • sports medicine.

In each case, doctors of specialized medical centers conduct an examination and make up an individual treatment program. That allows the patient to return to the usual activity as soon as possible.

Many German medical institutions are world-renowned diagnostic and research centers. The list of top famous hospitals in Germany includes such clinics as the Bernhard Nocht Institute in Hamburg, specializing in studying and treating tropical diseases, the German Cardiology Center in Berlin, and the Cardiology Center of North Rhine-Westphalia have become widely known. In addition, the diagnostic clinic provides highly qualified care for medical tourism in Wiesbaden, the dermatological clinic at the University of Munich, and the neurosurgical clinic of the University of Cologne.

Diagnosis in Germany

Diagnosis is the most important and the first stage of adequate medical treatment in Germany of any disease. Accurate and timely diagnosis is the "gold standard" of medicine. The patient's diagnosis is formed based on a complete and in-depth study. All surgical operations in hospitals in Germany comply with the protocols of the World Health Organization. All methods are aimed at the maximum preservation of organs.

Most hospitals in Germany are equipped with the latest technology. Which allows:

  • Improve diagnostic accuracy.
  • Identify many diseases in the early stages.
  • Reduce the radiation dose when performing radiological research methods.
  • Reduce the risk of complications during invasive medical treatment in Germany.

Thanks to the brilliant organization, diagnostics take a minimum of time. Diagnostic complexes include:

  • laboratory, instrumental studies;
  • consultations with a therapist and specialist doctors;
  • functional diagnostics.

If the patient needs therapy, he will be offered it in medical centers and hospitals in Germany under the supervision of experienced doctors. The result of diagnostic measures is a detailed medical report and recommendations in your native language.

The average cost of medical treatment in Germany

The prices for medical tourism do not exceed the standard world prices for medical services. At the same time, the quality of diagnostics and therapeutic measures allows for the cure of even severe pathology.

Speaking about the cost of medical treatment in Germany, the prices are reasonable. Maintaining such a high level of healthcare in modern Western Europe is very costly. The prices for staying in hospitals in Germany are higher than in Eastern European countries and slightly higher than the cost of treatment in Israel. Nevertheless, hospitals in Germany are in tremendous demand for medical tourism due to advanced medicine.

The pricing medical tourism system in hospitals in Germany directly depends not only on the number of procedures and days of stay but also on the severity of the disease.

Sometimes the clinic asks for more money than is subsequently spent. In this case, the unspent amount is returned to the client.

The cost of inpatient medical treatment in Germany without insurance is formed according to the G-DRG (German Diagnosis Related Groups) system. It includes the necessary examinations, procedures, and stays in the hospitals in Germany. The cost is calculated separately for each diagnosis. The Ministry of Health approves the tariffs for medical treatment in Germany. The calculation considers concomitant diseases, complications, medical procedures, gender, age, and general health of the patient.

According to the medical tourism system, the minimum and the maximum number of days of hospitalization are set. Suppose you stay in the hospitals in Germany for less than the prescribed period. In that case, the difference they will refund to you. Tariffs under the G-DRG system are reviewed annually.

The cost of additional services and medical treatment in Germany, such as booking a single room with increased comfort conditions, transfer, and English-speaking staff, are also calculated.

Can I save money?

To reduce the total price of diagnosis and medical treatment in Germany, you can bring the results of examinations conducted at home: MRI, CT or PET-CT scans, biopsy glasses, recordings of stomach examination (video gastroscopy), or colon (video colonoscopy). The examination will not have to be repeated and paid for if they are informative enough. That will reduce the cost of medical tourism in Germany.

In some cases, it is possible to purchase medicines in Germany and undergo therapy at home. For example, you can buy chemotherapeutic drugs and undergo treatment at your residence.

Medical tourism in Germany

Germany is one of the most popular destinations for treatment abroad. The geography of visitors to Germany is vast — Arab countries and neighboring European countries (for example, Holland). Now even patients from China come here to take advantage of medical treatment in Germany. These data prove the worldwide recognition of the quality of medicine. Both adults and children come for treatment in hospitals in Germany.

About 250 thousand foreign patients come to improve their health in Germany. In addition, residents of the Arab Emirates and neighboring European states also prefer medical tourism in this country.

Surgery is one of the most demanding areas of medical tourism in Germany. Patients with problems in urology and neurology come here.

They successfully fight cancer in hospitals in Germany and solve problems in orthopedics.

Choosing a clinic would be a mistake to be guided only by the concepts of "the biggest" or "the smallest." For example, several health problems in dentistry, dermatology, allergology, and ophthalmology are solved at the level of specialized private hospitals in Germany.

How can AiroMedical help you and your loved ones?

Our doctor-coordinator will select the best medical treatment in Germany. We consider your case's specifics, needs, and wishes. You can to plan your trip budget with the individual program and cost in hospitals in Germany.

AiroMedical is an international service for medical tourism in more than 40 countries. Every month, our coordinating doctors help more than 5.000 patients. Our mission is to provide every patient with the necessary medical treatment in Germany and other countries. We assist at all stages: choosing a clinic and organizing a trip to return home. We stay in touch with you 24/7 so that your path to health in hospitals in Germany is simple and comfortable.

Please, contact us and get a consultation with the AiroMedical coordinator doctor.

The most popular destinations for medical care in German hospitals

German medicine has high rates in all areas. Therefore, no matter what you are sick with, you can count on the most effective medical treatment in Germany. Here you will get the most out of modern medical tourism possible today.

The world-known hospitals names in Germany are Berlin -Marzahn and Hamburg-Boberg emergency clinics, which provide high-tech medical care to patients in Germany and other countries.

Suppose you want to purchase a genuinely qualified service and therapy using the maximum of the latest medical techniques. In that case, you need to choose Frankfurt am Main. ATOS Orthopedic Clinic and Nordwest Hospital successfully cope with the rehabilitation of patients and problems of a genetic nature. Our website presents a list of the best clinics in this city.

If you need cardiological care or comprehensive diagnostics, or if you are looking for a clinic dealing with reproductive medicine, visit Bonn. Medical programs and successful therapy methods at the University Hospital Bonn attract patients and specialists from all over the world.

The clinics of Cologne have a wide range of medical tourism. Still, it is worth highlighting gynecology and medical care separately during labor, urology, and radiology. A feature of the PAN Clinic Cologne is the use of minimally invasive therapies without loss of treatment quality.

University hospitals in Germany deserve special mention, as they assist patients, research, and develop new treatment methods. For example, there are more than 40 university clinics and private hospitals in Munich alone.

The most famous of them are:

If your disease belongs to one of the listed areas of medicine, you will get the best help in Germany.

Everything you need to know for medical treatment in German hospitals

Germany is one of the top leaders in providing sanatorium-resort assistance and medical tourism. Climatic conditions, water, and mud treatment, in combination with special wellness procedures, are widely used in neurology, rheumatology, dermatology, and other areas. Many successfully combine physiotherapy with physical therapy and fasting. For example, the technique developed by Dr. Buchinger was used in the hospital of the same name in Germany on Lake Constance.

Visa processing and deposit payment

Citizens of Ukraine and Moldova with a biometric passport can come for medical tourism in Germany without a visa for 90 days. However, residents of Belarus, Kazakhstan, and other countries must apply for a medical visa. To do this, the selected hospital in Germany sends an official invitation.

To receive it, you must partially or fully pay a deposit — a preliminary bill from the medical center. Then, it is paid to the bank account of hospitals in Germany. If the total price will less, the clinic will refund the difference to you.

Citizens of Israel, Australia, the USA, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea do not need to obtain a visa for medical treatment in Germany. However, upon arrival in the country, you will still need to register with the local authorities – the Resident Registration department or the citizenship service.

Accommodation of the patient and his accompanying person

In some hospitals in Germany, when choosing a ward of a specific class, the patient and his accompanying person can stay together. The accompanying person can also stay in a hotel right on the territory of some hospitals or in a regular hotel not far from them.

Support and translation services

You must book services of transfer and interpreter before arrival at the clinic. Whether this is included in the price of medical tourism, you need to specify additionally.

We recommend that you consult with us beforehand about the results you would like to receive from the medical treatment in Germany. We get all the information about medical tourism in this country from authoritative sources like the World Health Organization (WHO), the German Ministry of Health, the International Journal of Medical Tourism (IMTJ), etc. They provide information about hospitals in Germany and the cost of procedures. Also, data are based on our experience working with patients worldwide.

We considered their feedback and preferences in booking hospital names in Germany in different medical areas. Our team will help you choose a clinic and a package of diagnostic procedures, which will help save time and money.