Size & Capacity
Large, 100 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
1.0 on Google
The data collected based on 5 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors
Extra services
Heusnerstraße 40, 42283 Wuppertal, Germany
Should I choose Helios Hospital Wuppertal for cancer treatment?
The oncology consultation develops individual therapy for each patient as part of an interdisciplinary approach. To prevent cancer relapse, the team uses intraoperative electron beam therapy, hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion, and thermal ablation.
Does the hospital offer bariatric surgery if I have diabetes?
The specialized certified department has effective surgical techniques for treating diabetes. Gastric bypass and Omega-Loop Bypass, due to the reduction of the stomach, are combined with a partial bypass of the small intestine and, according to estimates, reduce 80-85% of excess weight.
What range of services does the clinic offer?
Doctors use modern treatments to diagnose skin, neurological, heart diseases, reproductive disorders, and psychotherapeutic problems. In addition, a lot of attention is paid to breast cancer and stroke patients. Services are available in the form of consultation and inpatient cure.

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© Helios University Hospital Wuppertal