Size & Capacity
Small, 49 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
3.6 on Google
The data collected based on 310 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors

Extra services
Zeppelinstraße 1, 50667 Köln, Germany
What is the specialization of PAN Clinic Cologne?
Hernia centers and neurosurgery gained the most popularity. Numerous minimally invasive operations are performed here for local and foreign patients, with high daily treatment results. High-quality equipment allows for treating complex cases and applying the most modern technologies.
What services are available at the clinic?
The multidisciplinary clinic has a dozen departments and medical centers, including gynecology, neurosurgery, hernia center, cardiology, genetics and plastic, and aesthetic surgery. There are also two main operating rooms, a day hospital, and hospital wards with 49 licensed beds.
Is the quality of services in the medical center confirmed?
Thanks to DIN ISO 9001 accreditation, the clinic is recognized at the European level. The goal is to achieve world-class and best results to serve patients worldwide and gain popularity far beyond the country's borders. Thanks to scientific and research activities, high efficiency is constantly achieved.

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© PAN Clinic Cologne