Prof. Dr. med. Michael J. Raschke
reconstructive surgery, orthopedics, trauma and hand surgery
reconstructive surgery, orthopedics, trauma and hand surgery
Country, City
Germany, Munster
Health facility
University Hospital Munster
Medical unit
Department of accident, hand and reconstructive surgery
4.7 on Google
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patient reviews on Google
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
cruciate ligament
fracture healing
ligament reconstruction
growth hormone
fractures elderly
acl reconstruction
trauma surgery
plate fixation
reconstructive surgery
collateral ligament
humerus fractures
pelvic ring
shoulder arthroplasty
fracturerelated infection
ankle fractures
intraligamentary stabilization
dynamic intraligamentary stabilization
fracture fixation
plateau fractures
hand surgery
tibia fractures
bone graft
tibial fixation
ankle pain
osteoporotic distal femur
shock wave therapy
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1979-1985 Studies in human medicine at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and the Medical University of Luebeck
- 1985 License to practice medicine
- 1987 Dissertation at the Medical University of Luebeck, Institute for Biochemical Endocrinology
- 1994 Obtaining specialization in surgery
- 1997 Habilitation and teaching license in surgery with the topic: "Hybrid systems for the treatment of lower leg fractures with severe soft tissue damage and the subsequent conditions - experimental analysis and clinical applications"
- 1998 Received additional specialization in trauma surgery
- 2002 Specialist in hand surgery
- 2005 Obtaining additional specialization in orthopedics and trauma surgery
- 2009 Additional designation in physical therapy
- 2018 European specialist from Fellow European Board of Surgery and Traumatology
- 1979 Medical Technical Assistant at the School General Hospital St. Georg Hamburg
- 1985-1987 Anatomical Institute of the University of Hamburg (Prof. Dr. V. Leers)
- 1987-1993 Department of visceral and traumatic surgery, Technical University of Munich (Prof. Dr. JR Siewert – Prof. BF Claudi)
- 1993-2003 Department of traumatology and reconstructive surgery at Charite University Hospital in Berlin (Prof. Dr. N.P. Haas)
- 1994 Senior Physician in the Department of traumatology and reconstructive surgery at Charite University Hospital in Berlin (Prof. Dr. N.P. Haas)
- 1994-1999 Head of the Bone Biomechanics and Histomorphology Laboratory in the Department of traumatology and reconstructive surgery at Charite University Hospital in Berlin
- 1999-2003 Permanent Representative of the clinic management, Senior Consultant in the Department of traumatology and reconstructive surgery at Charite University Hospital in Berlin (Prof. Dr. N.P. Haas)
- 2003 Extraordinary Professor at the medical faculty of the Humboldt University in Berlin
- 2003 Chair of trauma surgery and Director, Department of an accident, hand and reconstructive surgery at the University Hospital Munster
Awards & Memberships
- 2003-2010 Head of the working group in geriatric traumatology of the German Society for Trauma Surgery
- 2007 Speaker of the Trauma Network NorthWest
- 2010-2016 Chair in biomaterials task force at the AO technical commission
- 2013-2018 President of AOTrauma Germany
- 2016-2018 Chair in anti-infection-task force
- 2000 Permanent Representative in the accident insurance procedure, authorization for treatment procedures of the professional association
- 2020-2021 President of the German Society of Traumatic Surgery
- 2020-2021 Vice President of the German Society of Orthopedics and Traumatic Surgery
- Member of the AO Trauma Germany
- Member of the working group endoprosthetics
- Member of the Berlin Surgical Society
- Member of the Professional Association of German Surgeons
- Member of the German Society for Surgery
- Member of the German-Chinese Society for Orthopedics and Trauma Surgery
- Member of the German Knee Society
- Member of the German Spine Society
- Member of the European Bone and Joint Infection Society
- Member of the European Society for Surgical Research
- Member of the Fragility Fracture Network
- Member of the Association of North German Orthopedists and Trauma Surgeons
- Member of the Orthopedic Research Society
- Member of the Association of Senior Orthopedists and Trauma Surgeons
- Member of the Association of Lower Rhine Westphalian Surgeons
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Albert-Schweitzer-Campus, 1, 48149 Munster, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Michael J. Raschke?
The primary specialization of the doctor is reconstructive surgery, orthopedics, trauma and hand surgery.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Michael J. Raschke has been practicing for more than 40 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Michael J. Raschke
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© Prof. Dr. med. Michael J. Raschke