Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Oberhuber
general and vascular surgery, sclerotherapy
general and vascular surgery, sclerotherapy
Country, City
Germany, Munster
Health facility
University Hospital Munster
Medical unit
Department of vascular and endovascular surgery
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
limb ischemia
critical limb ischemia
vascular surgery
aortic aneurysm
endovascular therapy
stent graft
aneurysm repair
carotid artery
descending aorta
endovascular repair
iliac artery
ischemia reperfusion
thoracic stent
aneurysm sealing
infrarenal aortic aneurysm
endovascular aneurysm sealing
abdominal aortic aneurysm
wound healing
hybrid prosthesis
hypogastric artery
ischemic perfusion
artery plaques
neointimal hyperplasia
mesenteric artery
thoraflex hybrid prosthesis
carotid artery plaques
spinal ischemia
antiproliferative drug
general surgery
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1997-2003 Study of human medicine, faculty of medicine, University of Innsbruck
- 2002 Specialized course on animal experimentation (with Prof. Dietrich)
- 2002 Optional training in plastic surgery
- 2002 In-depth study of anatomy
- 2003 Doctoral thesis defense, Department of cardiac surgery, University of Innsbruck (Prof. Bonatti): “Study of the effect of the antiproliferative drug rapamycin and phosphodiesterase cyclic nucleotides on neointimal hyperplasia in venous shunting on an animal mouse model”
- 2003 State examination, admission to medical practice in Italy
- 2004-2005 Professional training by the new regulations of continuing education, Department of abdominal surgery, Department of vascular surgery, Department of emergency medical care, intensive care and anesthesiology at the University Hospital Jena
- 2005 Basic surgery examination
- 2006 Received additional specialization in sclerotherapy from the Austrian Society of Phlebology and Dermatological Angiology
- 2006 Theoretical bases of the specialty, radiation protection in emergency radiography and intraoperative angiography
- 2006 Basic and advanced course on duplex ultrasonography of peripheral and extracranial brain vessels
- 2006 Theoretical bases of the specialty rescue service in Germany
- 2006-2007 Training for a medical specialist in vascular surgery by the new regulations of continuing education at the University Hospital Jena
- 2010 Professional certification in vascular surgery
- 1997-2003 Internship in Brunei, Bolzano, Matera, and Innsbruck
- 2003 Intern of the Sterzing Hospital, publication and preparation of a retrospective clinical examination
- 2006-2007 Assistant Physician, Department of vascular surgery at the University Hospital Jena (Prof. Hutschenre)
- 2007-2010 Assistant Physician in the Department of thoracic and vascular surgery at the University Hospital Ulm
Awards & Memberships
- 2001-2003 Research work in the Department of cardiac surgery, participation in the creation of a research group and creation of an international animal model
- 2004-2007 Development of a retrospective examination in the Department of vascular surgery at the University Hospital Jena
- 2007 Experimental research: the study of ischemic perfusion on animal models, MRI examination of carotid artery plaques, clinical examinations: endovascular therapy of aortic abnormalities, injuries of the thoracic organs
- 2008 Research Scholarship of the Society for Vascular Surgery (Dr. F. Simon)
- 2008 Member of the German Society of Vascular Surgery
- 2009 Member of the European Society for Vascular Surgery
- 2009 Aortenpreis Award of the German Society of Vascular Surgery
- 2009 Rene van Dongen Poster Prize of the German Society of Vascular Surgery
- Hans and Blanca Moser Foundation Scholarship for support in the training of Medical Specialists in the treatment of cancer and heart diseases
Bilateral Implantation of Double-Branched Iliac Branch Devices for Endovascular Repair of Aorto-Bi-Iliac Aneurysm With Concomitant Hypogastric Aneurysms: The Quadruple Branch.
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The NephroCheck bedside system for detecting stage 3 acute kidney injury after open thoracoabdominal aortic repair.
9 July, 2023
Ethanol Enhances Endothelial Rigidity by Targeting VE-Cadherin—Implications for Acute Aortic Dissection
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Albert-Schweitzer-Campus, 1, 48149 Munster, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Oberhuber?
The primary specialization of the doctor is general and vascular surgery, sclerotherapy.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Oberhuber has been practicing for more than 22 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Oberhuber
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© Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Oberhuber