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Disease guides

Our team prepared a quick overview of the most prevalent health issues. As a result, disease outlook, diagnosis, standard therapy, new treatment solutions and statistics are structured in one place.
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Disease guides
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Treatment guides
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Multiple Sclerosis Guide image

Multiple Sclerosis Guide

90% of people with MS have trouble walking within ten years of diagnosis. About 15% of multiple sclerosis patients have a family member with it. 75% of MS patients are women, but it is more aggressive in men. Every second multiple sclerosis patient suffer from pain at an early stage.
Essential tremor guide image

Essential tremor guide

Essential tremor - is a neurological (nervous system) disease characterized by forced shaking of particular body parts, usually the head and hands. A tremor is an unintentional, rhythmic movement of a body part. Essential tremor is most common in people over 65, but it can affect people at any age. The disease is quite common, affecting about 1% of people worldwide.
Dystonia guide image

Dystonia guide

Dystonia is a neurological movement disorder defined by involuntary muscle contractions (spasms). Involuntary muscle contractions include twisting, repetitive and patterned movements, and abnormal postures, making it difficult for people to control their actions. In addition, moves and poses can be painful.
Motor neuron disease guide image

Motor neuron disease guide

Motor neurons are a specific type of nerve cell. Their job is to send information throughout the body so it can move. There are two types of neurons: the upper ones are located in the brain and transmit information to the spinal cord, and the lower ones act in the opposite direction (data from the spinal cord goes to the brain).
Parkinson's Disease (PD) Guide image

Parkinson's Disease (PD) Guide

More people will get Parkinson's, with a 17% increase by 2030. Parkinson's is primarily diagnosed in those over 60 but can occur as early as 30. Parkinson's disease affects an estimated 7 million to 10 million people worldwide. PD is predicted to affect 1% of the global population aged 60+.
Sarcoma Guide image

Sarcoma Guide

About 1% of all cancers are sarcoma, but more than 50 different types exist. About 4 out of every 100,000 people find soft tissue sarcoma every year. At early stages, 8 of every ten sarcoma patients live five years and more. More than 50% of sarcomas are located in the limbs.