Lutetium-177 PSMA Therapy for Prostate Cancer - 1 cycle | Döbling Private Clinic, Vienna, Austria
Vienna, Austria

Age group
Type of care
About the offer
What’s included
Medical service
- clinical history-taking
- medical records review
- physical examination
- consultation with a nuclear medicine specialist
- complete blood count (CBC)
- biochemical analysis of blood (kidney and liver function tests, electrolytes)
- inflammation blood tests
- urinalysis
- PSA test
- renal scintigraphy with 99mTc-MAG3
- pre-procedure patient preparation
- Lutetium-177 PSMA-DKFZ 617 radioligand therapy
- post-procedure care
- control examinations
- symptomatic treatment
- cost of radiopharmaceuticals
- cost of essential medicines
- cost of essential materials
- outpatient admission
- nursing service
- discharge medical records
- further recommendations
- support after the therapy to evaluate the treatment results and subsequent blood tests
Extra add-ons
Meet the provider
theranostics, nuclear medicine, diagnostics, prostate and thyroid cancer
Why to choose us?
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Heiligenstädter Str. 55/65, 1190 Wien, Austria
What is nuclear medicine?
Nuclear medicine is a medical specialty that employs small amounts of radioactive materials, also known as radioactive isotopes or radioisotopes, to diagnose and treat various diseases. These radioactive materials are used as radiotracers for diagnostics, such as 68Gallium, and radiopharmaceuticals for treatment, such as 177Lutetium. Nuclear medicine is commonly utilized to diagnose and treat cancer. Theranostics is a specialized field of nuclear medicine.
What is the cost?
The total price for Lutetium-177 PSMA Therapy for Prostate Cancer - 1 cycle | Döbling Private Clinic, Vienna, Austria is €29,612. However, it can vary from the specifics of each case. Get in touch to get an individual estimate.
What is the rating of the offer?
Lutetium-177 PSMA Therapy for Prostate Cancer - 1 cycle | Döbling Private Clinic, Vienna, Austria is rated as 9.70 by AiroMedical.
Individual cost estimate. Non-binding 100% free assessment.