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Selective Internal Radioembolization with SIR-Spheres (SIRT) for Liver Tumors/Metastases | Uniclinic Frankfurt, Germany

Selective Internal Radioembolization with SIR-Spheres (SIRT) for Liver Tumors/Metastases | Uniclinic Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

User ScoreRatingMedia Files


Age group

Kids, Adults

Type of care



Minimally invasive

About the offer

SIRT is a treatment used for liver tumors, which involves the use of millions of tiny radioactive beads known as SIR-Spheres microspheres. These microspheres are directly delivered into the liver tumors. The development of SIR-Spheres microspheres began in Australia in the 1980s, and in 2002, they were officially approved in Europe and the United States. Before the SIRT treatment, your treatment team will ask you about your cancer history and any other complaints you may have. They will then carry out a series of initial tests to ensure that you are safe to receive SIRT. Patients typically undergo two procedures under local anesthesia. Both procedures involve a radiological procedure known as angiography. The first angiogram, also called "mapping," aims to prepare your liver for SIRT treatment. During mapping, your interventional radiologist closes (embolizes) vessels to minimize the possibility of the microspheres reaching areas outside the liver, such as the stomach or intestines. You will also be given a small amount of a radioactive dye to determine how much blood flows from the liver to the lungs. If these initial tests produce acceptable results, the dose of the SIR-Spheres is determined. The SIR-Spheres microspheres are then administered in a second procedure, which is usually carried out one to two weeks after the first tests have been completed. The interventional radiologist makes a small incision, usually in the femoral artery near the groin, and inserts a small, flexible tube, also known as a catheter, through the artery into the liver. The SIR-Spheres microspheres are administered through this catheter. The entire procedure can take approximately 90 minutes. You will be tired during the procedure, but you will be able to communicate with your treating doctor and the team. The SIRT procedure allows radiation, a treatment commonly used to treat cancer, to be delivered directly to liver tumors, taking advantage of the tumor's blood supply. About 90% of the blood supply to normal liver tissue comes from the portal vein, which comes from the intestine, while about 90% of the blood supply to liver tumors comes from the hepatic artery. The SIR-Spheres microspheres are specifically introduced into the liver tumors via the hepatic artery so that the remaining healthy liver tissue is exposed to as little strain as possible. Most microspheres are approximately 32 microns in diameter, which is about a third of the width of a human hair. The microspheres are small enough to flow through the hepatic arteries but too large to pass through the small blood vessels within the tumor, where they then become permanently trapped in the tumor bed. The SIR-Spheres microspheres contain the radioactive element yttrium-90, which emits beta radiation over a relatively short distance: an average of 2. 4 mm in human tissue. Yttrium-90 has a half-life of about two and a half days. Therefore, the majority of radiation (over 97%) reaches the tumor within the first two weeks after treatment. Since the SIR-Spheres microspheres are introduced directly into the tumors, a higher radiation dose can be applied locally than with conventional external radiation therapy. Clinical data shows that SIR-Spheres microspheres, used in combination with chemotherapy, can shrink patients' liver tumors more than with chemotherapy alone, as well as improve quality of life and increase life expectancy. In some patients, the treatment can shrink the liver tumors to such an extent that they can be surgically removed at a later date. In patients whose liver tumors no longer respond to chemotherapy, SIR-Spheres microspheres have also been successfully used to shrink these tumors and prolong patient survival. Many scientific publications have documented the use of SIR-Spheres microspheres in treating patients with liver metastases or primary liver cancer. After undergoing SIRT treatment, you may need to undergo a scan to ensure that the SIR-Spheres microspheres have been infused into your liver. The medical team will monitor you for a few hours after the treatment to determine if you experience any side effects or complications that may require additional medication. As you have received radioactive treatment, you need to take some simple precautions in the first 24 hours after SIRT treatment, such as washing your hands thoroughly after using the toilet and cleaning up any spilled bodily fluids, such as blood, urine, or stool, and disposing of them in the toilet. For more information on these precautions, you can contact your healthcare team. Your treatment progress will be monitored by the medical team through regular blood tests and radiology imaging tests.

What’s included

Medical service

  • clinical history-taking
  • medical records review
  • physical examination
  • consultation with an interventional radiologist
Laboratory tests
  • complete blood count (CBC)
  • blood type test (ABO, Rh)
  • biochemical analysis of blood (kidney and liver function tests, electrolytes)
  • inflammation blood tests
  • coagulation studies
  • urinalysis
  • ultrasound imaging of the abdomen
  • CT scan of the liver with a contrast
  • post-procedure CT scan of the liver
  • pre-procedure patient preparation
  • selective internal radioembolization with SIR-Spheres (SIRT) for a liver lesion/tumor
  • post-procedure care
  • symptomatic care
  • doctor's fee
  • cost of essential medicines
  • cost of essential materials
  • local anesthesia
  • nursing service
  • discharge medical records
  • further recommendations
Distant service
  • follow-up consultations

Extra add-ons

Local transportation
Airport transfer
Personal coordinator
HealthDocs translate
Visa Support


AiroMedical support
Payment protection
Patient advocacy
Price match

Meet the provider

Prof. Dr. med. Tho­mas Vogl

interventional radiology, interventional oncology, chemoembolization (TACE) & chemoperfusion (TACP)



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Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


For whom is SIRT a suitable treatment option?

SIRT is a treatment for liver tumors that exclusively or primarily affect the liver. It does not affect tumors located outside the liver. Several other factors must be considered before offering SIRT as a treatment option. The most crucial factor is determining if the patient has a healthy liver that works satisfactorily, which can be done by performing a simple blood test.

Do I need to stop my chemotherapy if I undergo SIRT treatment?

In most cases, chemotherapy is stopped two weeks before and after SIRT treatment, but your oncologist will determine if it is necessary to pause chemotherapy during this period.

What are the side effects of SIR-Spheres microspheres?

Many patients may experience abdominal pain and/or nausea as a side effect of their treatment, but this usually goes away quickly or with the help of routine medications. Some patients may also have a mild fever lasting up to a week and fatigue lasting several weeks. To prevent or minimize these side effects, you may be given additional medicines such as painkillers, anti-inflammatories, anti-nausea, or anti-ulcer drugs during your treatment as a precautionary measure.

What are the possible complications of SIRT?

In rare cases, a few microspheres may reach organs other than the liver (such as the gallbladder, stomach, intestines, or pancreas). If the SIR-Spheres microspheres reach these organs, they can cause inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis), stomach (gastritis), or intestines (duodenitis). Although these complications are rare, additional treatment may be required if any of them occur. You can be assured that your treatment team has been specially trained to minimize these risks and take all necessary precautions to prevent them.

Will I experience hair loss in the future?

To date, no hair loss (alopecia) cases have been reported as being associated with SIR-Spheres microspheres treatment. Unlike chemotherapy, SIR-Spheres microspheres do not exacerbate hair loss.

Do I need to alter my eating and drinking patterns?

No need to avoid eating or drinking. Adequate nutrition, especially fluids, can help you return to normal activities. Consult with your doctor about alcohol consumption.

Are there any specific things I should avoid?

It is important to note that if you are pregnant or become pregnant within two months of treatment, you should not undergo SIRT. The reason for this is that it may result in irreversible harm to your unborn baby. During this period, you must always use effective contraception to avoid any risks. Furthermore, it is advised that you do not breastfeed for the first two weeks after treatment, and you should not use milk expressed during this time to bottle-feed your baby.

What is the cost?

The total price for Selective Internal Radioembolization with SIR-Spheres (SIRT) for Liver Tumors/Metastases | Uniclinic Frankfurt, Germany is €31,415. However, it can vary from the specifics of each case. Get in touch to get an individual estimate.

What is the rating of the offer?

Selective Internal Radioembolization with SIR-Spheres (SIRT) for Liver Tumors/Metastases | Uniclinic Frankfurt, Germany is rated as 9.90 by AiroMedical.

Who is offering a deal?

How long does the offer take?

The offer is designed for 5 days.

Does the offer require you to stay in the clinic overnight?

What are the age restrictions?

The offer is eligible for both adults and kids.

Can I customize the content of the offer?

Yes, the components of the deal can be changed. Get in touch with a vendor to create a personalized proposal.

Does the offer include extra services?

Individual cost estimate. Non-binding 100% free assessment.


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