Prof. Dr. med. Volker Arnd Coenen
neurosurgery and stereotactic neurosurgery
neurosurgery and stereotactic neurosurgery
Country, City
Germany, Freiburg
Health facility
University Hospital Freiburg
Medical unit
Department of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
brain stimulation
deep brain stimulation
medial forebrain bundle
forebrain bundle
subthalamic nucleus
diffusion tensor imaging
essential tremor
major depression
subarachnoid hemorrhage
dentatorubrothalamic tract
psychiatric disorders
brain stimulation surgery
obsessivecompulsive disorder
stimulation subthalamic nucleus
magnetic resonance imaging
stereotactic functional neurosurgery
motor cortex
cortex pyramidal tracts
catheter ventriculocisternostomy
stereotactic neurosurgery
cerebral vasospasm
treatmentresistant depression
nucleus stimulation
cerebellothalamocortical network
cerebral palsy
pyramidal tract
movement disorders
temporal lobe
globus pallidus
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1992-1998 Studied human medicine at the Rhine-Westphalia University of Technology Aachen
- 1993 -1998 Scholarship Holder of the German National Academic Foundation in Bonn
- 1995 Stays abroad at the Department of Neurology of the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital of Exeter
- 1996 Stays abroad at the Department of neurosurgery of the Derriford Hospital in Plymouth
- 1997 Stays abroad at the Department of neurosurgery of the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center
- 1998 Stays abroad at the Department of Neurosurgery of the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center
- 1998 Obtaining a license for medical practice
- Defense of the dissertation at the Institute for Anatomy I of the Rhine-Westphalia University of Technology Aachen: "Morphology and morphometry of the temporal lobe and the inferior horn of the lateral ventricle in schizophrenia - in-vivo nuclear spin study"
- 2000-2005 Resident at the Department of neurosurgery at the University Hospital Aachen
- 2002 Obtaining specialization in rescue service
- 2005 Habilitation and a teaching license at the Department of neurosurgery of the University Hospital Aachen: "Projection of individual fiber tracts in the neurosurgical operation site"
- 2005 Received additional qualifications in the field of neurosurgery
- 2007-2008 Fellowship in functional and stereotactic neurosurgery at the Surgical Center for movement disorders at the University of British Columbia, as a scholarship from the Wilhelm Toennis Foundation of the German Society for Neurosurgery
- 1999-2000 Internship at the Department of neurosurgery of the University Hospital Aachen
- 2000 Internship at the Department of anesthesiology at the University Hospital Aachen
- 2005 Senior Physician
- 2005-2008 Head of functional stereotaxy, Department of neurosurgery at the University Hospital Aachen
- 2008-2012 Medical Director and W2 Professor of the FE stereotaxy and MR-based surgical procedures, Department of neurosurgery at the University Hospital Bonn
- 2012 Medical Director and W2 Professor of the Department of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery at the University Hospital Freiburg
- 2013 Medical Director and W3 Professor of the Department of stereotactic and functional neurosurgery at the University Hospital Freiburg
Awards & Memberships
- 2001 Kurt Decker Prize of the German Society for Neuroradiology for the work: “Three-dimensional visualization of the motor cortex and pyramidal tracts employing functional and diffusion-weighted MRI. Methods, applications, and limitations”
- 2010 Best Oral Presentation Award of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery: “The medial forebrain bundle and its role in the circuitry of depression”
- 2012 Best Oral Presentation Award of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery: “Deep brain stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle for the treatment of depression: Results from the FORESEE trial”
- 2013 Best Oral Presentation Award: “Long-term effects of deep brain stimulation of the medial forebrain bundle (slMFB DBS) for treatment-resistant depression” from the World Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
- Full Member of the German Society for Neurosurgery
- Member of the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies
- Member of the Movement Disorders Society
- Member of the German Society for Computer and Robot-Assisted Surgery
- Member of the European Society for Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery
- Member of the World Society for Functional and Stereotactic Neurosurgery
- Founding Member of the working group on deep brain stimulation in Kiel
Accuracy of augmented reality-guided drainage versus stereotactic and conventional puncture in an intracerebral hemorrhage phantom model.
July, 2023
Focal Cortex Stimulation With a Novel Implantable Device and Antiseizure Outcomes in 2 Prospective Multicenter Single-Arm Trials.
1 June, 2023
Obsessive-compulsive symptoms in two patients with chromosomal disorders involving the X chromosome.
June, 2023
Hugstetter Str., 55, 79106 Freiburg, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Volker Arnd Coenen?
The primary specialization of the doctor is neurosurgery and stereotactic neurosurgery.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Volker Arnd Coenen has been practicing for more than 27 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Volker Arnd Coenen
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© Prof. Dr. med. Volker Arnd Coenen