Size & Capacity
Medium, 420 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
4.4 on Google
The data collected based on 275 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Departments & Doctors

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Krankenhausstraße 20, 83569 Vogtareuth, Germany
Does the clinic perform neurological therapy?
The hospital offers patients a mostly minimally invasive range of neurosurgical treatment. Standard procedures are supported by methods accompanying the operation, such as neuronavigation, intraoperative monitoring, and even a robotic assistant, achieving the highest accuracy and safety level.
Is Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth one of the best places to treat movement disorders?
The hospital has been using modern neuro-orthopedic techniques for the detailed diagnosis of gait disorders for more than three years, thanks to the Vicon 3D infrared camera. In addition, doctors have a high-tech Lokomat robot to sharpen the clarity of movements and restore impaired limb functions.
Is the medical center suitable for the treatment of brain injuries?
Specialists offer various procedures and surgical interventions for better repair, such as cerebral pressotherapy (relief of cerebral pressure), neurosurgery, unloading craniectomy, creation of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt, skull reconstruction accompanied by neuromonitoring, and high-precision performance.

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