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Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth

Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth

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Vogtareuth, Germany

User ScoreTotal ReviewsRatingPrice RangeMedia FilesCertificatesFounded InBedsPatientsDepartmentsOwnershipAge GroupClinic TypeType of CareSizeOnline Consultations
99%2759.7/10$$$136218924201800013 medical unitsPrivate hospitalKids, AdultsGeneralInpatient, OutpatientMediumYes


Size & Capacity

Medium, 420 beds

Clinic type


Type of care

Inpatient, Outpatient

Age group

Kids, Adults

4.4 on Google

The data collected based on 275 patient reviews on Google


Features & Facts

Outstanding mobility rates after knee surgery
About 99,13% of Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth patients achieved 0 (on extension) to 90 (on flexion) degrees indicators after knee joint surgery.
Great for child neurology
The clinic combines titles of "Epileptic Center for Kids," "Pediatric neurological rehabilitation center," and "General neuropediatrics center." It currently works with the Silberstreifen Association to support kids with neurological diseases.
Experts in back pain treatment
The Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth helps 1,000+ patients annually to treat back pain and has 20+ years of expertise in surgery, conservative treatment, and rehabilitation. Also, it was recognized as a “National best clinic of spine surgery” by “Focus.”
A quarter-century of experience in adult neurology
For 25+ years and 35,000+ adult neurology and neurosurgery patients, the Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth has offered multidisciplinary rare treatments. For example, options include deep brain stimulation, which is available only in about 30 centers in Germany.
Works under strict quality standards
The Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth fully meets the criteria and uses recommendations of the Joint Federal Committee, and regularly runs the Quality Commission meetings to confirm the quality of services.

About the clinic

Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth is the largest hospital in Upper Bavaria. The medical center specializes in diagnosing and treating the musculoskeletal, nervous, spine, and cardiovascular diseases. In addition to primary care, the clinic operates as an educational institution of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and a teaching clinic of the Salzburg Medical Private University. The clinic is also a partner of the University Hospital Tubingen. The clinic opened its doors in 1892 and joined the Schoen Group in 2002. More than 1,280 medical staff treat 12,000 inpatients and 6,000 outpatients per year. The hospital has 420 beds in single, double, and triple rooms. All rooms are designed according to a specially designed furnishing concept and furnished modern and tastefully. The neuropediatrics and pediatric orthopedics at Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth are world leaders. The clinic's specialists enjoy an excellent reputation at the national and international levels and set medical and scientific standards in their therapy. 2019 the hospital opened a gait and movement analysis laboratory with a Vicon 3D infrared camera system and two force measurement plates. Doctors analyze gait and movement disorders in the laboratory in orthopedic and neuro-orthopedic patients in detail, diagnose, plan treatments and aids, and evaluate their effects. At Schoen Clinic, doctors are also successfully working with Lokomat robotic therapy for patients with neurological diseases. The clinic focuses on the specialized center of hand and foot surgery, neurology, neuro-urology, neurosurgery, orthopedics and traumatology, and vascular and cardiac surgery. The clinic also employs qualified pediatricians with years of experience diagnosing and treating children's orthopedic and neurological diseases. The treatment teams provide patients with the latest diagnostics, innovative technologies, and a comprehensive conservative and surgical therapy program. It is done as gently as possible using minimally invasive, motion-saving procedures. Doctors care for each patient individually, tailored to their needs, whether an infant, child, teenager, or adult. The medical team focuses on patients with their individual physical, mental, and spiritual needs.

Departments & Doctors

Dr. Dr. Peter Neubauer

anesthesiolgy, intensive care medicine

Dr. Markus Regauer

foot & ankle surgery, orthopedics, sports traumaology

Brain & spine surgery
Dr. Manfred Kudernatsch

deep brain stimulation, epilepsy, spine, scoliosis, and neurosurgery

Cardiothoracic surgery
Dr. Tim Claußnitzer

vascular and cardiac surgery

Pediatric neurology, epileptology
Prof. Dr. Steffen Berweck

pediactic & adolescent medicine, neurology, neurorehabilitation, epileptology


Extra services

Visa Support
Parking Space
24/7 medical assistance
Intensive Care Unit


Krankenhausstraße 20, 83569 Vogtareuth, Germany


Does the clinic perform neurological therapy?

The hospital offers patients a mostly minimally invasive range of neurosurgical treatment. Standard procedures are supported by methods accompanying the operation, such as neuronavigation, intraoperative monitoring, and even a robotic assistant, achieving the highest accuracy and safety level.

Is Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth one of the best places to treat movement disorders?

The hospital has been using modern neuro-orthopedic techniques for the detailed diagnosis of gait disorders for more than three years, thanks to the Vicon 3D infrared camera. In addition, doctors have a high-tech Lokomat robot to sharpen the clarity of movements and restore impaired limb functions.

Is the medical center suitable for the treatment of brain injuries?

Specialists offer various procedures and surgical interventions for better repair, such as cerebral pressotherapy (relief of cerebral pressure), neurosurgery, unloading craniectomy, creation of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt, skull reconstruction accompanied by neuromonitoring, and high-precision performance.

What is the rating of the clinic?

Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth is rated as 9.70 by AiroMedical.

What do patients say about Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth?

The clinic has 275 feedbacks at other places. The UserScore of the hospital is 99%.

What is the overall experience of the facility?

Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth has been operating since 1892. It has accumulated over 133 years of clinical background.

Where can I see the hospital's work, interior space, and exterior?

AiroMedical gallery has 123 photos & 13 videos related to Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth.

Does the clinic have certification or recognition?

Yes, Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth has been certified by 2 organizations.

What is the structure of the hospital?

Where is the clinic located?

The address of the facility is Krankenhausstraße 20 83569, Vogtareuth, Germany.

Does the hospital offer online consultations?

Yes, Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth performs virtual appointments and offers a second medical opinion service.

What age range of patients can be admitted to the clinic?

The hospital accepts patients of all ages.

What type of stay is offered at Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth?

The clinic offers both inpatient and outpatient services, so you can be hospitalized (if indicated).

Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth
Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth

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