Dr. Markus Regauer
foot & ankle surgery, orthopedics, sports traumaology
foot & ankle surgery, orthopedics, sports traumaology
Country, City
Germany, Vogtareuth
Health facility
Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth
Medical unit
Department of orthopaedics, knee, shoulder surgery, endoprosthetics, and sports medicine
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
ankle surgery
foot ankle surgery
sports traumaology
bone formation
ankle injuries
foot ankle injuries
orthopedics sports traumaology
shoulder dislocation
ankle fractures
biometric study
doublerow repair
dislocation fracture
fractures management
surgical treatment
rigidus joint preserving
injuries joint preservation
achilles tendon lengthening
rupture doublerow repair
surgery orthopedics sports
eczema proteome imbalance
triceps tendon rupture
hallux rigidus joint
foot ankle surgeon
kwire osteosynthesis
achilles tendon
triceps tendon
neuro traumatology
ankle surgeon
surgery orthopedics
orthopaedics trauma
tendon lengthening
joint preservation
metatarsal fractures
hallux rigidus
bone defect
ligament injuries
trauma surgery
tendon rupture
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1994-2000 Studied human medicine at the Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) Munich
- 1996-2000 Scholarship holder of the Hanns Seidel Foundation
- 2000-2009 Practical training and further education at the Surgical Clinic Inner City of the LMU Munich
- 2009 Doctorate on the topic "New bone formation and bone defect healing through the recombinant human growth factor Oenic Proteisteogn-1 (BMP-7) - Animal experimental studies on the problem defect model of the sheep tibia"
- 1992 Abitur at Finsterwalder-Gymnasium Rosenheim (overall grade 1.6)
- 1993-1994 Community Service in the Oncology Clinic Bad Trissl
- Since 2005 Emergency Doctor at the Kiefersfelden location
- 2010 Practical training and further education in the Department and Polyclinic for Sports Orthopaedics at the Klinikum Rechts der Isar of the Technical University (TU) Munich
- 2011-2014 Head of the Department of Foot and Ankle Surgery at the LMU Munich, downtown location
- 2011-2014 Head of the Interdisciplinary wound clinic at the LMU Munich in the city center
- Since 2013 Freelance service for neuro traumatology at the Klinikum Innenstadt and the Klinikum Großhadern of the LMU Munich
- 2014-2016 Head of the special consultation for foot and ankle surgery at the LMU Munich at the Großhadern Hospital
- Since 2015 Consultant and Instructor for Arthrex
- Since 2017 Specialist for foot and ankle surgery at the SportOrtho Rosenheim practice
- Since 2017 Chief Physician in the Department of orthopaedics at the Schön-Klinik Vogtareuth
Awards & Memberships
- Since 2006 Member of the German-speaking Association for Arthroscopy (AGA)
- Since 2011 Member of the German Society for Orthopaedics and Trauma Surgery (DGOU)
- Since 2012 Member of the editorial board of the World Journal of Orthopedics
- Since 2012 Member of Footnet Bavaria
- Since 2013 Member of the German Association for Foot and Ankle (DAF)
High rate of complications after corrective midfoot/subtalar arthrodesis and Achilles tendon lengthening in Charcot arthropathy type Sanders 2 and 3.
January, 2023
[Surgical treatment of distal triceps tendon ruptures].
December, 2022
Evidence-Based Surgical Treatment Algorithm for Unstable Syndesmotic Injuries.
10 January, 2022
Krankenhausstraße, 20, 83569 Vogtareuth, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
Dr. Markus Regauer works at Schoen Clinic Vogtareuth.
What is the specialization of Dr. Markus Regauer?
The primary specialization of the doctor is foot & ankle surgery, orthopedics, sports traumaology.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. Markus Regauer has been practicing for more than 25 years.

Dr. Markus Regauer
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