Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Pfeiffer
Country, City
Germany, Mainz
Health facility
University Hospital Johannes Gutenberg Mainz
Medical unit
Department of ophtalmology
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1977-1985 Studied human medicine at the Universities of Giessen, Freiburg, Newcastle, and Cambridge
- 1979-1985 Scholarship of the Academic Foundation of the German People
- 1980-1981 Scholarship for training abroad at the Academic Foundation of the German People
- 1982-1983 Full-time basic research at the Department of the pharmacology of the Freiburg University
- 1984 Dr. Carl Duisberg Foundation scholarship for training abroad
- 1984-1985 British Council scholarship
- 1985 Obtaining a license for medical practice
- 1985 Defense of the dissertation
- 1988 Scholarship of the German Research Foundation
- 1990 Obtaining specialization in ophthalmology
- 1992 Habilitation and a teaching license at the Department of ophthalmology at the University Hospital Johannes Gutenberg Mainz
- 1981 Clinical internship from the AIESEC
- 1985-1990 Assistant Physician in the Department of ophthalmology at the University Hospital Freiburg
- 1990 Senior Physician in the Department of ophthalmology at the University Hospital Freiburg
- 1990-1992 Senior Physician of the Department of ophthalmology at the University Hospital Johannes Gutenberg Mainz
- 1992-1995 Leading Senior Physician of the Department of ophthalmology at the University Hospital Johannes Gutenberg Mainz
- 1995 Acting Head of the Department of ophthalmology at the University Hospital Johannes Gutenberg Mainz
- 1996 Professor and Head of the Department of ophthalmology at the University Hospital Johannes Gutenberg Mainz
- 1999-2000 Deputy Medical Director of the Department of ophthalmology at the University Hospital Johannes Gutenberg Mainz
- 2000-2003 Medical Director of the Department of ophthalmology at the University Hospital Johannes Gutenberg Mainz
- 2012-2014 Medical Director and Chief Executive Director of the Department of ophthalmology at the University Hospital Johannes Gutenberg Mainz
Awards & Memberships
- 1990 Chibret Award
- 1993 Award for the video work of the German Society of Ophthalmology
- 1993 Award of the German Society of Ophthalmology
- 1994-2010 Various awards for the best publication and video
- 1995 Prix Galien Prize for pharmacological developments in the treatment of glaucoma
- 1997 Best Lecturer Award at the University of Mainz
- 1998 Member of the Glaucoma Research Society
- 1998-2001 Chairman of the Mainz Medical Association
- 2005 Deputy President of the German Society of Ophthalmology
- 2005-2009 Member of the European Glaucoma Society
- 2006 President of the German Society of Ophthalmology
- 2007 Member of the executive board of the Professional Association of German Ophthalmologists
- 2007 President of the Association of Professors Ophthalmologists
- 2009 Member of the European Academy of Ophthalmology
- 2010 Communication Award from the German Healthcare Economics Congress
- 2011 Member of the off-label expert group at the Federal Institute for Drug Development
- 2011 PR Award
- 2012 Member of the National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina
- 2014 Trantas Annagnostakis Award of the Greek Glaucoma Society and the Greek Society of Ophthalmology
Langenbeckstraße, 1, 55131 Mainz, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Pfeiffer?
The primary specialization of the doctor is ophthalmology .
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Pfeiffer has been practicing for more than 40 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Norbert Pfeiffer
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