Prof. Dr. med. Lars Timmermann, FEAN
Country, City
Germany, Marburg
Health facility
University Hospital Marburg
Medical unit
Department of neurology
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
deep brain stimulation
essential tremor
subthalamic nucleus
subthalamic stimulation
hepatic encephalopathy
freezing gait
motor complications
cerebral palsy
bilateral subthalamic stimulation
dyskinetic cerebral palsy
brain iron accumulation
dopaminergic degeneration
gangliacortex loops
levodopa infusion
idiopathic parkinsons
vagus nerve
obsessivecompulsive disorder
subthalamic area
basal ganglia
motor cortex
ventral thalamus
tremordominant parkinsons
motor area
sensorimotor cortex
pallidal neurostimulation
impulsivity hypomania
tourette syndrome
behavior disorder
neural correlates
motor symptoms
peripheral nerve
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1992-1999 Studied human medicine at the Christian-Albrechts-University in Kiel with study visits to Johns Hopkins University, Wright State University, and Cambridge University
- 1999 Obtaining a license for medical practice
- 2000 Defense of the dissertation: “Functional investigations into the regeneration of sympathetic cutaneous vasoconstrictor neurons after peripheral nerve lesions in rats”
- 2005 Obtaining specialization in neurology
- 2007 Habilitation and a teaching license of the medical faculty at the Heinrich-Heine-University Duesseldorf with granting
- 2007 Senior Physician, Department of neurology at the Cologne University Hospital (Director Univ.-Prof. Dr. G. Fink)
- 2008 W2 University professorship, Department of neurology at the University Hospital Cologne (Director: Prof. Dr. G. Fink)
- 2010 W2 Research professorship, Department of neurology at the University Hospital Cologne
- 2014 W3 Research professorship, Department of neurology at the University Hospital Cologne
- 2016 Director, Department of neurology at the University Hospital Marburg
- 2018 Director of the Center for emergency medicine, University Hospital Giessen and Marburg
Awards & Memberships
- 2000 Member of the German Pain Foundation
- 2002-2007 Head of the junior research group "Pathophysiology of movement disorders", Department of neurology at the University Hospital Duesseldorf
- 2003 Promotional Prize from German Parkinson's Association by the regional group in Hanover
- 2004 Special Prize for communication from the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, awarded by a jury of specialist journalists
- 2004 Young Scientists' Prize from the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences
- 2004 BIOMAG Young Investigator Award
- 2004-2006 Member of the research committee of the medical faculty: "Investigations into the control of voluntary and involuntary movements in the basal ganglia"
- 2006-2009 Member of the Manfred and Ursula Mueller Foundation, young investigator group "Pathophysiology of movement disorders"
- 2007 Kluh Prize for research into rare diseases
- 2007-2016 Head of the working group "Movement disorders and deep brain stimulation", Department of neurology at the University Hospital Cologne (Director Univ.-Prof. Dr. G. R. Fink)
- 2008-2009 Member of the "Tree of hope": "Stimulation of the globus pallidus in neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation: a prospective international trial"
- 2009-2012 Member of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research project in cooperation with Toronto: "Ethical, legal and empirical aspects of deep brain stimulation"
- 2010 Head of the clinical research group 219: "Basal ganglia-cortex loops: mechanisms of pathological interactions and their therapeutic modulation"
- 2010-2013 Member of the Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation Disorders Society USA: "Stimulation of the globus pallidus in neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation: a prospective international trial"
- 2010-2013 Member of the Medtronic project "ODIS-ET: Optimizing dysarthria by interleaving stimulation in essential tremor"
- 2010-2013 Member of the German Research Foundation, clinical research unit 219: "Basal ganglia-cortex loops: mechanisms of pathological interactions and their therapeutic modulation"
- 2011 High-Five Award for one of the top 5 deep brain stimulation posters
- 2011 Teaching Prize for the best field of competence in Parkinson's disease
- 2012 Faculty Prize for teaching at the medical faculty
- 2012-2013 Member of the German Parkinson Association: "Health-related quality of life in Parkinson's patients with deep brain stimulation: development and validation of a tool for self-assessment and external assessment"
- 2012-2014 Member of the Cologne Parkinson Network: "Holistic care of patients in the Cologne Parkinson Network"
- 2013-2016 Member of the German Research Foundation, follow-up application clinical research unit 219: "Basal ganglia-cortex loops: mechanisms of pathological interactions and their therapeutic modulation"
- 2013-2016 Member of the Boston-Scientific Incorporation in USA: "German prospective multicenter study on the effectiveness of stimulation of the globus pallidus internus in dyskinetic early childhood brain damage - STIM-CP"
- 2013-2016 Member of the 7th framework program of the European Union: SAPIENS-IMPACT: Steering deep brain stimulation"
- 2014-2015 Member of the German Parkinson Association: "LISA II: Health-related quality of life of Parkinson's patients with deep brain stimulation: multicentric validation of an instrument for self-assessment and external assessment"
- 2015-2017 Member of the Herfordt Foundation: "GEPESTIM: Deep brain stimulation before the age of 18 in patients with childhood-onset dyskinetic movement disorders: A register study for quality assurance"
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Conradistraße, 10, 35043 Marburg, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Lars Timmermann, FEAN?
The primary specialization of the doctor is neurology.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Lars Timmermann, FEAN has been practicing for more than 28 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Lars Timmermann, FEAN
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© Prof. Dr. med. Lars Timmermann, FEAN