Size & Capacity
Large, 1,140 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
3.1 on Google
The data collected based on 198 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors

Prof. W. Sekundo: Over 500 DMEKs: What did we learn from them? 11-2014

LIGHT for SIGHT Foundation ~ Fighting preventable blindness ~ Please support the Foundation!

Laser eye surgery for presbyopia - eye expert opts for laser surgery instead of progressive glasses

VisuMax 800 and 500 - Walter Secundo's impressions of the new SMILE laser

AIOC2021-GP123-Topic-Dr. Sekundo Germany -Key note Corneal Biomechanics in different type of Refract

Extra services
Conradistraße 10, 35043 Marburg, Germany
Why should I choose University Hospital Marburg for cardiopulmonary diseases?
For more than 6 years, the cardiac surgery department has been in the top rating according to FOCUS magazine. For successful therapy and surgery, the hospital uses modified heart-lung machines, which effectively replace the function of the heart and lungs.
Is the clinic suitable for the treatment of oncological conditions?
A hospital is a good place for cancer treatment. A special center for ion radiation therapy is unique. It offers the opportunity to study the physical characteristics of particles that allow the destruction of cancer cells at anybody depth with minimal exposure to adjacent normal tissues.
What range of services does the hospital offer?
The clinic offers various surgical treatments (visceral, thoracic, and vascular) and general therapy for adults and children. In addition, radiology, maxillofacial surgery with dentistry, and modern laboratory and microbiological diagnostics expand the list of services.

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