PD. Dr. med. Kai Witzel
general and abdominal surgery, proctology, minimally invasive surgery, and sports medicine
general and abdominal surgery, proctology, minimally invasive surgery, and sports medicine
Country, City
Germany, Hunfeld
Health facility
Minimally Invasive Centre Hunfeld
Medical unit
Department of general, abdominal, hernia, and minimally invasive surgery with proctology
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
minimally invasive surgery
thyroid surgery
brassica oleracea
abdominal surgery
transoral thyroidectomy
endoscopic thyroid surgery
arabidopsis thaliana
sports medicine
laryngopharyngeal reflux
abdominal hernia
traumatic rupture
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Training to become a paramedic, advanced training for a paramedic
- Medical studies at the Julius Maximilians University of Wurzburg and the Philipps University of Marburg
- Promotion to Dr. medical at the Philipps University of Marburg
- Studied health sciences at the University of Medical Informatics and Technology in Hall/Tyrol
- Promotion to Doctor Scientiarum Humanarum in health sciences, with distinction, with an emphasis on communication and marketing, strategic corporate management, and quality management
- Habilitation with distinction at Paracelsus Medical University
- Additional qualifications in proctology, X-ray diagnostics, and sports medicine
- Lecturer in clinical medicine, nursing, and health care course at Fulda University of Applied Sciences
- Doctor in the internship of the Department for general and abdominal surgery of City Clinic Fulda
- Assistant Doctor in the Department for general and abdominal surgery at the City Clinic Fulda
- Assistant Doctor in the Department for surgery of the Herz-Jesu Hospital in Fulda
- Recognition as the Chief Emergency Physician
- 2002 Senior Physician at the Department for surgery at the Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus Fulda
- 2002 Medical Director of the rescue service in the district of Fulda
- Council of the Academy of Interdisciplinary Rescue and Emergency Medicine
- 2002-2007 Head of surgery at the Helios St. Elisabeth Clinic in Hunfeld
- 2004-2005 Medical Director of the clinic
- Founding of the Minimally Invasive Center Dr. Kai Witzel Hunfeld with surgical doctor's office
- 2008-2013 Resident Doctor at the St. Elisabeth Hospital in Bad Hersfeld
- 2012 Consultant Doctor and branch practice at Clinic Gersfeld
- Professor Emeritus of the University of Los Morelos
- Permanent Visiting Professor at the University of Mexico City for the training of specialists in general surgery
- Member of the examination board for general surgery of the State Medical Association of Hesse
- Department of general, abdominal, hernia, and minimally invasive surgery with proctology at Minimally Invasive Center Hunfeld
Awards & Memberships
- Qualified Member of the Professional Association of Proctologists in Germany
- Member of the German Hernia Society
- Member of the German Society for Surgery
- Member of the surgical working group for minimally invasive surgery of the German Society for Surgery
- Member of the surgical working group for endocrinology
- Member of the German Society for Sports Medicine and Prevention
- Chairman of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Cultivation Sciences in Medicine
- Committee Member of the surgical working group media of the German Society of Surgery
Effect of long-term storage on glucosinolate and S-methyl-l-cysteine sulfoxide hydrolysis in cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata).
26 July, 2023
Monitoring of an Applied Beneficial Trichoderma Strain in Root-Associated Soil of Field-Grown Maize by MALDI-TOF MS.
25 June, 2023
Glucosinolate-derived amine formation in Brassica oleracea vegetables.
30 March, 2023
Hersfelder Str., 1, 36088 Hunfeld, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of PD. Dr. med. Kai Witzel?
The primary specialization of the doctor is general and abdominal surgery, proctology, minimally invasive surgery, and sports medicine.
What is the experience of the specialist?
PD. Dr. med. Kai Witzel has been practicing for more than 23 years.

PD. Dr. med. Kai Witzel
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