Size & Capacity
Medium, 158 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
3.9 on Google
The data collected based on 161 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors
Extra services
Schillerstraße 22, 36088 Hünfeld, Germany
Does the clinic treat orthopedic diseases with surgery?
Orthopedists offer a wide range of surgery, including minimally traumatic arthroscopic operations through small incisions for dissecting osteochondrosis and rheumatological diseases, as well as endoprosthetics with certified safe implants. Navigation ensures the clarity of interventions without radiation.
Should you choose Helios St. Elisabeth Hospital Hunfeld to treat varicose veins?
Doctors use painless and highly effective methods of treating vascular diseases, making the medical center the most advanced in the region for treating varicose veins. PIN-stripping and mini-phlebectomy under ultrasound control are inserted through a millimeter incision and don't require long rehabilitation.
Can I go to the hospital with early-stage gastric carcinoma?
The medical center specializes in treating early carcinomas using endoscopic methods. Modern equipment determines the boundaries of the formation and precisely cuts out the critical areas through a tiny cut. As a result, time is not wasted on long preparation, and the risk of infection is reduced.

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