Dr. med. Peter A. Bernius
orthopaedics and sports medicine, pediatric and neuro orthopaedics
orthopaedics and sports medicine, pediatric and neuro orthopaedics
Country, City
Germany, Munich
Health facility
M1 Private Clinic Munich
Medical unit
Department of pediatric orthopedics and sports medicine, neuroorthopedics
5.0 on Google
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patient reviews on Google
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
cerebral palsy
botulinum toxin
sports medicine
motor function
pediatric neuro orthopedics
subluxation children
hip dysplasia
hip subluxation
adductor spasm
neuro orthopedics
developmental neurology
botulinum toxin therapy
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1982-1988 Studies of human medicine at the University of Heidelberg
- 1992-1996 Specialist training at the Oskar-Helene-Heim, Orthopedic Clinic of the Free University of Berlin
- 1994 Recognized further qualifications in sports medicine
- 1996 Recognized specialist for orthopedics
- 1996-2000 Chief resident at the orthopedic department of the University Clinic Freiburg
- Special field orthopedic treatment of multiple disabled children and adults
- 2006 Recognized further qualification as an orthopedist for children
- 1989-1991 Medical intern at the Surgical Clinic Darmstadt, teaching hospital of the Johann-Wolfgang von Goethe University Frankfurt
- 1996-2000 Director of the Department for orthopedics for children, University Clinic Freiburg
- 1997-2000 School doctor at the Public School for Physically Disabled in Emmendingen-Wasser
- 2001 Chief resident at the Center for Children and Neuro-Orthopedics, Schon Clinic Munich Harlaching
- 2002-2008 Medical consultant of the Reha-Western Palatinate, Landstuhl Pfalz
- 2002-2008 Medical consultant of the Developmental Neurology Clinic at the Dr. von Haunerschen Children's Hospital
- 2003-2008 Medical consultant of the K-Schule Nuremberg
- 2003-2008 Medical consultant of the home for people with disabilities "The bridge" Munich
- 2003-2010 Medical consultant of the Neurology Clinic Bad Aibling
- 2003-2010 Medical consultant of the Pfennigparade Munich
- 2003-2015 Medical consultant of the Social Pediatric Centre Traunstein
- 2004-2015 Medical consultant of the Peto-Nursery Sonnenschein in Rosenheim
- 2005-2008 Medical consultant of the Palusstift, Landau
- 2005-2008 Medical consultant of the Social Pediatric Centre Ludwigshafen
- 2005-2009 Medical consultant of the manual therapeutic practice Riedel Freiburg
- 2005-2010 Medical consultant of the Phoenix Munich
- 2006 Medical consultant of the Social Pedagogic Housing Wohnheim Karlsruhe Moltkestrasse
- 2006 Medical consultant at the pediatric practice Hirschaid
- 2006-2011 Medical consultant of the remedial center
- 2007 Medical consultant of the Pediatric Clinic Schomberg
- 2008 Medical consultant at the Pediatric Clinic 3. Orden in Munich
- 2009-2010 Medical consultant of Fortschritt Wurzburg
- 2009-2015 Medical consultant of the Bavarian State School for the Physically Disabled Munich
- 2010 Team doctor of the German Paralympic ski team
- 2010 Medical consultant of the Fond Ziedot Riga
- 2011 Medical consultant of the Viktor Frankl School Frankfurt
- 2011 Medical consultants of the Social Pediatric Center Offenbach
- 2012 Medical consultant of the Social Pediatric Center Frankfurt Mitte
- 2015 Medical consultant at the M1 Private Clinic for Children and Adolescents
- 2016 Medical consultant of the Rhinehessen Specialist Hospital Mainz
Awards & Memberships
- 1996 Member of the Workgroup Cerebral Palsy at the German Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery
- 2001 Member of the Bavarian Working Group Botulinum Toxin
- Founding member of the working group “growing spine” at the German Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery
- 2001 member of the Johann-Nepomuk-von-Kurz Foundation
- Member of the German Society for Orthopedics and Orthopedic Surgery
- Member of the Professional Association of Orthopedic Specialists and Trauma Surgeons
- Member of the German Sports Physicians Association
- Member of the German Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society
- Member of the German Association of Pediatric Orthopedics
- Member of the Association of German Orthopedists
- Member of the Bavarian State Chamber of Physicians
- Member of the Doctors District Association
- Member of the medical advisory council Dolphin Aid
- Founding member of the “Alipes” society
- Founding member of the “Dive together” society
Influence of the percutaneous myofasciotomy on gait of children with spastic cerebral palsy - A short term, retrospective controlled analysis.
July, 2023
Diagnosis and treatment of Crouch Gait in Children with Cerebral Palsy
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Dynamic Standing Exercise using the Innowalk Device in Patients with Genetic and Acquired Motor Impairments.
29 June, 2022
Frauenplatz, 7, 80331 Munich, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. med. Peter A. Bernius?
The primary specialization of the doctor is orthopaedics and sports medicine, pediatric and neuro orthopaedics.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. med. Peter A. Bernius has been practicing for more than 37 years.

Dr. med. Peter A. Bernius
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