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Prostate Embolization for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) - Minimally invasive therapy | Uniclinic Frankfurt, Germany

Prostate Embolization for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) - Minimally invasive therapy | Uniclinic Frankfurt, Germany

Frankfurt am Main, Germany

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Age group


Type of care



Minimally invasive

About the offer

Prostatic artery embolization (PAE) is a minimally invasive therapy used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. The prostate is supplied by the artery to the prostate (arteria vesicalis inferior), and PAE involves blocking the side branches of this artery that supply the prostate with blood. This is done by injecting small particles to stop the blood supply in a process called embolization. This procedure has been used successfully for over 20 years to treat various causes of pelvic bleeding, such as uncontrolled bleeding after prostate surgery or prostate cancer. PAE for benign prostatic hyperplasia was first used in 2008. During the procedure, the groin region is locally anesthetized, and a special needle is used to pierce a very small hole in the blood vessel in the groin. A sheath, which is a guide tube that allows the examination to be carried out without significant blood loss, is then inserted into the hole. A catheter, a thin, flexible special tube, is inserted through the sheath under visual angiographic control. The catheter reaches the blood vessel that supplies the prostate, and the embolization particles are injected into the vessel through the catheter. A new method developed in Frankfurt involves pre-interventional planning of the procedure using magnetic resonance imaging, which leads to a significant reduction in radiation exposure and the volume of contrast medium used. PAE reduces blood flow to the prostate, leading to a reduction in the volume of the prostatic hyperplasia. This results in an improvement in the lower urinary tract symptoms and reversal of the narrowing of the urethra, which is the drainage channel of the urinary bladder. A literature review from 2014 shows a significant improvement in patient symptoms, with a reduction in the degree of symptoms from a score of 23. 31 to a score of 8. 1 after 30 months. The quality of life score also improved significantly from a score of 4. 34 to a score of 1. 85 after 30 months.

What’s included

Medical service

  • clinical history-taking
  • medical records review
  • physical examination
  • consultation with an interventional radiologist
Laboratory tests
  • complete blood count (CBC)
  • blood type test (ABO, Rh)
  • biochemical analysis of blood (kidney and liver function tests, electrolytes)
  • inflammation blood tests
  • coagulation studies
  • urinalysis
  • ultrasound imaging of the groin
  • magnetic resonance angiography (MRA)
  • post-procedure scan of the prostate
  • pre-procedure patient preparation
  • prostatic artery embolization (PAE) for benign prostatic hyperplasia
  • post-procedure care
  • symptomatic care
  • doctor's fee
  • cost of essential medicines
  • cost of essential materials
  • local anesthesia
  • nursing service
  • discharge medical records
  • further recommendations
Distant service
  • follow-up consultations

Extra add-ons

Local transportation
Airport transfer
Personal coordinator
HealthDocs translate
Visa Support


AiroMedical support
Payment protection
Patient advocacy
Price match

Meet the provider

Prof. Dr. med. Tho­mas Vogl

interventional radiology, interventional oncology, chemoembolization (TACE) & chemoperfusion (TACP)



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Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, 60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany


How long is the hospital stay?

The patient can undergo the treatment and go home on the same day. Normal activities can be resumed after a few days.

What are the complications?

Complications can occur with any medical procedure. In the case of prostate embolization, there can be complications caused by the intervention itself, such as bleeding or hematoma at the puncture site. There can also be complications from the procedure, such as bleeding during urination or defecation, infection of the prostate, or blood in semen. However, these complications are usually temporary and do not require special therapy. Severe complications requiring surgical intervention, such as bladder wall ischemia, may occur in less than 1% of cases. It is worth noting that complications such as impotence, retrograde ejaculation, or incontinence have not yet been observed.

What is the cost?

The total price for Prostate Embolization for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) - Minimally invasive therapy | Uniclinic Frankfurt, Germany is €18,321. However, it can vary from the specifics of each case. Get in touch to get an individual estimate.

What is the rating of the offer?

Prostate Embolization for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) - Minimally invasive therapy | Uniclinic Frankfurt, Germany is rated as 9.90 by AiroMedical.

Who is offering a deal?

How long does the offer take?

The offer is designed for 3 days.

Does the offer require you to stay in the clinic overnight?

What are the age restrictions?

The offer is eligible only for adults.

Can I customize the content of the offer?

Yes, the components of the deal can be changed. Get in touch with a vendor to create a personalized proposal.

Does the offer include extra services?

Individual cost estimate. Non-binding 100% free assessment.


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