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Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital Berlin

Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital Berlin

Berlin, Germany

User ScoreTotal ReviewsRatingPrice RangeMedia FilesCertificatesFounded InBedsPatientsDepartmentsOwnershipClinical trialsAge GroupClinic TypeType of CareSizeOnline Consultations
94%5099.1/10$$561837780600004 medical unitsState hospitalConduct clinical trialsKids, AdultsGeneralInpatient, OutpatientLargeNo


Size & Capacity

Large, 780 beds

Clinic type


Type of care

Inpatient, Outpatient

Age group

Kids, Adults

3.3 on Google

The data collected based on 509 patient reviews on Google


Features & Facts

Authority in epileptology
The hospital provides personalized epilepsy treatment programs for various age groups. Doctors offer a range of therapies, from drugs to epilepsy surgery and vagus nerve stimulation.
Groundbreaking remedy for liver cirrhosis
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) implantation is a procedure used for patients with cirrhosis who have high blood pressure in the portal vein system of the liver.
Worldwide recognition
The clinic proudly displays certifications from the German Society of Vascular Surgery, the German Societies of Angiology and Diabetology. The Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery is also recognized as a Breast Restoration Center.
A novel for maintaining ejaculation
The clinic offers an ejaculation-protective water vapor therapy in addition to HoLEP, which can improve urination for the first three weeks after the procedure.
Laser medicine center
The clinic covers the treatment of tumors and vascular malformations, urology, and proctological and lung conditions. Patients with rare diseases, such as neurofibromatosis type 1 or tuberous sclerosis, are also treated at the highest level.

About the clinic

Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital Berlin is an acute care and academic teaching hospital at Charite - the University of Medicine Berlin. The Evangelical Elizabethan Clinic has more than 175 years of history and is part of the five specialized clinics of Paul Gerhard, known throughout Germany. Today, the hospital is located on the territory of the beautiful landscape park Herzberg, where walks contribute to a speedy recovery and peace of mind for patients. The hospital comprises 15 specialized departments with more than 1,400 qualified medical staff. About 60,000 people are examined and treated annually at the Elizabethan Clinic, of which 25,000 are inpatients. The medical center has 780 beds in modern, bright single or double rooms. In addition, social services, houses, a hygiene institute, laundry, and pastoral care are offered for comprehensive care. The quality of the medical and nursing care provided is regularly checked by independent experts, thanks to which the hospital's quality management system is always at the most modern level.  As a result, the hospital is proud to hold prestigious certificates from the German Society for Vascular Surgery and Vascular Medicine, the German Society for Angiology, the German Diabetes Association, and the German Society for Nephrology. Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital also has a Laser Medicine Center that offers first-class care for patients with rare diseases such as neurofibromatosis type 1 or tuberous sclerosis. In addition, doctors pay special attention to the modern treatment of chronic wounds, so the hospital has a certified wound center. The medical team offers various medical services in general and visceral surgery, anesthesia and resuscitation, internal medicine, orthopedics and traumatology, plastic surgery, and hand surgery. The clinic also has a dedicated team in the physiotherapy, occupational and osteopathic centers to help patients regain mobility, relieve pain, and support post-surgery recovery as quickly as possible. Caring medical staff successfully combines the application of modern medical achievements and Christian ethics.

Primary focus

pancreatic cancer
liver metastasis
plastic surgery
necrotizing pancreatitis
bopinduced pancreatic
respiratory tract
colorectal cancer
abdominal hernia
joint arthroplasty
hand surgery
gastrointestinal endoscopy
metastasis hepatic
endoscopic resection
visceral surgery
internal medicine
barretts oesophagus
mucosal adenocarcinoma
pressure sores
esophageal cancer
coloproctology laser
aesthetic surgery
barretts cancer
intraepithelial neoplasia
endoscopic therapy
oncological gastroenterology
tumour growth
trauma surgery
palliative medicine
respiratory tract infections
lymph nodes

Departments & Doctors

General, hernia, coloproctology surgery
PD. Dr. med. Maik Kilian

general and visceral surgery

Internal medicine, geriatrics
Dr. med. Angelika Behrens

internal medicine, oncological gastroenterology, drug-based tumor therapy, and palliative medicine

Orthopedics, trauma surgery
Dr. med. Friedrich Jahn

orthopedic surgery, treatment of accidents and sports injuries

Plastic, hand surgery, breast center
Prof. Dr. med. Markus Kuntscher

hand and plastic surgery


Extra services

Visa Support
Parking Space
24/7 medical assistance
Pastoral Care
Intensive Care Unit


Herzbergstraße 79, 10365 Berlin, Germany


What range of services does Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital offer?

The medical center treats common gastroenterology, cardiology, and rheumatology diseases and provides high-quality orthopedic and traumatological treatment. In addition, the medical team consists of highly qualified anesthesiologists, resuscitators, plastic surgeons, and rehabilitation specialists.

Are modern surgical techniques used in the clinic?

The clinic of general visceral surgery has several areas of therapy, including modern laser surgery. With small incisions, the most accessible routes are the ability to protect the soft tissues and muscles and thus put as little strain on the patient as possible.

Can I get an endoscopy at any time if I get worse?

The endoscopy department has an excellent range of highly functional gastroenterological and pneumatological endoscopies, including the biliary tract and the small intestine. In addition, thanks to a strong emergency department, services are available immediately and 24 hours a day.

Can doctors offer quality treatment for lipedema?

To treat lipedema, doctors use innovative modern liposuction techniques in the so-called "wet technique", which allows getting rid of fat tissue more nontraumatic. However, after effective rehabilitation, bruises and swelling disappear within a week, and scars remain invisible due to small incisions.

What is the rating of the clinic?

Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital Berlin is rated as 9.10 by AiroMedical.

What do patients say about Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital Berlin?

The clinic has 509 feedbacks at other places. The UserScore of the hospital is 94%.

What is the primary focus of the hospital?

The medical center is an expert at cancer, surgery, pancreatic cancer, liver, and plastic.

What is the overall experience of the facility?

Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital Berlin has been operating since 1837. It has accumulated over 188 years of clinical background.

Where can I see the hospital's work, interior space, and exterior?

AiroMedical gallery has 5 photos related to Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital Berlin.

Does the clinic have certification or recognition?

What is the structure of the hospital?

Where is the clinic located?

The address of the facility is Herzbergstraße 79 10365, Berlin, Germany.

Does the hospital offer online consultations?

No, Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital Berlin doesn’t perform virtual appointments.

What age range of patients can be admitted to the clinic?

The hospital accepts patients of all ages.

What type of stay is offered at Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital Berlin?

The clinic offers both inpatient and outpatient services, so you can be hospitalized (if indicated).

Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital Berlin
Evangelical Elisabeth Hospital Berlin

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