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Prof. Dr. Rafael Navarro working place, IMO Miranza Group Barcelona
Prof. Dr. Rafael Navarro

Prof. Dr. Rafael Navarro

retina, diabetic retinopathy and hereditary retinal diseases
retina, diabetic retinopathy and hereditary retinal diseases
User ScoreExperienceRatingPrice RangePublicationsMedia FilesOnline Consultations
97%35 years9.8/10$$114817Yes


Country, City
Spain, Barcelona
Health facility
IMO Miranza Group Barcelona
Medical unit
Department of retina and vitreous

About the doctor

Dr. Rafael Navarro is a highly esteemed ophthalmologist with decades of experience, specializing in retina, diabetic retinopathy, and hereditary retinal diseases. His impressive career includes key roles at prestigious hospitals and institutions, such as Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barcelona and IMO Miranza Group. Dr. Navarro has contributed significantly to the field with over a thousand scientific publications, focusing on topics like genetic diagnosis of inherited retinal dystrophies and the impact of intravitreal injections. His expertise and dedication make him a sought-after professional in the ophthalmology community, known for his innovative research and patient-centered approach. From being a member of various ophthalmology societies to serving on steering committees and delivering lectures internationally, Dr. Rafael Navarro's passion for advancing eye care is evident in his extensive contributions to the field. With a focus on cutting-edge treatments and genetic advancements, he continues to make a lasting impact on the future of ophthalmology, earning him a reputation as a leading expert in his specialization.

Skills & Expertise

agerelated macular degeneration
macular degeneration
macular edema
diabetic retinopathy
dexamethasone intravitreal
diabetic macular edema
intravitreal implant
antivegf intravitreal
wet agerelated
retinal dystrophies
ndyag laser
photodynamic therapy
diabetic retinopathy screening
retinopathy screening program
inherited retinal dystrophies
choroidal neovascularization
retinitis pigmentosa
intraocular lens
bevacizumab avastin
retinal phenotype
neovascular amd
diabetic maculopathy
lens implantation
intraocular pressure
intravitreal injection
stem cell
retinopathy hereditary
retina diabetic retinopathy
diabetic retinopathy hereditary



CV (Curriculum Vitae)

  • 1985-1990 Graduate in Medicine and Surgery Ophthalmology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
  • 1992-1995 Ophthalmology Resident at Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, Spain
  • 2006 Observer at the Vitreous-Retina-Macula Consultants of New York, USA
  • 1996-1999 Ophthalmologist at Joan XXIII University Hospital, Tarragona, Spain
  • Staff doctor in the Vitreoretinal Department of San Pablo Hospital and the Clinical Hospital of Barcelona
  • 1997-1999 Associate Professor in Ophthalmology at Rovira i Virgili University, Tarragona, Spain
  • 1999-2004 Retina Specialist at Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain
  • 2005-2006 Retina Specialist at Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, Spain
  • 2015-2022 Steering committee at Vision Academy
  • 2020-2022 Retina Specialist at IMO Madrid Miranza, Spain
  • 2015-2024 Patron of the IMO Foundation
  • 1995 Retina Specialist at IMO Miranza Group
  • 2008 Chairman of the Welfare Committee at IMO Miranza Group
  • 2012 Chairman of the Ethics Committee at IMO Miranza Group
  • 2019 Care Coordinator at IMO Miranza Group
  • Lecturer in the Master’s Vitreous and Retina Degree of the Institute of Ocular Microsurgery and member of the Clinical Research Ethical Committee (CEIC) of the IMO
  • 2021 Director R&D at IMO Miranza Group
  • 2022 Medical Director at IMO Miranza Group
Awards & Memberships
  • 2011 Faculty member at European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology
  • Member of Jules Gonin Club
  • Member of American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)
  • Member of European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA)
  • Member of Catalonian Ophthalmology Society (SCOFT)
  • Member of Spanish Ophthalmology Society (SEO)
  • Member of Spanish Retina and Vitreous Society (SERV)
  • 2013 Workshop. Step Spanish Work- shop. National Ophthalmology Scientific Training and Education Programme. Barcelona. Navarro R.
  • 2013 Workshop. Spanish ARIA Group 2nd Review Meeting. Budapest. Navarro R.
  • 2013 Speaker. Autofluorescence in clin- ical practice. Ophthalmology Society of the Canary Islands. Tenerife. Navarro R.
  • 2013 Speaker. Allergan Advisory Board in Diabetic Macular Oedema. Madrid. Navarro R.
  • 2013 1) Workshop. Implementing in- dividualized treatment approaches in neovascular AMD: understanding the practical realities. Step 3 International ophthalmology Scientific Training and Education Programme. 2) Workshop. Clinical deci- sion-making in DME 3) Workshop. DME treatment: key considerations and current challenges Rationale for evidence based individualized treatment approaches 4) Workshop. Clinical decision making in neovascular AMD. Dubai. Navarro R.
  • 2013 Presentation. Fundus autofluores- cence management and diagnosis. Euretina. Ham- burg. Navarro R.
  • 2013 Presentation. Macular Dystrophies and Autofluorescence. Bilbao.
  • 2013 Speaker. Inherited diffuse retinopa- thies. 7th Symposium on Controversies in Ophthalmol- ogy. Barcelona. Navarro R.
  • 2013 Speaker. NATAC Pharma steering committee. Saragossa. Navarro R.
  • 2013 1) Speaker. Diabetic macular oedema threatening the fovea. 2) Speaker. Retinamour medical retina cases panel discussion. 3) Master Class. Inherited chorioretinopathies 14th Retina Academy. Istanbul. Navarro R.
  • 2013 Speaker. Long-term treated CNV. International AMD & Retina Congress. Dublin. Navarro R.
  • 2013 Speaker. DME in proliferative dia- betic retinopathy. International AMD & Retina Con- gress. Dublin. Navarro R.
  • 2013 Speaker. ARMD and Retinitis Pig- mentosa. Spanish Society of Low Vision Specialists. Barcelona.
  • 2014 Master Class. Inherited chorioretin- opathies: 14th Retina Academy, Istanbul, Turkey. 2014. Navarro R.
  • 2014 Speaker. Allergan Advisory Board in Diabetic Macular Oedema. Madrid. Navarro R.
  • 2014 Speaker. Vision Academy (Bayer) International Steering Committee. Dubai. Navarro R.
  • 2014 Speaker. Bioimage Study. Euretina Bayer Symposium. London. Navarro R.
  • 2014 Speaker. ME in macular dystro- phies. New horizon in the diagnosis and treatment of macular oedema. Barcelona. Navarro R.
  • 2014 Speaker. Protocol Assistance Eu- ropean Medial Agency (EMA). NATAC Pharma clinical trial on Retinitis Pigmentosa. London. Navarro R.
  • 2014 Speaker. Eylea® Bayer Schering Pharma Advisory Board. Barcelona.
  • 2015 Role of laser in DME. Retinova 2. Madrid Navarro R.
  • 2015 Speaker. Fluorescein angiography and DME. Allergan Symposium. Encuentro satélite del 5th European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA) Winter Meeting. Oxford Navarro R.
  • 2015 1) Speaker. 1.Master Class: “Myopic Maculopathies” 2.“Cataract surgery in eyes with intermediate stage of AMD”. 2) Panelista. Retinamour session. 3) Moderador. Live surgery. 15th Retina Academy. Barcelona Navarro R.
  • 2015 Speaker. ABCA4: correlación genotipo-fenotipo. Barcelona Retina Meeting. Barcelona Navarro R.
  • 2015 Clinical cases presentation. Reunión Desafío macular. Madrid Navarro R.
  • 2015 Poster. Navarro R., Granell M., Hurtado P., Gabarro L,. “Impacto de la degeneración macular asociada a la edad en la vida diaria de los pacientes y sus cuidadores”. XXXV Jornadas de Economía de la Salud. Granada
  • 2016 Speaker. Edema macular: situaciones especiales. II Curso Nuevos horizontes en el diagnóstico y tratamiento del edema macular. Barcelona Navarro R.
  • 2016 Poster. “Clinical and molecular characterization of the ABCA4associated dystrophies: novel genotype-phenotype correlations”. European Society Human genetics (ESHG) Conference. Barcelona Navarro R.
  • 2016 Panelist. Discussion of DRCR.net clinical study outcomes. Vision Academy Annual Meeting. Barcelona


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Carrer de Josep Maria Lladó, 3, 08035 Barcelona, Spain


Where does the doctor practice?

What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. Rafael Navarro?

The primary specialization of the doctor is retina, diabetic retinopathy and hereditary retinal diseases.

What is the experience of the specialist?

Prof. Dr. Rafael Navarro has been practicing for more than 35 years.

What is the rating of the doctor?

What topics does Prof. Dr. Rafael Navarro expert at?

The doctor has excellent knowledge in macular, eye, laser, retina, ophthalmology.

Is the specialist involved in the research?

Where can I see the work of the doctor?

AiroMedical gallery has 7 images & 10 videos related to Prof. Dr. Rafael Navarro.

Does the specialist offer online consultations?

Yes, Prof. Dr. Rafael Navarro performs virtual appointments and offers a second medical opinion service.

Prof. Dr. Rafael Navarro
Prof. Dr. Rafael Navarro

Get individual treatment plan and cost estimate. Non-binding 100% free assessment.

© Prof. Dr. Rafael Navarro

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