Size & Capacity
Medium, 306 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
4.1 on Google
The data collected based on 1,803 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors

Update on the treatment of patients with AF

Josep Brugada. Professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the UB, Cardiologist at the Hospital Clínic

Dr. Josep Brugada. Sudden death and atrial fibrillation. Current Challenges in Cardiology. part 3

Dr. Josep Brugada. Sudden death and atrial fibrillation. Current Challenges in Cardiology. part 2

Interview with Dr. Josep Brugada and Oscar Lozano in Capital Cell

Dr. Josep Brugada. Sudden death and atrial fibrillation. Current Challenges in Cardiology part 1
Extra services
Pg. de Sant Joan de Déu, 2, 08950 Esplugues de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
Is pediatric neuroblastoma therapy available at the University Hospital Sant Joan de Deu?
The clinic offers the most modern treatment of pediatric neuroblastoma in the country. By investigating anti-GD2 antibody immunotherapy in high-risk patients, an incredible success rate of over 90% was achieved without requiring further transplantation or high-dose chemotherapy.
Should I choose the clinic for the treatment of intrauterine diseases?
Real surgical geniuses have developed a unique 3D mapping of a placenta using ultrasound and MRI to determine the best access to the fetus. Thanks to the endoscope and 3D navigation, doctors can perform effective operations on the fetus without the risk of terminating the pregnancy.
What is the success rate of bone marrow transplants in kids at the hospital?
The clinic offers various types of transplantation with a high level of success: almost 100% survival rate for autologous transplants or from a related donor and 70-80% for transplants from an unrelated donor. Such indicators are high compared to international ones and testify to high professionalism.

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© University Pediatric Hospital Sant Joan de Deu Barcelona