Dr. Borja Corcostegui
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise

Retina Course: Manipulators, Plugs and OCT with Angiography

Eye to Eye: Selecting the appropriate surgical technique for retinal detachment

Francisco Manuel Hernández Testimonial - Retinal Detachment - Dr. Corcostegui

What is Operation Vision? Signing of the agreement with Caritas. October 15, 2013.

Experimental surgery at the Wet Lab at IMO Barcelona

Scientific session 05/11/2019: “The conquest of the fundus of the eye” Dr. Corcostegui
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1969-1974Graduated from theUniversity of Zaragoza
- 1977 Ophthalmology Residency at the Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Postdoctoral training at the Wills Eye Hospital in Philadelphia, United States
- Postdoctoral training at the at the New York Hospital, United States
- Co-founder and Former Medical and Scientific Director of the IMO Miranza Group
- President of the IMO Foundation
- Holder of the IMO Chair at the University of Barcelona
- Lecturer on the Master's Degree in Retina and Vitreous
- Director of the Scientific Council of the European School of Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology, ESASO, Lugano, Switzerland
- Professor of Ophthalmology, Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Surgeon and Ophthalmologist Specialising in Retina: retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, AMD, intraocular tumours, uveitis, retinal vascular pathology, diabetic macular pathology, floating bodies and scintillations
- Director of the Vitreoretin Department at the the Vall d'Hebron Health City of the Autonomous University of Barcelona
- 2001 Vice President at the Ulls del Mon Foundation
- 2010 Member of the IMO Foundation
- 2011 Member of the Retina Foundation
- 2013 Board member of Retina Foundation
- 2013 Board member of Thea Foundation 2013
- European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology Foundation
- Author of than one thousand publications from 1975-2016
- Member of the Retina Group of the Vall d'Hebron Health City of the Autonomous University of Barcelona
- 2016 Moderador: Integracion de las herramientas diagnosticas y su aplicabilidd en la practica clínica. 2)Moderardor: Casos Clínicos.Simposio Readyt. Madrid, Spain
- 2016 Ventajas del uso de la angioOCT. I.C.Q.O. Envejecimiento ocular nuevas prespectiva diagnosticas y terapéutics.Palacio Euskalduna Bilbao, Spain
- 2016 1)Cordinador: Simposio Vítreo-Retina 2) Moderador: Simposio Retina.Sociedad Española de Retina y Vítreo. Las Palmas De Gran Canaria, Spain
- 2016 1)Disertante: La cirugía escleral en la era de la vitrecotomía. 2) Disertante: Clasificacion y pronostico de la RDP. 3) Simposiom Allergan: Edema macular diabetico: Nuevo paradigma .4)Selecicon de la tecnica quirurgica en la retinopatia diabetica. 5)Maculopatia DBT. Congreso Anual SAO. Buenos Aires, Argentina
- 2016 1)Co-Chairs: Enlighten. 2)Live surgery.32)Tips and tricks for optimal outcome in retina surgery.4) Clinical Researchs: New Insights 5)Panel debate: Chronic Anti-VEGF Injection Is a Risk? 6)In Vitrectomized patients. Enlighten I.M.O. Barcelona, Spain
Outcomes of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment surgery in patients with Stickler syndrome.
15 February, 2024
Aspiration of excess follicles before intrauterine insemination in high response cycles.
29 June, 2022
Effect of vitamin E administered to men in infertile couples on sperm and assisted reproduction outcomes: a double-blind randomized study.
18 September, 2020
Carrer de Josep Maria Lladó, 3, 08035 Barcelona, Spain
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. Borja Corcostegui?
The primary specialization of the doctor is retinal detachment, diabetic retinopathy, AMD, intraocular tumours, DMP.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. Borja Corcostegui has been practicing for more than 51 years.

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© Dr. Borja Corcostegui