Prof. Dr. Jose Luis Guell
refractive surgery, cornea transplant, amellar & endothelial keratoplasty, cataract surgery, anterior segment reconstruction
refractive surgery, cornea transplant, amellar & endothelial keratoplasty, cataract surgery, anterior segment reconstruction
Country, City
Spain, Barcelona
Health facility
IMO Miranza Group Barcelona
Medical unit
Department of cornea, cataract and refractive surgery
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
refractive surgery
cataract surgery
intraocular lens
lamellar keratoplasty
amniotic membrane
optical quality
phakic intraocular lens
ocular surface
endothelial keratoplasty
phakic iol
cataract refractive surgery
lens implantation
corneal refractive surgery
penetrating keratoplasty
intraocular lens implantation
corneal surgery
intraocular lenses
posterior lamellar keratoplasty
intrastromal corneal ring
anterior lamellar keratoplasty
phakic intraocular lenses
membrane endothelial keratoplasty
iris reconstruction
intraocular lens correction
penetrating lamellar keratoplasty
boston type keratoprosthesis
small incision lenticule
vitrectomy iris reconstruction
corneal ring segment
ocular refractive implant

Dr. Jose L. Güell - MST products

CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1977-1984 Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the Central University of Barcelona
- 1986-1989 MIR (Residency) Program. Specialization in Ophthalmology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Vall d’Hebrón Hospital
- 1989-1990 Fellowship in the Cornea unit of the Cornea and Refractive Surgery at Emory University, Atlanta
- 1999 Doctoral thesis with honors entitled “In situ laser-assisted keratomileusis.” Development of the technique for the correction of myopia and astigmatism at the Autonomous University of Barcelona
- Professor of the Master's Degree in Anterior Segment
- Master's Degree in Cornea and Refractive Surgery
- 1991-1993 Ophthalmologist at the Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de la Esperanza, Barcelona, Spain
- 1991 Associate lecturer in Ophthalmology, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
- 1991 Head of postgraduate ophthalmology training, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
- 1991 Director of the doctorate course on Corneal and Refractive Surgery, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain
- 1992 Head of Corneal and Refractive Surgery Unit, IMO, Barcelona, Spain
- 1993-1996 Ophthalmologist at the Hospital Universitari de la Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona, Spain
- 2009 President at the Visiometrics
Awards & Memberships
- 1998 Member of the ISRS International Council representing Spain
- 2001 Associate lecturer in Ophthalmology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)
- 2001 Scientific coordinator and lecturer on the European School for Advanced Studies in Ophthalmology’s Cornea and Refractive Surgery Module since 2009 President of Visiometrics SL
- 2004-2008 Vice president of the Spanish Society of Ocular Refractive Implant Surgery (SECOIR)
- 2006 Consultant for AMO, Ophtec, Visiometrics, Calhoun, Meditec Zeiss, Thea, Laboratories, Revision Optics (RVO) Companies
- 2006 Member of the Cornea Committee of “Eye World Latin America” (ALACCSA Magazine)
- 2006 Member of the board of the Cornea Subcommittee of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS)
- 2007 European Chief Medical Officer and member of the Medical Advisory Board of Calhoun Vision
- 2007 Member of the Cornea Society
- 2009 Academic member of the Catalan Royal Academy of Medicine
- Former President of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ESCRS)
- President of the European Society of Cornea and Ocular Surface Disease Specialists (EuCornea)
- Member of the Medical Science Academy of Catalonia and the Balearics
- Member of the American Academy of Ophthalmology
- Member of the American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
- Member of the Cornea Society
- Member of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery - ESCRS (past president)
- Member of the European Society of Cornea and Ocular Surface Disease Specialists - EuCornea (past president)
- Member of the International Society of Refractive Keratoplasty
- Member of the International Society of Refractive Surgery
- Member of the Royal Academy of Medicine of Catalonia
- Member of the Catalan Ophthalmology Society
- Member of the Spanish Society of Ocular Refractive Implant Surgery - SECOIR (deputy secretary)
- Member of the Spanish Contactology Society
- Member of the Spanish Ophthalmology Society
- Member of the French Ophthalmology Society
- 2008 International Award from the International Society of Refractive Surgery ISRS
- 2013 Speaker. Vascularised extensive scar with old perforation. Corneal Nightmares. Bilbao
- 2013 Moderator. SECTION II. Phakic IOL. American Academy of Ophthalmology. New Orleans
- 2013 Cirugía en Directo. Chirurgia in di- retta da IMO di Barcellona. Videocatarattarefractiva. Barcelona
- 2013 1) Breakfast Meeting- Zeiss. Clinical Advisory Panel. 2) Refractive Surgery Didactic Course 2.08. Topic: Refractive reoperations and enhance- ments. 3) IC 25 Boston Kpro Type 1. Keratoprosthesis from Indications to innnovations. Topic: Postoperative manageement with focus on Glaucoma. 4) IC-35. Update in Penetrating and Lamellar Keratoplasty techniques. (Part I). Topic: Introduction. Topic: Pearls surgical management of postkeratoplasty astigma- tism. 5) Speaker Booth Ophtec. Topic: CXL+Artiflex Toric/Vacufix vs needle. 6) IC-37. Update in pene- trating and lamellar keratoplasty techniques. Topic: Surgical technqiue in anterior ans posterior lamellar keratoplasty: common mistakes. Topic: Additional surgery during keratoplasty cataract, vitrectomy iris reconstruction. Topic: amniotic membrane clinical indications. 7) ESCRS Discover precise approaches by experiences latest Zeiss refarctive Laser Technolo- gies. Carl Zeiss Symposium. As a Chair. H.- Welcome Reception WIOL-CF Symposium. Topic: The con- cept of WIOL-CF. As a Moderator too. 8) IC-54. The Surgical correction of presbyopia with Corneal inlay technologiy. How to achieve patient satisfaction in the emmetropia, myopic and hyperopic population. Topic: Individualizing spherical aberration. Does it make sense. 9) Raindrop User’s Meeting. As a Moder- ator. 10) IC-67. Innovations and advanced application in Cataract surgery with the femtosecond laser. As an Observer. 11) Thea Symposium: Topic: European practice concerning intracameral use of cefuroxime. 12) Free Paper session 18: Cornea Femtosecond. As a Moderator. 13) IC-80: Small incision lenticule extrac- tion for myopia and astigmastim. Topic: Introduction: Clinical outcomes and surgical techniques. 14) Free Paper 2764: Topic:Optimizing the performance of Raindrop TM near vision inlay with concurrect LASIK. O.- Main Symposium 4: The management of High Hyperopia. As a Chairperson. 15) IC-94: State of the art diagnosis and treatment of irregular cornea. Topic: Different technqiues of Keratoplasty to address the irregular cornea. European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS). Amsterdam
- 2013 1) Symposium 9: Posterior lamellar keratoplasty. As a Chairperson and Topic: How to speed DMEK graft positioning and diminish detach- ment rate. 2) Symposium 5 ESCRS/EUCORNEA : Topic: Managing corneal complications after refrac- tive surgery in risky eyes. 3) IC-02: Course II: What can go wrong in Lamellar surgery. Topic: DMEK unu- sual complications management. 4) ISOP 5º Congre- so Internacional de la Sociedad internacional de pres- bicia. Topic: The Raindrop near vision inlay with and without concurrent LASIK. Optimizing performance. E.- Eucornea Free paper Sesion 5: as a Moderator. 5) Symposium 5: Laser Assisted Lamelar Keratoplasty. As a Chairperson. 6) Opening ceremony EuCornea. European Society of Ocular and Ocular Surface Dis- ease Specialists (EuCornea). Amsterdam
- 2013 Director y ponente 1) Wetlab: ICRS implantation, Descemet Stripping Techniques and CXK Epi on Iontophoresis on power: 10 mw. 2) Reop- erations Part II. 3) New Strategies in the management of Keratoconus: CXL, ICRS, DALKP, pIOLs on com- bined procedures. 4) Amniotic membrane: uses and abuses. 5) Endothelial transplantation: indications technqius and International results. 6th Module of Cornea and Corneal Refractive Surgery
- 2013 Speaker. Second Session: refractive Laser and corneal surgery. Topic: technique and results of DMEK. B.- Femtocataract Instructional Vid- eos. Topic: cataract surgery with the LenSx femtosec- ond laser. Femtoverona. Anterior Segment Surgery. 3rd Joint International Congress Refractive Online & SICSSO. Verona
- 2013 1) EuCornea Symposium: Symposium Cornea S10. The ocular surface: new options for diag- nosis and treatments. Topic: Treatments options for non healing defects of the cornea. 2) Cornea external Eye: European Eye Bank Association European Soci- ety of Ophthalmology. Symposium: Changing face of Corneal Transplantation. As a Moderator and Topic: Graft rejection is inversely correlated to graft thick- ness or DMEK surgical approach to speed intraocular membrane manipulation and diminish rebubbling rate. 3) Cornea, External Eye: European Society of Ophthalmology. Course. Current concepts in corneal surgery. Topic: Anterior Lamellar surgery and Intra- corneal rings. XIX Congress of European Society of Ophthalmology. Copenhagen
- 2013 Speaker. Femto-Phaco Conference: Topic: LensX. Implanto-Refractive Surgery (CIRP). Algarve
- 2013 1) Vice President of the Organising Committee 2) Cornea Course 3: Anterior and en- dothelial lamellar keratoplasty. Topic: DMEK. 3) Re- fractive Course 3: INLAYS. Topic: Raindrop (Revision Optics). Principle and action and personal experience. 4) Cornea Course 4: Complications in lamellar kera- toplasty. Topic: DMEK complications. 5) Crystalline Lens Course 5: Iris-fixated lenses in aphakia. Topic: lenses anchored to the iris. Special cases. 6) The best of the ASCRS. 7) Dr Menezo Quintana Award. 8) Symposium Sponsored by Alcon. Questions to be answered by experts 9) Interest group: Phakic lenses. Topic: Artiflex in complex cases. 10) Presentation of the 2013 Monograph: Presentation of a video on Iris Reconstruction. 11) Symposium on Prokam. Moderator and speaker. Topic: prophylaxis of endophthalmitis in cataract surgery. 12) Surgical Cornea Symposium. Keratoplasty EuCornea/SECOIR. Symposium director and co-speaker. Topic: optical quality in the various techniques of endothelial transplantation. 13) Moder- ator Meeting with the Expert: Harminder Dua. Stem cells. 28th Conference of the Spanish Society of Im- planto-Refractive Surgery, SECOIR. Barcelona
- 2013 Speaker 1) New frontiers: refractive cataract surgery with femtosecond laser. 2) Cata- ract evaluation with the OQAS-HD Analyser. Topic: Phacorolling: The standard approach for cataract surgery. 3) Corneal transplant and cataract surgery – endothelial disease. 4) LAL: the light-adjustable lens project. Cataract Module (ESASO). Moscow
- 2013 Symposium. Management of compli- cated cases in cataract and refractive surgery. Topic: Artiflex. ASCRS, American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. San Francisco
- 2013 Poster. Preliminary results after selective or Descemet's membrane and endothelium transplan- tation in eyes with endothelial corneal pathology. Catalan Transplantation Society. Barcelona
- 2013 1) Topic: New Surgical Strategies in the Management of Keratoconus: from CCL to Toric Phakic and Pseudophakic IOLs. 2) Topic: The Correc- tion of Ammetropia After Corneal Transplant Surgery. LASIK vs Phakic IOLs. 3) Topic: Toric Artiflex: Surgical Technique, Indications and Long-term Results. 4) Topic: Phacorolling Surgical concept and technique. 5) Topic: Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty. The Viso-bubble Technique 6) Topic: Update on DMEK: Indications and New Tips on the Surgical Technique. 7) Topic: Boston K-Pro: Long-term results and com- plications. H. Topic: Relex: The Latest Invasive Corneal Refractive Laser Surgery Concept. Saudi Ophthalmol- ogy Congress. Riyadh
- 2013 Presentation. Pterygium Surgery. 11th Annual GESOC Meetin. SEVILLE
- 2013 1) Refractive Surgery Didactic Course: Topic: Refractive reoperations and enhance- ments. 2) Cornea Didactic Course: Topic: Conjuntival Surgery. Topic: Amniotic Membrane. 3) Chairpersons of The Cornea Day and Moderator of Section I: Cor- neal Grafts. 4) Poster: The Use of Novel Device for Removal of the Epithelium in Surface Ablation Proce- dures. 17th ESCRS Winter Meeting. Warsaw
- 2013 1) Special Talk. Topic: From the new lens ideas to the positive of positive spherical aberra- tion. 2) Live surgery: Cx with Constellation and a T2 Toric Lens. 45th SAO CONGRESS. Malaga
- 2013 1) Meeting on the Crystalline Lens. Topic: Tricks for short-sighted people in crystalline lens surgery. 5 clear and meridional ideas. 2) Table on keratoplasty. Topic: DALK technique in keratoplasty and DMEK (because you want to talk about it). 45th SAO CONGRESS. Malaga
- 2014 Presentation. Topic: Clinical expe- rience and results with Artiflex and how do I get refractive patients into my clinic. Artilens Users Meet- ing. Utrecht
- 2014 Moderator. 5th Roundtable. Com- bined Procedures. 45th Conference of the Catalonian Ophthalmology Society
- 2014 Speaker 1) S33.ICO/RANZCO SYMPOSIUM. Surgical Standards in Education and Practice: A global perspective. Topic: The effect of advancing technology on standard setting. 2) LO8. Refractive and Cataract Update Lecture. Topic: Cat- aract and keratoplasty: Clinical-surgical implications. 3) SO6 Course: Refining Cataract Surgery in 2014. Topic: 5 things that have made the most difference to their cataract surgery in 2014 and what new things they will be bring to their cataract surgery in 2015. 4) PO/. Plenary. Controversies. Topic: Femto PHACOROLLING: the standard approach for cataract surgery. 5) S28. Course. Keep your cool. Dealing with common Cataract surgery problems without anxi- ety. Topic: Dealing with white and brown cataracts between the liquid and the rock. XXXXVI Annual Scientific Congress of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RANZO). Brisbane
- 2014 Welcome by the IMO Foundation's president. Course Presentation. Trends in Glaucoma, a surgical and medical meeting. Barcelona
- 2014 Speaker 1) Subspecialty Day. Cornea. Section III: Spotlight session. Cornea Controversies. Topic: Advanced Combination Crosslinking. AAO. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meet- ing. Chicago
- 2014 Speaker and Live Surgery 1) Recep- tion and Welcome. 2) Live surgery: Toric Phakic Lens Post-Crosslinking. 3) Topic: Pearls in the Surgical Management of Astigmatism. 4) Topic: Clinical Case: PRK + CXL in irregular astigmatism correction. 5) Open Case and Discussion 6) Conclusions. Refractive cataract video. Barcelona
- 2014 Speaker and Coordinator Business Lunch 1) Sub-speciality Day: Cataract and Refractive. Topic: Crystalline lens surgery in hyperopia: strategy. 2) C25. Endothelial Keratoplasty. As a Course Direc- tor. 3) Conference of the Spanish Ergophthalmology Society. Topic: Transplantation of cultured limbal cells: Anterior Lamellar Keratoplasty. 4) Symposium Spon- sored by Alcon. New Perspectives in Crystalline Lens Surgery. Roundtable. 5) Ophtec Business Lunch. As a Coordinator. And Topic: My first impression about PRECIZON TORIC LENS. 90th Conference of the Spanish Ophthalmology Society. Bilbao
- 2014 Ceremonia de apertura, ponente y moderador 1) Opening Ceremony. As a President of EuCornea. Topic: Introduction and Welcome Address. And Presentation of the Best poster award. EuCor- nea Medal Lecture: Deep Anterior Lamellar: The best Keratoplasty Option in Keratoconic Eyes? 2) What can go wrong in Lamellar Surgery?. As a Moderator and Topic: Case Report. 3) Eurokeratoconus II. Cur- rent Controversies and Hot Topic in Keratoconus. As a Chairperson. 4) New Treatments and Technologies for KC. As a Moderator. 5) New Trends in Endothelial Transplantation. As a Moderator and Topic: DMEK: 3 years postoperative endothelial cell count using SF6 20% vs no gas 6) Free Paper session: Imagining & CL. As a Moderator. 5th Congress of the European Socie- ty of Cornea & Ocular Surface Specialists (Eucornea). London
- 2014 Live Surgery, Speaker and Moderator 1) Refractive Surgery Didactic Course Topic: Refrac- tive reoperations and enhancements 2) IC08 The Jo- seph Colin ESCRS course on diagnosis and management of microbial keratitis (I). 3) IC22. Boston Type 1 keratoprosthesis: from indications to innovations (A). 4) IC43. Update in penetrating and lamellar technques (Part 1)(B). Topic: 1.-Introduction.2.- Pearls surgi- cal management of postkeratoplasty astigmatism 5) IC44. Update in penetrating and lamellar keratoplasty techniques (Part 2)(A). Topic: 1.- Surgical technique in anterior and posterior lamellar keratoplasty: common mistakes. Dua/Güell. 2.- Additional surgery during keratoplasty: cataract vitrectomy iris reconstriction. 3.- Amniotic membrane: clinical indications. 6) JCRS Symposium.Controversies in Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Simultaneous bilateral cataract surgery: pro and con. Topic: Controversies in Cataract and Re- fractive Surgery. 7) IC55 State of the art diagnosis and treatment of irregular cornea 8) Topic: Different Keratoplasty techniques for irregular corneas . 9) IC69. The surgical correction of presbyopia with a shape- changing corneal inlay (I). Topic: Profocal cornea mechanism of action and clinical implications of a corneal shape-changing Inlay. 10) Free Paper Session: Cataract Surgery Outcomes/Femto. As a Chairper- son. 11) Combined Symposium of cataract & refractive Societies (ESCRS,APACRS,ASCRS, LASCRS). Topic: Previous corneal transplant. 12) Free Paper session: Presbyopic Correction. As a Moderator and Free Paper: Profocal cornea: mechanism of action of a transparent corneal inlay and clinical implications. 13) IC107 Keratoconus: from diagnosis to treatment the currect state of the art (A). Topic: Corneal keratoplas- ty- the last resort 14) Bioanalogic WIOL-CF: Func- tional Principles and Practical Guidance to Optimize Clinical Outcomes. MEDICEM. As a Moderator and Topic: WIOL-CF Functional principles . 15) Expertise in Keratoconus treatment (AJL). Topic: Does the CXL stops the keratoconus progression and when should I use it?. When should I use combined treatments ICRS+CXL? Which one should I do first? 16) Meet the Experts during the ESCRS. Ophtec. Topic: Vacufix vs enclavation Needly: comparative study. 18) Session: Glaucoma II Free Paper. Topic: Ocular optical quality changes in patients with different stages of glauco- ma. As a Co-author. XXXIV Meeting of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery. London
- 2014 Scientific Coordinator 1) Basic Sci- ence. Anatomy physiology pathological responses of the cornea. Amniotic membrane. 2) Anterior and posterior lamelar surgery. 3) Case presentation. 4) Penetrating keratoplasty (fundamentals, technique and complications). Management of astigmastim after keratoplasty. 5) Case presentation. 6) Wet-lab. Penetrating and lamellar corneal surgery. With Filippo Simona. ESASO. Module of Cornea and Corneal Re- fractive Surgery. Lugano
- 2014 Panellist, Wet Lab Professor, Session Chairman and Speaker 1) Member of the Panel at the Session "Infections" 2) Teacher of the Wet Lab on EK. 3) President of the Session on "DALK". 4) Ses- sion “EK”. Keynote Lecture: EL, Literature overview. 5) Course on Corneal Wounds (SOOFT). 6) Session “Special Lectures with clinical cases presentation and Live Evaluation of the patient. XIV International Con- gress of the Italian Society of Stem Cells and Ocular Surface (SICSSO). Lecce
- 2014 Speaker and panellist. 1) Session: New developments in phacoemulsification. Topic: Phaco-rolling technique. 2) Discussion Panel of the Cataract and Cornea Session. 7th Phaco-refractive Meeting. La Toja
- 2014 Live surgery and moderator 1) Joint Live Surgery Meeting of SOI, OSN & AICCER. Session 2. Topic: SMILE: Update on Different Depths profile. 2) Live femtolaser refractive surgery from Chieti Uni- versity. Session 2. As a Chairperson. 3) Topic: DMEK Simplification of the Surgical Technique. 19th Annual Joint Meeting of the Italian Society of Ophthalmology. Milan
- 2014 Elies D, Manero F (2014) Video. 1) Cata- ract Technology Work Centre: IMO 2) SMILE for the correction of myopia. IMO Work Centre. 13th National Videoophthalmology Festival. Lleida
- 2014 Moderator and Speaker. 1) Objec- tive assessment of ocular optical quality in pa- tients with corneal alterations 2) Meet the Expert 3) Ophthaltec Symposium. Invited speaker. Topic: Evidence of Iontophoresis. 4) World Keratoconus Society. Session IV. Intracorneal segments in kera- toconus. Topic: INTACS nomograms 5) World Kera- toconus Society Award representing EuCornea and ESCRS. 6) EuCornea/SECOIR Symposium. Surgical Cornea. 19th Conference of the Spanish Society of Implanto-Refractive Surgery, SECOIR. Madrid
- 2014 Moderator and Live Surgery. Live surgery Case 4. Acrysoft IQ Toric. Alcon Innovation Day. Barcelona
- 2014 Scientific coordinator and speaker. 1) Topic: Corneal transplantation and cataract surgery 2) Iris claw-style phakic IOLs update in clinical results and surgical technique. 3) Wetlab: Phacoemulsifica- tion. 4) Surgeon in the Live Surgery Session. ESASO Module of Cataract AND Intraocular Refractive Sur- gery. Barcelona
- 2014 1) Course 27-103. Collagen Crosslink- ing: Evolving Indications and technology. Applica- tions, Results and complications management. As a Faculty. Topic: Phakic IOL after CXL. 2) Sesion 26-401. Course ID.1823. Surgical correction of presbyopia with Hidrogel Corneal Inlay: profocal Mechanism of action visual outcomes and patients satisfaction. Topic: Te raindrop Corneal Inlay: practical thoughts about its use. 3) Symposium s-13. Video Symposium. Challeng- ing cases and complications management. As a Pan- elist. 4) Scientific Paper. Sesión 3-J. Tittle: Functional Range of Vision with profocal shape changing Corne- al Inlay. American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery (ASCRS). Boston
- 2014 1) Welcome Reception. As a Pres- ident of EuCornea. 2) Keynote lecture: The most advanced technqiues for endothlial transplantation. 3) Section I: Diagnosis and Management of selected corneal disease. As a Moderator. 4) Topic: Boston Keratoprosthesis-IMO long term experience. Inter- national Symposium. Cornea-Insight and updates. Belgrade
- 2014 Speaker. 1) Refractive Surgery in Extreme Refractive Errors – 1383. Topic: All of the Above. 2) Endothelial Transplantation: techniques and outcome – 1360. Topic: DMEK: improving adherence with SF-6 gas bubble. 3) Phakic IOLs: Pearls and Pitfalls – 1354. Topic: Advantage and limitations of iris-supported phakic IOLs. 4) Up- dates on Phakic Intraocular Lenses – 1288. Topic: Iris-fixated phakic IOL is my first option. World Ophthalmology Congress®. Tokyo
- 2014 1) Deployment techniques in AC and re-bubbling reduction 2) Moderator Table 6. Topic: Modified TMA in Gundersen. GESOC – Ocular Surface and Cornea Society. Madrid
- 2014 1) Chairperson Cornea Day. 2) Cor- nea Day 2.01: Keynote: Transition to DALK. 3) Cornea Day Section 4: Moderator of: Ocular Surface disease: what worked and what did not. 4) Cornea Day 4.06: Large Cornea scar after postraumatic pseudomona keratitis. E.- Main Symposium 1: Enhancements in pse- dophakia as a Moderator. 5) Cornea Didactic Course: Topic: Introduction. 6) refractive Course 2.10: Topic: refractive reoperations and enhancements. 7) Cornea Didactic Course 4.01: Topic: Conjunctival surgery. 8) Cornea Didactic Course 4: Topic: Surgical Cornea. 9) Cornea Didactic Course 4.02: Topic: Amniotic Membrane. European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons (ESCRS). Ljubljana
- 2014 Moderator. Session: Trifocal versus bifocal lenses with depth of focus. Topic: New Ideas Are Progressing. Elche
- 2014 1) Symposium 1 (SO1) Cataract and Cornea 1. Topic: Femtophacorroling: the standard approach for cataract surgery. 2) Symposium 2 (SO2) Pediatric and Neuro-Ophthalmology. Topic: Toric phakic Artiflex for high myopia and astigmatism cor- rection. 3) Symposium 4 (SO4). Femtosecond laser assited cataract surgery. Topic: Smile Technique: the latest only Femto LASIK approach. 4) Symposium 5 (SO5) Cataract and Cornea II. Topic: Asphericity does it make sense its manipulation. 25th annual scientific meeting Hong Kong ophthalmologial symposium 2013. Cataract and Refractive Surgery. Hong Kong
- 2015 1. Round table I: Keratoplasty. The expert answers 2. Round table II: Refractive cornea. 46th Catalan Ophthalmology Society Conference. Barcelona
- 2015) Speaker. Transplantation of the corneal endothelium. Topic: Management in the immediate postoperative period. Fórum La Arruzafa. Cordoba
- 2015 1. Refreshment Break and Break with the Experts. Expert Discussant. Topic: Toric IOL’s pearls 2. ESCRS Symposium. ISRS- Subspecialty Day Refractive Surgery. Topic: Secondary procedure in eyes with Phakic IOL’s. AAO Annual Meeting. Las Vegas (Nevada)
- 2015 Speaker 1. Comprehensive approach to keratoconus 2. Artiflex toric. Long-term evolution and special cases 3. SMILE. Everything with femtosecond. Advantages and disadvantages 4. KEYNOTE SPEECH: DMEK. Technique of choice for endothelium transplantation. 18th AOCR Ophthalmology Conference. San Jose (Costa Rica)
- 2015 Speaker. Subspecialisation day: cataracts and refractive. Topic: SMILE refresher session. 91st Spanish Ophthalmology Society (SEO) Conference. Seville
- 2015 Speaker. Cross-Linking Update Symposium. Topic: CXL+ Phakic IOL’s. The role of the HD, Analyzer (OQAS). 11th SOU Course. Universitat della Svizzera Italiana. Lugano
- 2015 Live surgery. ZEISS Symposium. Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular. Barcelona
- 2015 KPRO Symposium. Instituto de Microcirugía Ocular. Barcelona
- 2015 1) Speaker. Refractive Surgery Didactic Course. Topic: Refractive Reoperations and enhancements 2) Speaker. Booth Speaker Ophtec. Topic: Long term Unilateral Artisan/Artiflex implantation 3) Chairperson. ESCRS/EuCornea Main Symposium I. Joint ESCRS/EuCornea Session 4) Boston Type I keratoprosthesis: from indications to innovations 5) Speaker. Update in Penetrating and lamellar keratoplasty. Techniques (Part I). Topic: Introduction. Topic: Pearls surgical management of keratoplasty astigmatism 6) Update in Penetrating and lamellar keratoplasty. Techniques (Part II). Topic: Additional surgery during keratoplasty: cataract vitrectomy iris reconstruction. Topic: amniotic membrane: clinical indications. Topic: Surgical technique in anterior and posterior lamellar keratoplasty common mistakes 7) Opening ceremony. As a ESCRS Board member and SECOIR International Relations. Binkhorst Medal Lecture 2015 8) ESCRS Barcelona Lunch Symposium. Topic: The use of the HD Analyzer in CXL patient and special cases 9) ESCRS/SECOIR Video Symposium and surgical complications: you make the call. Case 3: Cornea Edema after MF IOL surgery 10) User Meeting Revisions Optics (RVO): Topic: Profocal Cornea in pseudophakic Patients. Casa Batlló 11) State of the art diagnosis and treatment of irregular Cornea. Topic: Different keratoplasty techniques for irregular cornea 12) Main Symposium 3.04: FLACS in difficult eyes. Topic: FLACS in difficult eyes 13) Chairperson. Free Paper Session 21: Cataract Surgery outcomes and Comps 14) Baush & Lomb Event at IMO. Topic: Welcome as an expert for refractive and an International expert in Cornea and the Introduction to the future expectations in the field of Refractive and Cornea 15) Decision making in phakic IOL’s: who, why, when, where?: Topic: Artiflex 16) Keratoconus from diagnosis to treatment the current state of the art. Topic: Corneal Keratoplasty. The last resort. 17) Free paper: Wavefront and higher order aberration sernike coefficients indicated by a corneal shape changing inlay. 18) Panellist. Session: “Best of the Best.” ESCRS 2015. Barcelona
- 2015 1) Panellist 1. Keratorefractive LASIK Surgery 2. Glaucoma Surgical procedures 2) Chairperson 1. Joint Session ICOI and ESCRS Update on Parasitic keratitis 2. Mini Symposium Collagen Cross-Linking for infectious keratitis 3. Skill transfer Course. Case complication in lamellar Cornea Surgery 4. ESCRS/EuCornea Main Symposium I. Joint ESCRS/EuCornea Session 3) Speaker. Expert presentation of challenging cases. Topic: Endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK) nightmares. EuCornea 2015. Barcelona
- 2015 Video presentation: Laser incisions for cataract surgery. FEMTOFACO Summit. Meeting of experts 2015. Instituto Barraquer. Barcelona
- 2015 1) EK session. DSAEK or DMEK. Topic: I prefer DMEK 2) Moderator. Medal Lectures Session 3) Session Live patients evaluation. Topic: Quality of vision after DALK vs PKP 4) Session Innovations EK. Topic: Long term follow up of DMEK with or without SF6 taponade. SICSSO Congress. Lecce
- 2015 Speaker. Latest technology applied to refractive surgery. Barcelona 2015. Medical conference. TOP RUSS. Medical-aesthetic lecture on women’s health and beauty. Barcelona
- 2015 1) Solving Dissatisfaction I the pseudophake. Topic: Corneal surface problems 2) Trends in the Management of Ocular surface disease. As a co-chair and Topic: Current Management of Band Keratopathy 3) Course Corneal Surgery 2015. State of the Art. Topic: DMEK. Bubbles and troubles tricks and tips. SOE Meeting. Vienna
- 2015 Session 3: SMILE-Tomorrow’s vision Today. Topic: Different cap thickness for SMILE. European Refractive Laser Symposium. Florence
- 2015 1) Cassini Breakfast Meeting. Topic: Screening KC 2) Symposium SECOIR/EuCornea Topic: Introduction. Comprehensive approach to keratoconus 3) Presbymania 2015: Topic: Artilens Presby: the concept 4) SECOIR/CIRP Refractive Surgery Symposium. Phakic lenses. Topic: Refractive therapeutic applications of Artisan lenses. SECOIR Conference. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
- 2015 Chairman and speaker 1. Corneal transplantation and cataract surgery 2. Femtofacorrolling. The standard for routine cataract surgery 3. Iris claw phakic IOL’s: Update in clinical results and surgical technique. Cataract and intraocular refractive surgery module. Sharjah
- 2015 1) Refractive surgery module 1. Artiflex toric phakic. Long-term results. Special cases. 2. Femtophacorrolling, standard techniques for cataract and phacorefractive surgery 3. DALK, evolution of the current technique 4. SMILE, everything with femtosecond. Chilean Ophthalmology Society Conference. Santiago de Chile
- 2015 1. Light Adjustable Symposium 2. Session 1-J. Keratorefractive IOL’s and ICL’s. Paper: Paired Eye Comparison of Corneal Endothelial Cell counts after Imolateral Iris Claw Phakic IOL versus Corneal Refractive Surgery 3. Session 1L.Presbyopia - CornealInlays. Paper: Wavefront and higher-order aberration Zernike Coefficients induced by Corneal Shape Chaging Inlay 4. Symposium: Light scatter in Clinical and Surgical practice, Evaluation, Interpretation and integration. Topic: use in higly aberrated Eyes/KCN and the effect of CXL 5. Small incision lenticule extraction Worls View: Topic: Different lenticule depth for SMILE. ASCRS-ASOA Annual Meeting. San Diego
- 2015 Poster presentation: Endothelial Keratoplasty after Failed penetrating Keratoplasty. Conference of eye disorders. Baltimore
- 2015 Welcome by Dr Guell and topic: Cataract and Refractive Suite. ALCON event. Instituto Microcirugia Ocular. Barcelona
- 2015 Moderator Module III Ocular pain, dysaesthesia and neuropathic pain. Pain and systemic diseases. GESOC. Oviedo
- 2015 ESCRS Session. Topic: Mid term results with the New Toric Precizon and Long term data with the Toric Artiflex in postkeratoplasty and keratoconic. AICCER. Florence
- 2015 Welcome by Dr Guell and topic: Cataract and Refractive Suite. ALCON event. Instituto Microcirugia Ocular. Barcelona
- 2015 1. Poster. European Observatory of Cataract Practice - 2014. Infectious post-operative Endophthalmitis Prophylaxis. European Team for the Prophilaxis of infection in Cataract Surgery 2. Refractive Surgery Didactic Course Part II: Topic: Refractive Reoperations and enhancements. Topic: Non-optical complications of LASIK and Corneal Surgery. Case report 3. Cornea Didactic Course. Topic: Amniotic Membrane. Topic: Endothelial Transplantation up to date. Topic: Surgical Case report 4. Symposium Evolving Refractive Surgery. Topic: Instrastromal treatments: is this future of Corneal Refractive Surgery? 5. Organiser, Cornea Day 6. Introduction and comments, Video Competition. ESCRS /EuCornea Winter Meeting. Istanbul
- 2015 1. Session: Between two waters: Phaco, surface and cornea (2nd part). Topic: Phaco and prior lamellar 2. Session: The Premium Block (1st part). New optics, devices and concepts. FacoElche 2015. Elche
- 2015 Keynote Speaker. Topic: DMEK: Surgical update International results and limitations. EEBA, Synergies Between Eye Banks, Tissue Banks and Advanced Therapy Units. Challenges for the global treatment of Ophthalmic Patients. Venice
- 2016 Speaker. Keratoconus. 38th North of Spain Ophthalmology Association Conference. Santander
- 2016 1) Moderator. 1. Corneal Complications of Refractive Surgery 2. Instructional Course 2. Lamellar Complications. 2) Speaker: 1. How I do it. Topic: DMEK for failed PK 2. Main Symposium 3: EuCornea/ESCRS Symposium. Modern Corneal Transplantation. Topic: When is s re-graft indicated? 3. Focus Session 5. Ocular injuries. Topic: Traumatic epithelial downgrowth-prevention and repair 4. Instructional Course 2. Lamellar Complications. Topic: DMEK nightmare 5. Challenging cases presented by the Experts. Topic: Small diameter DMEK in the presence of broad PAS. 7th EuCornea Congress. Copenhagen
- 2016 1) Refractive Surgery Didactic Course. Topic: refractive reoperations and enhancements 2) ESCRS/EuCornea Symposium. Topic: When is a re-graft indicated? 3) Instructional Course. IC-40. Topic: Comprehensive Keratoplasty techniques (Part I). Topic: Pearls surgical management of potkeratoplasty astigmatism 4) Instructional Course. IC-41. Comprehensive keratoplasty techniques (Part 2). Topic: Surgical technique in anterior lamellar keratoplasty. Topic: Additional surgery during keratoplasty. Cataract, vitrectomy and iris reconstruction 5) Ridley Medal Lecture 2016. Topic 30 years of iris claw IOLs 6) Panellist. Video Symposium on Surgical complications “you make the call” 6) Instructional Course IC-77. Keratoconus: from diagnosis to treatment-the current state of the art 7) Instructional Course IC-96. Modern diagnostic and therapeutic techniques for irregular cornea 8) Moderator. Eurotimes satellite Educations programme. Towards Less Drops in Cataract Surgery 9) Thea Events EyCATS. Topic: A New Intracameral solution to safety manage mydriasis 10) Poster. Unilateral Iris-claw intraocular lens implantation for aphakia: a paired-eye study. P. Verdaguer, M.Morral, D.Elies, O.Gris, F.Manero, J . Güell. 11) Free communication. Astigmatism management in cataract surgery with a new aspheric toric intraocular lens. M.Morral, J.Amich, D.Elies, F.Manero, J.Güell. 34th ESCRS Congress. Copenhagen
- 2016 1) Module director 2) Speaker. Basic Science anatomy physiology pathological responses of the Cornea. Amniotic membrane 3) Posterior lamellar surgery concept and techniques 4) Case Presentation 5) Wetlab of Bigg bubble and deep lamellar dissection and Artiflex phakic and aphakic IOL implantation. 6th Module 2016. Cornea and Corneal Refractive Surgery. Lugano
- 2016 Speaker. Reinterventions. 13th AEGEAN Cornea. Crete
- 2016 1) Surgeon. Live surgery: DMEK 2) Panellist. Clinical cases presented by young Italian ophthalmologists (GOI) 3) Speaker. DMEK tips and tricks. 15th SICSSO Congress. Caserta
- 2016 1) Moderator. SECOIR-EuCornea Symposium. Anterior lamellar keratoplasty 2) Speaker. OPHTEC: Tribute to JAN WORST In memoriam 3) Free communication session. Precizon aspheric intraocular lens for the management of astigmatism in cataract surgery (author). 31st Spanish Society of Ocular Refractive Implant Surgery (SECOIR) Conference. Murcia
- 2016 Speaker 1. Opening lecture: News and surgical combinations in corneal endothelium transplantation 2. Aspects of the ocular surface and cataract surgery 3. Artiflex vs ICL 4. Re-treatments after SMILE. COEP Course 2016. Puebla (Mexico)
- 2016 Speaker. ESCRS Symposium. New technology from the old world assessment by the new world: Transitional conic Toric IOLs. ASCRS-ASOA Symposium. New Orleans
- 2016 1) Chair. What is astigmatism. The evaluation and the cause 2) Chair. Session 3: Outcomes analysis, follow up and correction of unexpected events. 1. Topic: Transitional Conic Toric IOLs optics and 2 year clinical results. 2. Topic: Video Surgery 3) Chair. Session 4.1: Phakic IOL. Topic: Phakic Iris Fixated IOL: long term results in standard and special cases 4) Session 4.2: Pseudophakic IOL. Topic: Keratoplasties and Toric IOLs. Does it make sense? 2nd ESASO Anterior Segment Academy.
- 2016 1) Moderator. Session 5: posterior lamellar keratoplasty (II) 2) Speaker. DMEK Complications. Course on corneal transplants and advanced therapies for the ocular surface and cornea. Oviedo
- 2016 Speaker 1. Control of asphericity for the management of presbyopia 2. New strategies in the management of corneal ectasia 3. The New Precizon Toric: Concept and Clinical Results 4. Artiflex toric phakic IOL: long-term results and special cases 5. DMEK. Long-term results 6. Posterior lamellar grafts. 9th Southern Hemisphere International Conference. Lima
- 2016 1) Speaker 1. Intracorneal rings with hexagonal cross-section (ICRS) 2. Adapting DALK to KC. Surgeon I 2) Session 6: Future Challenges. GESOC. Madrid Güell JL. (2016) 1) Cornea Day 2) Video Commentary. “When big bubble Falls” 3) Symposium Thea: “IC Mydriasis: The new standard route for cataract surgery” 4) Recipient of the FYODOROV AWARD with the Topic: Modern Approach for keratoconus patient 5) Main Symposium: Explanations of Ocular implantations 6) Cornea Didactic Course (Pre requisite Course). Topic: Refractive Reoperations and enhancements 7) Main Symposium: Are there any untold secrets in Refractive Surgery? Topic: Small incision lenticule extraction (SMILE) 8) Zeiss Refractive lunch Symposium: Topic: SMILE, retreatment options. I.- Cornea Didactic Course (Pre requisite Course): as a moderator and Topic: Amniotic Membrane and Case report. ESCRS-EuCornea Winter Meeting. Athens
- 2016 1) Moderator 1. Refractive matters 2. The dark side of high myopia 2) Speaker. Refractive matters: Why do I implant Artiflex? FacoElche 2016. Elche
- 2016 Speaker. Should I have an eye operation? What new technologies promise. 141st Scientific Dissemination Conference. Medical Studies Foundation of Molina de Segura. Murcia
Topical losartan ophthalmic drops - a review of corneal wound healing and topical losartan for managing corneal haze and potential future indications.
12 December, 2024
Predictive factors of long-term visual outcomes after primary Descemet's membrane endothelial keratoplasty (DMEK): retrospective study.
14 November, 2024
Cataract Surgery in Combination with Corneal Surgery
November, 2024
Carrer de Josep Maria Lladó, 3, 08035 Barcelona, Spain
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. Jose Luis Guell?
The primary specialization of the doctor is refractive surgery, cornea transplant, amellar & endothelial keratoplasty, cataract surgery, anterior segment reconstruction.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. Jose Luis Guell has been practicing for more than 36 years.

Prof. Dr. Jose Luis Guell
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© Prof. Dr. Jose Luis Guell