Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Janni
gynecology, obstetrics, gynecological oncology, perinatal medicine, and breast surgery
gynecology, obstetrics, gynecological oncology, perinatal medicine, and breast surgery
Country, City
Germany, Ulm
Health facility
University Hospital Ulm
Medical unit
Department of gynecology and obstetrics
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
breast cancer
circulating tumor
metastatic breast
circulating tumor cells
metastatic breast cancer
ovarian cancer
disseminated tumor cells
lymph node
postmenopausal women
her2positive breast cancer
tumor cell
triplenegative breast cancer
breast carcinoma
pelvic floor
breast surgery
cervical cancer
gynecological oncology
endocrine therapy
endometrial cancer
breastconserving surgery
cervical carcinoma
breast reconstruction
perinatal medicine
ovarian suppression
polycystic ovary syndrome
ovarian carcinoma
ductal carcinoma
mammary carcinoma
vulvar cancer
uterine sarcomas
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1989-1995 Study of human medicine, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- Defense of the dissertation
- 1997-2002 Scientific Assistant and Resident, University Women's Clinic of Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
- 2003 Habilitation, medical faculty, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
- Obtaining specialization in gynecology and obstetrics
- Received additional qualifications in the field of gynecological oncology
- Obtaining further specialization in obstetrics and perinatal medicine
- Certified senior breast surgeon
- 1994-1995 Internship at the Yale University Medical Center New Haven, the University of Michigan Medical Center Ann Arbor, Bellevue University Hospital New York, Hahnemann University Hospital Philadelphia, and University Women's Clinic of Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
- 1995-1997 Doctor in an internship, University Women's Clinic, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
- 2002-2005 Clinical Senior Physician in the field of gynecological oncology
- 2005-2012 Senior Consultant and Deputy Clinic Director, University Women's Clinic, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
- 2008-2012 Director, Department of gynecology at the Heinrich Heine University in Duesseldorf
- 2008-2012 W3 Professor in the medical faculty of the Heinrich Heine University in Duesseldorf
- 2012 Medical Director, Department of gynecology and obstetrics at the University Hospital Ulm
- 2012 W3 Professor in the medical faculty of the University of Ulm
Awards & Memberships
- 2009 Co-opted Board Member of the Cancer North Rhine-Westphalia Society
- 2009 Board Member of the German Society for Interdisciplinary Medicine
- 2009-2016 Deputy Chairman of the mamma commission, a working group on gynecological oncology
- 2010 Member of the expert committee for the promotion of young talent, German Cancer Aid
- 2011 Member of the steering group, S3 guideline commission for breast cancer, German Cancer Society
- 2012 Board Member of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Ulm
- 2012 Member of the steering committee, Early Breast Cancer Collaborative Trialist Group in Oxford
- 2013 Member of the state advisory board oncology of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Family, Women, and Senior Citizens Baden-Wuerttemberg
- 2014 Member of the scientific advisory board of Central Health Insurance
- 2014 Member of the European Society of Gynaecological Oncology, International Network of Cancer, Infertility and Pregnancy
- 2014 Member of the scientific advisory board of the North-East German Society for Gynecological Oncology
- 2014 Member of the scientific advisory board of Central Health Insurance
- 2015 Elected Member of the Gynecological College
- 2015 Member of the adjuvant board, German Breast Group Research
- 2015 Member of the scientific board of German Health Insurance Company
- 2015 Member of the further training committee of the District Medical Association of South Wuerttemberg
- 2016 Member of the board of the working group on gynecological oncology
- 2016 Chairman of the mamma commission, a working group on gynecological oncology
Evolving perspectives on the treatment of HR+/HER2+ metastatic breast cancer.
11 August, 2023
Evaluating compliance and applicability of postpartum pessary use for preventing and treating pelvic floor dysfunction: a prospective multicenter study.
August, 2023
Association Between Obesity and Circulating Tumor Cells in Early Breast Cancer Patients.
August, 2023
Albert-Einstein-Allee, 23, 89081 Ulm, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Janni?
The primary specialization of the doctor is gynecology, obstetrics, gynecological oncology, perinatal medicine, and breast surgery.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Janni has been practicing for more than 30 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Janni
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© Prof. Dr. med. Wolfgang Janni