Prof. Dr. med. Olaf Riess
human genetics and rare diseases
human genetics and rare diseases
Country, City
Germany, Tubingen
Health facility
University Hospital Tubingen
Medical unit
Department of genetics and rare diseases
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
spinocerebellar ataxia
spastic paraplegia
generalized epilepsy
idiopathic generalized epilepsy
olfactory bulb
mayerrokitanskyksterhauser syndrome
hereditary spastic paraplegia
familial parkinsons
wolfhirschhorn syndrome
nervous system
alpha1avoltagedependent calcium channel
calciumactivated potassium channel
dj1 park7 mutations
blunting neuroinflammation
parkinsons mutation
gene polymorphism
monozygotic twins
gut microbiome
ceroid lipofuscinosis
neck cancer
breast cancer
christianson syndrome
kabuki syndrome
lynch syndrome
restless legs syndrome
mutations slc33a1 gene
mutation ap4b1 gene
rare diseases
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1979-1985 Studied human medicine at the Charite University in Berlin
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- Defense of the dissertation
- 1985-1987 Resident in human molecular genetics at the Academic of Sciences in Berlin
- Obtaining specialization in human genetics
- 1994 Habilitation and a teaching license at the University of Bochum
- 1987-1990 Department of human genetics, a non-tenured employee at the Humboldt University in Berlin
- 1990-1992 Research Associate at the University of British Columbia
- 1992-1999 Senior Scientist in human molecular genetics at the Ruhr-University of Bochum
- 1999-2001 C3 Associate Professor and Head of the Department of medical genetics at the University of Rostock
- 2001 C4 Full Professor of medical genetics and Director of the Department of genetics and rare diseases at the University Hospital Tubingen
- 2007-2010 Dean of research of the medical faculty of the University of Tubingen
- 2010 Director of the Center of Rare Diseases in Tubingen
- 2010-2014 Dean of international affairs of the medical faculty of the University of Tubingen
Awards & Memberships
- 1990-1992 Member of the Medical Research Council of Canada
- 1998 Prize of the German Heredoataxia Society
- 1998 Poster Prize from the Movement Society meeting in New York
- 2005-2007 Board Member of the study section in the neuroscience of the German Research Foundation
- 2005-2009 Member of the scientific board of the German Society of Human Genetics
- 2007 Member of the scientific committee of the Comprehensive Cancer Center in Tubingen
- 2008-2010 Vice President of the German Society of Human Genetics
- 2009 Founding Member and President of the Research and Treatment Center of Rare Diseases of Tubingen
- 2009 Member of the task force on a national plan for rare diseases of the German Ministry of Health
- 2011-2014 Member of the Senate of the University Tubingen
- 2012 Associated Member of the Commission on genetic diagnostics from the Ministry of Health
- 2012-2016 Board Member of the study section in the neuroscience of the German Research Foundation
- 2013 Board Member of the International Rare Disease Research Consortium
- 2014 Founding Member of the Center of Personalized Medicine at the University of Tubingen
- 2015-2018 President and Vice-President of the European Society of Human Genetics
- 2017 Member of the “Unsolved” task force of the International Rare Diseases Research Consortium
- 2018 Board of Directors of the Undiagnosed Disease Network Initiative
- 2018 Board Member of the European Society of Human Genetics
- 2019 Senator of the University of Tubingen
- 2020 Advisory Board Member of the German Ministry of Health
- 2020 Advisory Board Member of the German Ministry of Health in the European Consortium 1+MEGA on Rare Diseases
- 2021 President of the German Society of Human Genetics
Clinical trio genome sequencing facilitates the interpretation of variants in cancer predisposition genes in paediatric tumour patients.
28 July, 2023
Frequency and Phenotype of RFC1 Repeat Expansions in Bilateral Vestibulopathy.
17 July, 2023
Overexpression of human alpha-Synuclein leads to dysregulated microbiome/metabolites with ageing in a rat model of Parkinson disease.
4 July, 2023
Hoppe-Seyler-Straße, 3, 72076 Tubingen, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Olaf Riess?
The primary specialization of the doctor is human genetics and rare diseases.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Olaf Riess has been practicing for more than 40 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Olaf Riess
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