Prof. Dr. med. Arno Villringer
neurology, and cognitive neurology
neurology, and cognitive neurology
Country, City
Germany, Leipzig
Health facility
University Hospital Leipzig
Medical unit
Department of cognitive neurology
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
white matter
eating behavior
gray matter
ischemic stroke
working memory
somatosensory cortex
somatosensory stimulation
cognitive neurology
somatosensory perception
cerebral ischemia
brain activation
brain plasticity
brain structure
cortical areas
mental health
matter changes
temporal lobe
multiple sclerosis
cerebral oxygenation
brain function
brain activity
cognitive function
ischemic attack
brain atrophy
frontopolar cortex
emotional control
anxiety eating behavior
agerelated brain atrophy
white matter lesions
transient ischemic attack
brain stimulation
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1977-1984 Studied human medicine at the Albert Ludwig University Freiburg
- 1980-1981 Experimental work for MD thesis at the Department of biochemistry of the Albert Ludwig University Freiburg
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- 1985 Postdoc at the nuclear magnetic resonance unit, Department of radiology of the Massachusetts General Hospital in Harvard Medical School of Boston
- 1986-1992 Resident at the Department of neurology of the Clinic Grosshadern, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
- 1987 Defense of the dissertation in molecular biology at the Albert Ludwig University Freiburg
- 1989 Resident at the Department of psychiatry of the Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich
- 1992 Obtaining specialization in neurology
- 1992-1993 Research and Clinical Fellow at the Department of neurology of the Clinic Grosshadern, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
- 1994 Habilitation and a teaching license in neurology at the Ludwig Maximilian University Munich
- 1993-1996 Senior Physician of the Department of neurology at the Charite University Hospital in Berlin
- 1996-2004 Vice Chairman of the Department of neurology at the Charite University Hospital in Berlin
- 1996-2007 C3 Professor of neurology at the Department of neurology of the Charite University in Berlin
- 1999-2004 Clinical Supervisor of the 30-bed neurology clinic at the Campus Virchow, Charite University Medicine Berlin
- 2004-2007 Head of the 53-bed neurology clinic at the Campus Benjamin Franklin, Charite University Medicine
- 2007 Director of the Department of neurology at the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences in Leipzig
- 2007 Director of the Department of cognitive neurology at the University Hospital Leipzig
- 2008 Honorary Professor at the Charite University Medicine Berlin
- 2009 Director of the MindBrainBody Institute and Berlin School of Mind and Brain at the Humboldt University
- 2009 Professor for cognitive neurology at the Leipzig University
- 2016 Adjunct Professor at the Medical University of Vienna
Awards & Memberships
- 1993 Gerhard Hess Prize of the German Research Organization
- 1996 C3 Endowed Professorship from the German Research Foundation as Head of the clinical research group "New methods for noninvasive functional brain assessment"
- 1996-2002 Leading Principal Investigator and Coordinator at the clinical research group from the German Research Foundation: "New methods for noninvasive diagnostics of the Brain"
- 1999 Coordinator of the German Competence Network Stroke in Berlin (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
- 1999 Winner in the national competition for nine national competence networks and Coordinator of nationwide competence network stroke
- 1999-2003 Member of the program committee of the International Organisation for Human Brain Mapping
- 2000-2008 Leading Principal Investigator and Coordinator at the Berlin NeuroImaging Center (Federal Ministry of Education and Research)
- 2001-2002 Chair of the program committee of the International Organisation for Human Brain Mapping
- 2002 Winner in the national competition for five Neuroimaging Centers in Germany (as Coordinator of Berlin NeuroImaging Center)
- 2004 Editorial Board of the "Neurodegenerative Diseases"
- 2005 Peter Leander Fischer Prize of the German Laser Society
- 2005 Member of the International Max Planck Research School on the Life Course in Berlin
- 2005-2008 Council Member of the International Organisation for Human Brain Mapping
- 2006 Winner in national excellency program competition as Leading Principal Investigator and Speaker of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain
- 2006 Founding Director, Academic Director, and Spokesperson of the Berlin School of Mind and Brain (funded by German Excellence Initiative)
- 2006-2007 Treasurer of the International Organisation for Human Brain Mapping
- 2007 Scientific Member of the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
- 2008 Member of the board of directors at the Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases
- 2010 Principal Investigator of the Integrated Research and Treatment Center in Adiposity Diseases
- 2010-2018 Faculty Member of the Max Planck International Research Network on Aging in Rostock
- 2011 Member of the scientific commission from the State Lower Saxony
- 2011 Deputy Director of the research initiative at the MPS-UCL Max Planck Center: Computational Psychiatry and Aging Research
- 2012 Chair of evaluation commission for Austrian Clinical Neurosciences
- 2012-2019 Principal Investigator of the NeuroCure, a research cluster of excellence in Berlin
- 2013 Member of the steering committee at the collaborative research center in Leipzig: "Obesity mechanism"
- 2013-2016 Member of the supervisory board of Humboldt Graduate School at the Humboldt University Berlin
- 2013-2016 Member of the board of directors at the Integrated Research and Treatment Center, Adiposity Diseases
- 2013-2020 Spokesperson of the International Max Planck Research School
- 2014 Advisory Board of the BioTechMed Graz in Austria
- 2014 Deputy Director of the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
- 2016 Member of the Einstein Center Neurosciences in Berlin
- 2017 Editorial Board of the "Brain and Neuroscience Advances"
- 2018 Spokesperson of the National Max Planck School of Cognition
- 2018 Member of the International Max Planck Research School COMP2PSYCH
- 2018 Founder and Spokesperson at the Max Planck School of Cognition
- 2018 Member of the research training group 2386: "External access to higher cognitive processes"
- 2020 Faculty Member of the NeuroCom
- 2020 Review Editor of the "Frontiers in Neuroenergetics, Nutrition, and Brain Health"
Visual short-term memory-related EEG components in a virtual reality setup.
November, 2023
Prebiotic diet changes neural correlates of food decision-making in overweight adults: a randomised controlled within-subject cross-over trial.
4 October, 2023
Event-related modulation of alpha rhythm explains the auditory P300 evoked response in EEG
October, 2023
Liebigstraße, 18, 04103 Leipzig, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Arno Villringer?
The primary specialization of the doctor is neurology, and cognitive neurology.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Arno Villringer has been practicing for more than 41 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Arno Villringer
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© Prof. Dr. med. Arno Villringer