Prof. Dr. Francesco Sardanelli
radiology, diagnostic imaging, medical imaging
radiology, diagnostic imaging, medical imaging
Country, City
Italy, Milan
Health facility
IRCCS San Donato Polyclinic
Medical unit
Department of radiology
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
epicardial fat
medical imaging
diagnostic imaging
fat inflammation
valve replacement
aortic valve
aortic valve replacement
abdominal obesity
breast mri
chest xray
adipose tissue
tetralogy fallot
breast cancer
epicardial fat inflammation
epicardial adipose tissue
radiology diagnostic
cardiovascular abnormalities
imaging medicine
uncomplicated obesity
chest muscle
fat distribution
magnetic resonance imaging
adipose tissue volume
left atrial appendage
cardiac magnetic resonance
surgical aortic valve
chest muscle metrics
nonischaemic dilated cardiomyopathy
diagnostic medical imaging
radiology diagnostic imaging
thickness myocardial fat
abdominal fat deposition
cardiac abnormalities
abnormalities uncomplicated obesity
valve replacement pulmonary
dilated cardiomyopathy evaluation
imaging abdominal obesity
atrial appendage thrombus
adults tetralogy fallot
magnetic resonance
pulmonary thromboembolism

The Expert's Answer - Diagnostic Imaging: When to Avoid MRI

The Expert's answer — Radiology: difference between CT and MRI?

23.6) Breast neoplasms - Prof. Zuiani and Prof. Sardanelli, Presented by Prof. Belli

The Expert's answer - Diagnostic imaging: useless radiological examinations'

12 Discussion. Francesco Sardanelli

M2️⃣ meets: ?️ Francesco Sardanelli?️
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1982 Graduated in medicine and surgery from the University of Genoa
- 1986 Received postgraduate in radiodiagnostics at the University of Genoa
- Head of the diagnostic imaging service at the San Donato Polyclinic in Milan
- Full professor of radiology at the University of Milan
Awards & Memberships
- Director of the European Network for Assessment of Imaging in Medicine
- Member of the Advisory Board of the European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research
- Former Chair and Executive Committee member of the European Society of Breast Imaging
- Director of the Breast MRI Training Course
- Co-founder & Executive Committee member of the European Cancer Care Certification organization
- Member of the Scientific and Technical Committee of the Italian Cancer League
- Since 2015 Vice Chair of the Quality Assurance Scheme Development Group of the European Commission's Breast Cancer Initiative
- Since 2016 Editor-in-Chief of the journal European Radiology Experimental
Budget impact analysis of introducing digital breast tomosynthesis in breast cancer screening in Italy.
20 August, 2024
Ischemic core detection threshold of computed tomography perfusion (CTP) in acute stroke.
20 August, 2024
ESR Journals editors' joint statement on Guidelines for the Use of Large Language Models by Authors, Reviewers, and Editors.
August, 2024
Piazza Edmondo Malan, 2, 20097 Milan, Italy
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. Francesco Sardanelli?
The primary specialization of the doctor is radiology, diagnostic imaging, medical imaging.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. Francesco Sardanelli has been practicing for more than 43 years.

Prof. Dr. Francesco Sardanelli
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© Prof. Dr. Francesco Sardanelli