Dr. Luca Maria Sconfienza
radiology, orthopedic diagnostic, interventional radiology, diagnostic imaging
radiology, orthopedic diagnostic, interventional radiology, diagnostic imaging
Country, City
Italy, Milan
Health facility
IRCCS Galeazzi Hospital Sant'Ambrogio
Medical unit
Department of diagnostic and interventional radiology
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
magnetic resonance
musculoskeletal radiology
magnetic resonance imaging
resonance imaging
xray absorptiometry
contrastenhanced ultrasound
thyroid nodules
dualenergy xray
bone mineral density
computed tomography
thermal ablation
bone strain index
bone strain
hip arthroplasty
magnetic resonance arthrography
resonance arthrography
imageguided interventional procedures
interventional radiology
back pain
dynamic highresolution ultrasound
mri radiomics
pulmonary fibrosis
bone tumors
rheumatoid arthritis
trabecular bone score
idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
imageguided thermal ablation
intraoperative contrastenhanced ultrasound
high resolution ultrasound
prosthetic joint infections
ultrasoundguided percutaneous injection
musculoskeletal interventional procedures
ultrasoundguided percutaneous treatment
quantitative computed tomography
electrical impedance myography
bone softtissue sarcomas
percutaneous laser ablation
magnetic resonance angiography
diagnostic imaging osteoporosis

Stasera Salute (TV2000) - Thyroid nodules, the technique to remove them

Shoulder pain: a new cure

My doctor - Thyroid: minimally invasive surgeries

InFocus | Innovation and TAC

Infocus | Innovation and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

My doctor - Injections for joint pain
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 2004 Graduated from the Faculty of medicine and surgery at the University of Genoa
- 2008 Specialized in radiodiagnostics at the University of Genoa
- 2012 Received his PhD in internal medicine, autoimmunity, and digestive system diseases at the University of Genoa
- Head of the Department of diagnostic and interventional radiology at the Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant’Ambrogio
- Ordinary professor of diagnostic Imaging and radiotherapy at the University of Milan
Awards & Memberships
- 2013-2015 Member of the scientific committee of the European Congress of Radiology
- 2015-2021 Member of the national congress organized by the Radiology Society of North America
- Member of the Public Information Advisor Network
- Member of the European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology (ESSR)
Correction to: Bone mineral density differences between femurs of scoliotic patients undergoing quantitative computed tomography analysis.
3 September, 2024
Association between MRI measurements of lumbar spine alterations and self-reported outcomes of pain and disability in subjects with non-specific low back pain.
20 August, 2024
Association between MRI measurements of lumbar spine alterations and self-reported outcomes of pain and disability in subjects with non-specific low back pain.
20 August, 2024
via C. Belgioioso, 173, 20157 Milan, Italy
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. Luca Maria Sconfienza?
The primary specialization of the doctor is radiology, orthopedic diagnostic, interventional radiology, diagnostic imaging.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. Luca Maria Sconfienza has been practicing for more than 21 years.

Dr. Luca Maria Sconfienza
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© Dr. Luca Maria Sconfienza