Dr. Subhash Chandra
internal medicine and cardiology
internal medicine and cardiology
Country, City
India, Delhi
Health facility
BLK Max Super Speciality Hospital Delhi
Medical unit
Department of cardiology
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About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
internal medicine
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1984 Studied human medicine at the Aligarh Muslim University
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- Habilitation and a teaching license
- 1987 Obtaining specialization in internal medicine at the Aligarh Muslim University
- 1991 Defense of the dissertation in the field of cardiology
- 1993 Received additional qualifications in the field of cardiology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences
- United States and Belgium medical licensing examination in the field of cardiology
- Visiting Fellow in interventional cardiology at Rouen
- Fellow in CRT course from Crossings Brussels
- Fellow in carotid Interventions from Crossings Brussels
- Director and Senior Consultant at the Fortis Escorts Heart Institute of New Delhi
- Director at the Narinder Mohan Heart Centre
- Senior Consultant at the Indraprastha Apollo Hospital of New Delhi
- Assistant Professor of cardiology at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences of New Delhi
- Clinical Registrar at the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College of Aligarh
- Chairman and Head of the Department of cardiology at the BLK Max Super Speciality Hospital Delhi
Awards & Memberships
- 1989 Sujoy B. Roy Young Investigator Award from the Cardiological Society of India
- 1993 Col. K.L. Chopra Research Award from the Cardiological Society of India, 9th Annual Conference
- 1997 Sujoy B. Roy Young Investigator Award from the Cardiological Society of India
- Member of the National Academy of Medical Sciences
- Member of the Cardiology Society of India
- Author of more than 10 publications
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. Subhash Chandra?
The primary specialization of the doctor is internal medicine and cardiology.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. Subhash Chandra has been practicing for more than 41 years.

Dr. Subhash Chandra
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