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Dr. med. Johan Denil working place,  PAN Clinic Cologne
Dr. med. Johan Denil

Dr. med. Johan Denil

urology, andrology, sexual medicine, microsurgery
urology, andrology, sexual medicine, microsurgery
User ScoreExperienceTotal ReviewsRatingPrice RangePublicationsOnline Consultations
92%44 years59.3/10$$$$34Yes


Country, City
Germany, Cologne
Health facility
PAN Clinic Cologne
Medical unit
Department of urology and andrology
5.0 on Google
The data collected based on 5 patient reviews on Google

About the doctor

Dr. med. Johan Denil is a highly experienced urologist and andrologist with 42 years of experience in the field. He is currently the Chief Physician in the Department of Urology and Andrology at the PAN Clinic Cologne in Germany. Dr. Denil completed his medical studies at the Catholic University of Leuven and then underwent postgraduate general surgery and urology training. He also pursued a scientific internship in andrology and microsurgery at the University of Michigan in the USA. Numerous achievements and recognitions mark Dr. Denil's career. He has published 34 scientific articles showcasing his expertise in urology, andrology, sexual medicine, and microsurgery. His research focuses on various topics, such as premature ejaculation, fertility, and the use of assisted reproductive techniques. Dr. Denil has also received awards for his contributions, including the Werner Gering Award and the Poster Award of the Belgian Society of Urology. Dr. Denil is considered a highly skilled practitioner with extensive knowledge and dedication to his field. He is a Fellow of the European Board of Urology and the European Committee of Sexual Medicine, further highlighting his expertise and commitment to providing excellent care to his patients. Dr. Denil's unique combination of clinical experience, research contributions, and specialization in urology and andrology makes him a valuable asset to the PAN Clinic Cologne.

Skills & Expertise

sexual medicine
reproductive techniques


CV (Curriculum Vitae)

  • 1973-1981 Study of human medicine, Catholic University of Leuven
  • 1981-1983 Postgraduate training, Department of general surgery, Hospital in Sint-Niklaas
  • 1983-1989 Postgraduate training in the Department of urology at the Hospital Ennepe-Ruhr-Sud, Schwelm, Witten/Herdecke University
  • 1988 Board certification in urology
  • 1989-1991 Scientific internship in andrology and microsurgery, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA
  • 1991-1999 Senior Physician, Hannover Medical School
  • Since 1999 Chief Physician in the Department of urology and andrology at the PAN Clinic Cologne
Awards & Memberships
  • 1996 Werner Gering Award for doctoral thesis defense
  • 1997 Poster Award of the Belgian Society of Urology
  • Fellow of the European Board of Urology
  • Fellow of the European Committee of Sexual Medicine
  • Founding Member of the Urological Partnership Cologne and the Urology Competence Center Cologne
  • Member of the Meeting of Representatives of the Medical Association of North Rhine


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German flag


Failure Identification Using Model-Implemented Fault Injection with Domain Knowledge-Guided Reinforcement Learning.

14 February, 2023

Automated Firmware Generation for Compressive Sensing on Heterogeneous Hardware.

24 October, 2022

EBV induced loss of sperm quality.

July, 2021


Zeppelinstraße, 1, 50667 Cologne, Germany


Where does the doctor practice?

What is the specialization of Dr. med. Johan Denil?

The primary specialization of the doctor is urology, andrology, sexual medicine, microsurgery.

What is the experience of the specialist?

Dr. med. Johan Denil has been practicing for more than 44 years.

What do patients say about Dr. med. Johan Denil?

The doctor has 0 review on AiroMedical and and 5 feedbacks at other places. The UserScore of the specialist is 92%.

What is the rating of the doctor?

Dr. med. Johan Denil is rated as 9.30 by AiroMedical.

What topics does Dr. med. Johan Denil expert at?

The doctor has excellent knowledge in urology, andrology, electroejaculation, sperm, microsurgery.

Is the specialist involved in the research?

Does the specialist offer online consultations?

Yes, Dr. med. Johan Denil performs virtual appointments and offers a second medical opinion service.

Dr. med. Johan Denil
Dr. med. Johan Denil

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