Size & Capacity
Large, 1,573 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
3.0 on Google
The data collected based on 1,117 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors

Urology introduces itself | Cologne University Hospital

Interviu cu Prof. Dr. Axel HEIDENREICH - Congresul UMF Carol Davila 2015

Molecular profiling to identify druggable targets in mCRPC

Extra services
Kerpener Str. 62, 50937 Köln, Germany
What range of services does University Hospital Cologne offer?
The clinic offers a wide range of oncological treatments according to world standards in numerous certified centers (rare and familial cancer), pediatric surgery, general therapy, and surgery. Reproductive health care, thoracic surgery, and palliative care are also performed under one roof.
Is there a long waiting list at the clinic?
Through ongoing investment and a faculty of physicians, the medical center provides high-quality treatment, the most crucial fast addition, and available appointments even for foreign patients. The speed of delivering services to all interested parties is ensured without a long waiting time.
Is the hospital a good place for a corneal transplant?
Ophthalmology surgeons are on FOCUS' top list and have over 15 years of experience with lamellar transplants. In addition, the eye clinic has a corneal bank for better tissue preparation and effectively performs about 10% of all corneal transplants in Germany.

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© University Hospital Cologne