Dr. med. Joachim Rupp
general and trauma surgery, orthopedics, foot surgery, and sonography
general and trauma surgery, orthopedics, foot surgery, and sonography
Country, City
Germany, Hammelburg
Health facility
Helios OrthoClinic Hammelburg
Medical unit
Department of orthopedics and trauma surgery
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
trauma surgery
orthopedics trauma
accident surgery
foot surgery
sports medicine
general surgery
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Studied human medicine at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen
- 2001-2003 Resident in surgery at the Friedrich Ebert Hospital Neumuenster
- 2003 Obtaining a license for medical practice
- 2003-2008 Resident of the Department of surgery at the Medical Missionary Clinic in Wuerzburg
- 2008 Obtaining specialization in general surgery
- 2008-2009 Resident at the Clinic Luedenscheid
- 2009-2011 Further training in orthopedics and accident surgery at the Hellersen Sports Clinic in Luedenscheid
- 2013 Received additional qualifications in the field of orthopedics and trauma surgery
- Obtaining further specialization in sonography of the skeletal, supporting, and musculoskeletal system
- Certification in foot surgery
- 2005-2008 Emergency Doctor at the Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe via the Mission Medical Clinic
- 2006 Surgeon on demand at the St. Lukes Hospital in Lupane
- 2007-2009 Self-Employed Emergency Doctor
- 2009-2011 Sports Clinic Hellersen
- 2010-2014 Senior Physician at the Academic Hospital Helios Attendorn
- 2014-2017 Senior Consultant of the Department of orthopedics and trauma surgery at the Academic Hospital Helios Attendorn
- 2017 Chief Physician of the Department of orthopedics and trauma surgery at the Helios St. Elisabeth Hospital Bad Kissingen
- 2021-2022 Head of the orthopedics and endoprosthetics section at the Franz von Pruemmer Clinic Bad Brueckenau
- 2022 Department of orthopedics and trauma surgery at the Helios OrthoClinic Hammelburg
Awards & Memberships
- 2005-2008 Sports medicine support for the club FC Kickers Wuerzburg
- 2018 Team Doctor of the U17 juniors of the German Football Association
- 2019 Team Doctor of the volleyball 2nd Bundesliga men TV/DJK Hammelburg
Ofenthaler Weg, 20, 97762 Hammelburg, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. med. Joachim Rupp?
The primary specialization of the doctor is general and trauma surgery, orthopedics, foot surgery, and sonography.
What is the rating of the doctor?
Dr. med. Joachim Rupp is rated as 8.80 by AiroMedical.

Dr. med. Joachim Rupp
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