<a href="/doctors/prof-dr-med-lutz-fischer">Prof. Dr. med. Lutz Fischer</a> - 1,786 publications, <a href="/doctors/prof-dr-med-margit-fisch-febu-feapu">Prof. Dr. med. Margit Fisch, FEBU, FEAPU</a> - 1,049 publications, <a href="/doctors/prof-dr-med-jakob-r-izbicki-facs-frcs-febs">Prof. Dr. med. Jakob R. Izbicki, FACS, FRCS, FEBS</a> - 817 publications, <a href="/doctors/prof-dr-med-christian-betz">Prof. Dr. med. Christian Betz</a> - 680 publications, and <a href="/doctors/prof-dr-med-barbara-schmalfeldt">Prof. Dr. med. Barbara Schmalfeldt</a> - 429 publications are robot-assisted surgery physician in Hamburg with the most extensive scientific background.