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Find the best chest surgery offers in Berlin
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Questions people ask the most
What are the best thoracic (chest) surgery proposals in Berlin?
<a href="/offers/1e6535e2-eb18-4778-acb3-b403ffd27d19">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer + Ga-68 PSMA PET scan | 1 cycle - standard package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - AiroScore 9.90, <a href="/offers/e4aab429-b148-4db8-b3dd-339ef123d12a">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer + Ga-68 PSMA PET scan | 1 cycle - VIP package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - AiroScore 9.90, <a href="/offers/f3fdd848-5fb3-4d5c-8f06-4184bf0f7b90">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer | 1 cycle - basic package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - AiroScore 9.90, <a href="/offers/51887192-ea9a-464e-81ee-4c7848a0e7bb">PET CT scan | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - AiroScore 9.90, and <a href="/offers/f948778b-446f-4fa0-a4f0-5bc0f80dd24a">Ga-68 PSMA PET CT scan | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - AiroScore 9.90 are the most rated medical deals for thoracic (chest) surgery in Berlin.
What are the most expensive thoracic (chest) surgery deals in Berlin?
<a href="/offers/e4aab429-b148-4db8-b3dd-339ef123d12a">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer + Ga-68 PSMA PET scan | 1 cycle - VIP package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - €25,063, <a href="/offers/1e6535e2-eb18-4778-acb3-b403ffd27d19">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer + Ga-68 PSMA PET scan | 1 cycle - standard package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - €22,117, <a href="/offers/f3fdd848-5fb3-4d5c-8f06-4184bf0f7b90">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer | 1 cycle - basic package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - €19,540, <a href="/offers/f948778b-446f-4fa0-a4f0-5bc0f80dd24a">Ga-68 PSMA PET CT scan | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - €5,215, and <a href="/offers/51887192-ea9a-464e-81ee-4c7848a0e7bb">PET CT scan | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - €4,852 are costly thoracic (chest) surgery offers.
What are the cheapest thoracic (chest) surgery deals in Berlin?
<a href="/offers/51887192-ea9a-464e-81ee-4c7848a0e7bb">PET CT scan | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - €4,852, <a href="/offers/f948778b-446f-4fa0-a4f0-5bc0f80dd24a">Ga-68 PSMA PET CT scan | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - €5,215, <a href="/offers/f3fdd848-5fb3-4d5c-8f06-4184bf0f7b90">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer | 1 cycle - basic package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - €19,540, <a href="/offers/1e6535e2-eb18-4778-acb3-b403ffd27d19">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer + Ga-68 PSMA PET scan | 1 cycle - standard package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - €22,117, and <a href="/offers/e4aab429-b148-4db8-b3dd-339ef123d12a">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer + Ga-68 PSMA PET scan | 1 cycle - VIP package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - €25,063 are affordable thoracic (chest) surgery offers in Berlin.
Which thoracic (chest) surgery offers in Berlin have images & movies on their cards?
<a href="/offers/1e6535e2-eb18-4778-acb3-b403ffd27d19">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer + Ga-68 PSMA PET scan | 1 cycle - standard package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - 7 photos & 1 video, and <a href="/offers/f948778b-446f-4fa0-a4f0-5bc0f80dd24a">Ga-68 PSMA PET CT scan | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> - 5 photos are proposals in Berlin with a vast media gallery
What thoracic (chest) surgery deals in Berlin have features on their cards?
<a href="/offers/1e6535e2-eb18-4778-acb3-b403ffd27d19">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer + Ga-68 PSMA PET scan | 1 cycle - standard package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a>, <a href="/offers/e4aab429-b148-4db8-b3dd-339ef123d12a">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer + Ga-68 PSMA PET scan | 1 cycle - VIP package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a>, and <a href="/offers/f3fdd848-5fb3-4d5c-8f06-4184bf0f7b90">Lutetium-177 PSMA therapy for prostate cancer | 1 cycle - basic package | Helios Clinic Berlin-Buch, Germany</a> have features.
How do I book the offer for thoracic (chest) surgery in Berlin?
<a href="#found-offers">5</a> thoracic (chest) surgery deals are available in Berlin. Select one and click on the offer’s card to get assessment. <a data-link="true" href="/">AiroMedical</a> is ready to help 24/7.