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Rehabilitation Centre Benedictus Feldafing

Rehabilitation Centre Benedictus Feldafing



Feldafing, Germany

User ScoreTotal ReviewsRatingPrice RangeMedia FilesCertificatesFounded InBedsPatientsDepartmentsOwnershipAge GroupClinic TypeType of CareSizeOnline Consultations
95%719.7/10$$$1110196910820004 medical unitsPrivate hospitalKids, AdultsSpecializedInpatient, OutpatientMediumYes


Size & Capacity

Medium, 108 beds

Clinic type


Type of care

Inpatient, Outpatient

Age group

Kids, Adults

3.7 on Google

The data collected based on 71 patient reviews on Google


Features & Facts

Lots of experience with elderly patients
As the only regional clinic focusing on geriatric patients, Rehabilitation Center Benedicuts worked with 1,135 inpatients, 1,796 partially inpatients, and 131 outpatients elderly patients in 2022.
Best for physical pain management
The clinic provides 7 different standard group programs and numerous individual programs for patients who’d like to treat their pain syndrome.
Recommended by industry clinical guides
Based on the data of 263,000+ patients who participated in the “Technicians' Health Insurance” clinical guide, the center was certified as one of the 63 best clinics in Bavaria.
Home of therapy and rehabilitation
Massages, manual treatments, tapings, 2 training pools, working therapies, 700+ pieces of physical rehabilitation equipment, logotherapy, and much more are available.
Affiliation with the university in Munich
The clinic is an academic center for the Technical University of Munich (TUM). It is used for further acute and early rehabilitation in neurology, orthopedics, and geriatrics.

About the clinic

Rehabilitation Centre Benedictus Feldafing was founded in 1969 as a health clinic and sanatorium. Now it is one of the most modern clinics in Germany for further treatment in acute and rehabilitation medicine in neurology, geriatrics, and orthopedics. In addition, the pain center has been one of the most extensive European special facilities for decades and treats all types of pain, both inpatients and day clinics. The hospital extends over four floors, has 170 patient rooms and 108 beds, and is located directly on Lake Starnberg. A total of over 180 highly qualified and experienced employees from nursing, physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and psychology work together on an interdisciplinary basis. There are 4 departments, including geriatrics, neurology, orthopedics, and pain center. More than 2,000 inpatients are treated here per year. Room facilities include a high-quality, bright, modern ambiance, an unobstructed view of nature, partly with lake and mountain panorama, a TV flat screen, and a large balcony. Numerous quality certificates confirm the outstanding results of clinical practice in the hospital. Year after year, Rehabilitation Hospital Benedictus is not only included in the renowned Focus list, but according to the FAZ Institute, it is even among "Germany's Best Hospitals".  Furthermore, the hospital is included in the rating of Germany's best Orthopedic Rehabilitation Centers. The main specialization of the Rehabilitation Centre Benedictus is physical therapy, orthopedic physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychology, and multimodal pain therapy.  The most modern robotics are used extensively in the hospital, especially in the hand, arm, and gait laboratory. In addition, our exercise pool has a broad, differentiated range of therapies, including water therapy.  Each ward has individual therapy rooms for severely impaired patients or individual therapy. At the same time, there is complete medical competence in the emergency medicine of an acute hospital 7/24. The doctors have access to the latest diagnostic options, including a CT scan and their monitoring station with intensive care.

Primary focus

neuropathic pain
back pain
ischemic stroke
carotid atherosclerosis
blood pressure
neurological rehabilitation
internal medicine
intracranial pressure
physical activity
carotid artery
transcranial doppler
peripheral neuropathic pain
stroke prevention
cognitive impairment
chronic pain
pain medicine
cardiovascular events
diabetic neuropathy
cerebral ischemia
radicular lowback pain
pain therapy
cerebral blood flow
palliative medicine

Departments & Doctors

Neurological rehabilitation
Prof. Dr. med. Dirk Sander

neurology, neurological rehabilitation,neurophysiology

Orthopedic rehabilitation
Dr. med. Sonja Herzberg

orthopedic, physical, rehabilitation, and sports medicine

Pain medicine
Prof. Dr. med. Rainer Freynhagen, DEAA

pain therapy, internal and palliative medicine

Geriatric rehabilitation
Dr. med. Adrian Grund

internal medicine, geriatrics, and nutritiology


Extra services

Visa Support
Parking Space
24/7 medical assistance
Intensive Care Unit


Thomas-Mann-Straße 6, 82340 Feldafing, Germany


Does Rehabilitation Hospital Benedictus Feldafing accept seniors?

The clinic has a special unit for geriatrics with effective programs for the elderly. Given the numerous diseases, doctors have experience in multidisciplinary treatment. Thanks to thoughtful details, the wards and corridors are accessible for movement and equipped with additional ramps and call buttons.

What is primarily offered services at the center?

The hospital specializes in rehabilitation in neurology, geriatrics, and orthopedics. In addition, specialists in speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychology, and multimodal pain therapy are also involved. Such a spectrum of medical care reduces the time of stay in the hospital.

Is the hospital listed among the best in Germany?

According to Focus magazine and the FAZ Institute, it is on the list of the best rehabilitation clinics with robotic equipment in Germany. The rating of the country's best orthopedic centers also includes Rehabilitation Hospital Benedictus Feldafing.

What is the rating of the clinic?

Rehabilitation Centre Benedictus Feldafing is rated as 9.70 by AiroMedical.

What do patients say about Rehabilitation Centre Benedictus Feldafing?

The clinic has 71 feedbacks at other places. The UserScore of the hospital is 95%.

What is the primary focus of the hospital?

The medical center is an expert at pain, stroke, carotid, cerebral, and neuropathic pain.

What is the overall experience of the facility?

Rehabilitation Centre Benedictus Feldafing has been operating since 1969. It has accumulated over 56 years of clinical background.

Where can I see the hospital's work, interior space, and exterior?

Does the clinic have certification or recognition?

What is the structure of the hospital?

Where is the clinic located?

The address of the facility is Thomas-Mann-Straße 6 82340, Feldafing, Germany.

Does the hospital offer online consultations?

Yes, Rehabilitation Centre Benedictus Feldafing performs virtual appointments and offers a second medical opinion service.

What age range of patients can be admitted to the clinic?

The hospital accepts patients of all ages.

What type of stay is offered at Rehabilitation Centre Benedictus Feldafing?

The clinic offers both inpatient and outpatient services, so you can be hospitalized (if indicated).

Rehabilitation Centre Benedictus Feldafing
Rehabilitation Centre Benedictus Feldafing

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