Size & Capacity
Medium, 281 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
4.4 on Google
The data collected based on 190 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
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Departments & Doctors

Questions and answers about the lecture “Menopause in Men” Marien-Hospital Marl

Lecture on “Bladder Cancer” at Marien Hospital Marl
Extra services
Hervester Str. 57, 45768 Marl, Germany
Can I get comprehensive treatment at Marien Hospital Marl?
The hospital has an extensive treatment range, including minimally invasive and robotic surgery, orthopedics surgery, internal medicine (nephrology, cardiology, gastroenterology), etc. In addition, the clinic includes four specialized centers: thoracic, intestinal, hypertensive, and bladder.
Is robotic surgery available at the hospital?
The hospital is unique in the area and offers DaVinci robotic system. Doctors apply minimally invasive treatment methods thanks to the latest technologies. Robotic surgery is frequently used in prostate cancer treatment for gland removal.
Is service available to foreign patients at the clinic?
Almost 27,000 patients from around the world annually receive highly qualified treatment. In addition, a wide range of transportation and accommodation services in the native language are available for foreigners. The high quality of services ensures international recognition.

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© Marien Hospital Marl