Size & Capacity
Large, 566 beds
Clinic type
Type of care
Inpatient, Outpatient
Age group
Kids, Adults
3.0 on Google
The data collected based on 716 patient reviews on Google
Features & Facts
About the clinic
Primary focus
Departments & Doctors
Extra services
Senator-Braun-Allee 33, 31135 Hildesheim, Germany
Does the Helios Hospital Hildesheim have a breast cancer center?
The clinic has a certified breast cancer center in which a multidisciplinary team works and provides four stages of treatment: surgery (total removal and organ-sparing operations), radiation and chemotherapy, and treatment with hormonal agents. Advanced diagnostics during therapy are provided on-site.
Is the clinic the best in maternity and newborn care?
The perinatal center is considered the best in the region due to the high quality of treatment and cooperation with operative obstetrics and neonatology with intensive care. The medical center has all possibilities for managing high-risk pregnancies and premature babies from the 23rd week of pregnancy.
Is treatment for cutaneous T-lymphoma available in the hospital?
The clinic offers treatment for cutaneous T-lymphoma thanks to extracorporeal photopheresis. The technique consists of non-surgical therapy and tedious procedures when blood is taken from the patient, treated with individual drugs, returned to the patient, and promotes a high level of recovery.

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© Academic Hospital Helios Hildesheim