Dr. med. Konstantin Lekkos
internal medicine and geriatrics
internal medicine and geriatrics
Country, City
Germany, Hildesheim
Health facility
Academic Hospital Helios Hildesheim
Medical unit
Department of geriatrics
About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
internal medicine
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- Studied human medicine at the Hanover Medical School
- Obtaining a license for medical practice
- Obtaining specialization in internal medicine
- Received additional qualifications in the field of geriatrics
- 2009-2011 Senior Physician in geriatrics at the Lindenbrunn Hospital Coppenbrugge
- 2011 Chief Physician of the Department of geriatrics at the Academic Hospital Helios Hildesheim
- 2016-2022 Medical Advisor of the Fresenius Kabi Bad Homburg
- 2018-2019 Medical Advisor of the digital lab at the Fresenius Kabi Bad Homburg
- 2018-2020 Medical Advisor to the management of the Academic Hospital Helios Salzgitter
- 2019 Medical Advisor to the management of the Helios Albert-Schweitzer Hospital Northeim and Helios Hospital Lengerich
- 2020-2022 Medical Advisor to the management of the Academic Hospital Helios St. Josef Uerdingen-Krefeld, Helios St. Anna Hospital Duisburg, and Helios Hospital Duisburg Homberg
Awards & Memberships
- 2018 Developer of the App Auguste
- 2018 Vice Chairman of the Lower Saxony Alzheimer's Society
Senator-Braun-Allee, 33, 31135 Hildesheim, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Dr. med. Konstantin Lekkos?
The primary specialization of the doctor is internal medicine and geriatrics.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Dr. med. Konstantin Lekkos has been practicing for more than 16 years.

Dr. med. Konstantin Lekkos
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