Prof. Dr. med. Rupert Meller, MBA
orthopedics and trauma surgery, shoulder and elbow surgery
orthopedics and trauma surgery, shoulder and elbow surgery
Country, City
Germany, Munich
Health facility
Academic Hospital Dritten Orden Munich
Medical unit
Department of orthopedics and trauma surgery
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About the doctor
Skills & Expertise
cruciate ligament
anterior cruciate ligament
trauma surgery
ligament reconstruction
cruciate ligament reconstruction
acl reconstruction
biodegradable screw
rotator cuff
shoulder arthroscopy
bone marrow
stromal cells
allografts 3dprinted models
bone plug
modified doubleincision technique
acromioclavicular joint
tissue engineering
multiple trauma
elbow surgery
shoulder surgery
shoulder arthroplasty
shoulder instability
traumatic atlantoaxial rotatory
osteochondral defects
fibrin matrix
plug fixation
transphyseal reconstruction
joint injuries
deltoid muscle
fatty degeneration
humerus fractures
rotatory subluxation
proximal fracture
tendon repair
bone healing
biceps tendon
orthopedic trauma
elbow injuries
CV (Curriculum Vitae)
- 1991-1997 Studied medicine at the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck
- 1999 Fellowship, Hospital for Special Surgery HSS, New York, USA
- 1998-2000 Specialist training in general medicine, Austria
- 2002 Specialist qualification in rescue medicine
- 2003 Authorization for further training in rescue medicine
- 2004 Fellowship, Center for Sports Medicine, University of Pittsburg
- 2007 Specialization in General Surgery
- 2008-2009 European Shoulder Arthroscopy Fellowship, Annecy, France
- 2010 Habilitation in Surgery, MHH
- 2012 Specialisation Trauma Surgery
- 2013 Master of Business Administration
- 2001-2019 Trauma Surgery Clinic, Medical University of Hanover, Germany
- 2005 Advanced Trauma Life Support Provider
- 2008 Appointment as Senior Physician of the Trauma Surgery Clinic of the MHH
- 2009 Shoulder Arthroscopy Fellowship, Harvard Shoulder Service, Boston
- 2010 Shoulder surgery internship, San Francisco, USA
- 2012 US Health System internship, Level 1 Trauma Centers, Los Angeles, USA
- 2012 Shoulder Surgery internship, Balgrist Orthopedic Clinic
- 2014 Permanent Representative of the Clinic Director in the Severely Injured Procedure
- 2015 Appointed APL Professor, Hannover Medical School, Germany
- 2016 Senior Physician at the Clinic for Trauma Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Germany
- 2019 Chief Physician at the Third Order Clinic in Munich-Nymphenburg, Germany
- 2019 Head of the Department of orthopedics and trauma surgery, Academic Hospital Dritten Orden Munich, Germany
Awards & Memberships
- 2009 Ralf Loddenkemper Prize, German Society for Trauma Surgery
- 2012 Award for Excellence in Research, American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons
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Menzinger Str., 44, 80638 Munich, Germany
Where does the doctor practice?
What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Rupert Meller, MBA?
The primary specialization of the doctor is orthopedics and trauma surgery, shoulder and elbow surgery.
What is the experience of the specialist?
Prof. Dr. med. Rupert Meller, MBA has been practicing for more than 28 years.

Prof. Dr. med. Rupert Meller, MBA
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© Prof. Dr. med. Rupert Meller, MBA