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Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Rainer Kimmig working place, University Hospital Essen
Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Rainer Kimmig

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Rainer Kimmig

obstetrics, gynecology, and gynecological oncology
obstetrics, gynecology, and gynecological oncology
User ScoreExperienceRatingPrice RangePublicationsOnline Consultations
99%41 years9.8/10$$$$483No


Country, City
Germany, Essen
Health facility
University Hospital Essen
Medical unit
Department of obstetrics and gynecology

About the doctor

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Rainer Kimmig is a highly experienced doctor with 39 years of experience in obstetrics, gynecology, and gynecological oncology. He works at the University Hospital Essen in Germany as the Chair and Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. With an impressive CV, Dr. Kimmig has a wealth of knowledge and expertise. He has received specialized training in gynecological oncology and numerous qualifications and certifications throughout his career. He has published 482 scientific publications, highlighting his dedication to research and staying at the forefront of advancements in his field. Dr. Kimmig's contributions extend beyond his clinical work. He is actively involved in various medical societies, serving on boards, committees, and councils. He has founded and directed several research centers and institutes, including the Uni Breast Center Essen and the Center for Ontogenetic Tumor Surgery. Dr. Kimmig's innovative approach to gynecological surgery has made him a pioneer in robot-assisted surgery. Overall, Dr. Klaus Rainer Kimmig's extensive experience, impressive credentials, and commitment to advancing his field make him a highly respected and sought-after doctor in obstetrics, gynecology, and gynecological oncology.

Skills & Expertise

breast cancer
ovarian cancer
circulating tumor
circulating tumor cells
metastatic breast cancer
disseminated tumor
disseminated tumor cells
cervical cancer
polycystic ovary syndrome
endometrial cancer
gynecological oncology
epithelial ovarian cancer
triplenegative breast cancer
lymph node
minimally invasive
mesometrial resection
liquid biopsy
tumor cell
robotic surgery
platinumbased chemotherapy
radical hysterectomy
gynaecological surgery
endometrial carcinoma
cervical carcinoma
ovarian carcinoma
robotassisted surgery
gynecological cancer
uterine cancer
her2negative breast carcinomas


CV (Curriculum Vitae)

  • 1978-1984 Studied human medicine at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • 1984 Obtaining a license for a medical practice at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • 1985-1986 Training in pathology at the Bundeswehr Central Hospital in Koblenz
  • 1986 Defense of the dissertation at the Institute for Physiological Chemistry of the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich: "Short-term regulation of liver metabolism by glucagon"
  • 1986 Further training in gynecology and obstetrics at the Clinic Grosshadern, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • 1991 Obtaining specialization in obstetrics and gynecology
  • 1996 Further training in special surgical gynecology from the Bayerische Medical Association
  • 1999 Habilitation and a teaching license: "Flow cytometric DNA analysis of solid gynecological tumors after cytokeratin labeling for the detection of tumor cells"
  • 2006-2007 Received additional qualifications in the field of gynecological oncology
  • 1986-2001 Assistant Doctor, Department for gynecology and obstetrics at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich
  • 1991-1998 Senior Physician, Department for gynecology and obstetrics at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich
  • 1998-2000 Head of the Department of gynecological oncology and Department of gynecological brachytherapy at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich
  • 1998-2001 Head Senior Physician, Department for gynecology and obstetrics at the Ludwig Maximilians University of Munich
  • 1999 Private Lecture at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
  • Senior Physician at the University Women's Clinic in Munich-Grosshadern
  • Medical Director at the West German Tumor Center
  • 2001 C4 Professor, Chair, and Director of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University Hospital Essen
  • 2003 Foundation and Medical Director at the Uni Breast Center Essen
  • 2008 Head of the gynecological cancer center in Essen from the German Cancer Society
  • 2009 Head of the gynecological oncology section of the Comprehensive Cancer Center Essen, funded by the German Cancer Aid
  • 2013-2016 Visiting Professor at the University of Nanjing
  • 2015 Founded the Center for ontogenetic tumor surgery at the University Hospital Essen
Awards & Memberships
  • 1994-2001 Full Member of the Munich Tumor Center
  • 1996-2001 Head of the training center of the gynecological endoscopy working group from the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • 1999 Membership in the ovarian study management group of the gynecological oncology working group
  • 2000 Member of the organ committee uterus malignancies of the gynecological working group on oncology from the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • 2002 Establishment and management of the ovarian cancer study control center of Essen
  • 2002 Study lead group for ovarian carcinoma of the working group for gynecological oncology from the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • 2003 Member of the organ committee ovary of the gynecological working group on oncology from the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • 2007 Board Member and First Secretary of the Lower Rhine-Westphalian Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • 2007 Founding Member and Member of faculty from the European Academy of Senology
  • 2009-2013: Member of the Council of the European Society for Gynecological Oncology as a Representative in Central Europe from the European Society of Gynecological Oncology
  • 2009-2015 Chair of the Educational Committee and Vice President of the European Society of Gynecological Oncology
  • 2010 Development and management of the Epicenter Germany for robotic surgery in gynecology
  • 2010-2011 Founder of the "Essen School of Robotic Surgery" and took over the pioneering role in gynecological robot-assisted surgery in German-speaking countries
  • 2011-2013 Head of the educational committee from the European Society of Gynecological Oncology
  • 2012 Appointed to the Society of Pelvic Surgeons
  • 2012 Founding Member of the European Institute of Gynecological Oncology
  • 2012 Honorary Director of the Breast Center, University of Nanjing
  • 2013 Member of the council from the European Society for Robot-Assisted Surgery in the Gynecology
  • 2013 Delegation to the S3 guideline commission for the prevention of cervical cancer in Germany Cancer Society
  • 2013 Delegation to the federal specialist group in gynecology for cross-sectoral quality healthcare at the Aqua Institute Goettingen
  • 2013-2015 Vice President of the European Society of Gynecological Oncology
  • 2014 Organized the 6th International congress of the Society of European Robotic Gynaecological Surgery in Essen
  • 2014 Congress President of the European Congress for Robot-Assisted Surgery in the Gynecology of Essen
  • 2014 First gynecological operation on the Da Vinci Xi system in Europe
  • 2016-2020 Elected to the council of the International Gynecological Cancer Society as representative for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East
  • 2017-2019 Chair of the Lower Rhine-Westphalian Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics
  • 2019-2021 President of the Society of European Robotic Gynecological Surgery
  • Member of the Society of Pelvic Surgeons
  • Member of the working group on gynecological oncology


English flag
German flag


Therapeutic Plasma Exchange in Early-Onset Preeclampsia: A 7-Year Monocentric Experience.

26 June, 2023

Rekonstruktive Operationen an der Vulva – Schritt für Schritt (Teil II)

June, 2023

Anastomotic leakage following bowel resection in radical cytoreductive surgery for ovarian cancer: A subgroup analysis of the prospective AGO-OVAR.OP3/LION.

June, 2023


Hufelandstraße, 55, 45147 Essen, Germany


Where does the doctor practice?

What is the specialization of Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Rainer Kimmig?

The primary specialization of the doctor is obstetrics, gynecology, and gynecological oncology.

What is the experience of the specialist?

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Rainer Kimmig has been practicing for more than 41 years.

What is the rating of the doctor?

What topics does Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Rainer Kimmig expert at?

The doctor has excellent knowledge in cancer, breast, breast cancer, tumor, ovarian cancer.

Is the specialist involved in the research?

Does the specialist offer online consultations?

No, Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Rainer Kimmig doesn’t perform virtual appointments.

Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Rainer Kimmig
Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Rainer Kimmig

Get individual treatment plan and cost estimate. Non-binding 100% free assessment.

© Prof. Dr. med. Klaus Rainer Kimmig

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